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Everything posted by RageusQuitus2

  1. So primary and epic with most cones? Maybe warmace with leviathan epic? Like 5-6 cones? Worth it with enhanced range?
  2. A mission please what a horrible idea. If that was a good idea someone woulda thought of it and run dozens of builds, maybe time it. Post about it. Video proof. I see no real option but fight club 1v1. Two toons enter one toon leaves.
  3. How prevalent a problem is this? Honestly seems like alot of work. I rarely use inspirations unless im really struggling. Even then. Im trying to see how good my build is, and find challenge. I just dont see this as a 100% of the time thing. More an outlier.
  4. So turns out the only cheat I used was shivan. And actually shivan shows the biggest problem with my build for PvE. No lingering radiation. Id have ripped Trap a new one with it. Also what about things like p2w secondary mutation? Accolades like demonic and Fon? Or the psy clicky?
  5. LOL I just completed on my pvpish build demon/rad MM. no deaths but SLOW. stopped clocking after 20 minutes but I think it was closer to 35. Eventually gave in and started using all incarnates and a shivan on trapdoor. This map sucks for MMs in general though not just the caves, but dropping between levels caused my pets to sit above me at watch all the mobs surround me. Twice was the closest i came to death. Just to be clear on the notoriety settings. Solo AVs - EB Solo Bosses - Yes Team size - 8 level - +4 I AM SO OP!
  6. Wait homecomming changed its policy on video and streaming?
  7. So i take taunt on almost all my brutes (except farmers). Its not required but i rarely regret it. Its a ranged "attack" that will build fury (not only as an attack but the returning fire). I use it as an opener. Or if we draw another mob,etc. Teamates steal fury and agro, which can cause less fury. Taunt em back. As mentioned small io investment in cost and slots gives nice roi. Was useful in pvp. Now its just op. Sometimes you are asked to tank. And until tank aoe buff imho brutes were better at tanking.
  8. This is really an mms problem in pve and pvp. Hard to keep up when your pets are half a map behind herping and derping. Travel power changes dont help this.
  9. Doesnt singularity have repel? Like hurricane kb to kd doesnt help.
  10. This is very well spoken. I hope it doesnt get lost in crossfire. Good defense of current rop, good idea for backup plan if it must be nerfed. And lastly why again is it being nerfed. I see some players arguing. But no developer input.
  11. My feedback Is the proposed change to rop is a bad idea. Takes some fun out of the game for many players. And makes little sense when compared to the strength of some pool powers like hasten. Clearly some players are confused about why the change. They are asking questions and looking for answers. I think the devs should see some dont like this change and why.
  12. Obviously there is a middle ground that doesnt require one small leap to lead to such extremes. Its silly to suggest because I think something would be fun or good for the game... Then clearly I want everything else you listed. Or that because power pools get opened up, then everything else you listed will happen. In fact its very unlikely any of what you suggest would happen even if this thread were to get implemented. Chill man. Its a conversation. Im not mad you dont like the ideas, dont be mad I do like em.
  13. Im saying that cat is so far out of the bag, that this change makes very little to no difference in total power. If the focus was balance and nerfs the focus should be on other areas. I dont feel adding one more long recharge power to a build would be the change that makes toons dangerously overpowered. I do feel it would add more variety to builds.
  14. Dangerously overpowered? I dont see that at all. And honestly with P2W, Incarnates, base powers, accolades and some powersets being much strong than others already. Arent we already dangerously overpowered. Add that to long recharges on most of these powers, and moar choices usually being a good thing.... Also you cant just hoard the most usefull powers, as most of the strongest (except maybe hasten) pool powers come with a large investment (of much weaker powers) in each pool. As for origin argument. I can take mystic flight on natural toons... Origin long ago lost its value, especially with P2W removing the benefits of say black wand for only certain origins. I agree with the OP /signed.
  15. Did i miss it or did team tp get shafted again? Looks like no improvements in two rounds of reworks to the pool. I use this on all my MMs. Yall really need to look at making pets part of tp. Pets are my character and powers.
  16. It was a joke good sir. You have been trolled! Was trying to lighten up the thread a bit. If you want my real opinion, the changes look good. Someone else mentioned it will help with mobility (move to new location and resummon). That I actually kinda disagree with. Mobility is a big problem with MMs, keeping up with teams moving around, especially an outdoor map or zone... More than auto upgrades Id like to see movement assistance. I can loose body guard even with just sprint and ninja run.
  17. Best idea in this thread so far. I think we can all agree that mashing buttons is boring. So how do we move perma build up or aim forward? Maybe even add perma bu and aim to all archtypes?
  18. I want this so bad Another thread talking about the greatest qol improvement in the history of coh/cov... Dynamic respecs including mids import/export. Thats my wish.
  19. Sorry I dont agree i use provoke and unrelenting on many of my toons. MMs definitely benefit. My crab, and scrappers have used it as well. Lots of IO set options in that pool.
  20. This is a great idea. At least the root of it. If people are farming in ae for the rewards why not increase other playstyle rewards to encourage diversity.
  21. I 4 box with a spines fire brute, fire spines tank, rad fire brute and fire rad tank. It is faster on the asteroid map with all 4. Burn on auto and all following my main.
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