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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Now in a Posi 1 with nobody else having any Seismic sets and not generating pressure. Edit: Ahh, a problem from exemplaring down.
  2. Just had this problem in a Yin TF where I got no pressure the entire run. But I was on a team with another seismic character and had no issue last night. Will also note the other seismic character on the Yin reported no problems.
  3. I have to wonder how much the upper statement is the cause of the lower statement. Bio has 3 click powers. Two of them--Ablative Carapace and DNA Siphon--I resort to as needed, which occurs but hardly consistently. Parasitic Aura is more of a threshold/judgment call. I often refer to its use as a best practice when engaging groups of six or more. Not following that rule of thumb has certainly led to me needing to click the other two powers. But I am looking at the matter from the standpoint of a brute whose higher resistance cap along with building towards it (as goes Smash/Lethal) and preference for running in Efficient (because I like being able to non-stop go, Go, GO!) probably afford a bit more sturdiness than a scrapper in Offensive stance. At a guess a scrapper would need to overcap S/L by 7% to offset the hit from Offensive and still be behind where a brute could be while slotting DNA Siphon and Parasitic Aura with Health IO sets (which I did not do) to be at their most survivable even with the opportunity costs slotting that way would come with.
  4. @Frozen Burn, those are absolutely stunningly incredible!
  5. I have a Water/Kinetics corruptor who is great fun to play but after playing my new Seismic/Time blaster since Friday I am left to wonder if Seismic/Kinetics might have been even more fun. On the other hand, as a corruptor, in particular a Kinetics corruptor, you do have a secondary set of very useful powers eating up part of your time. And Seismic wants ALL of your time...every last bit of it. The set special ability triggers off using Seismic attacks. The trigger does last and by itself could be worked around but the usefulness of the secondary effects, particularly the knock up...its hard to not just want to be using Seismic attacks all the time. But a fully saturated Fulcrum Shift backed Meteor...on my! And on the gripping hand, Seismic being greedy might be the selling point for going blaster as the blaster secondaries are, short of blapping, like cats--not too overly upset if you're not paying attention to them and will be there when you feed them (your time).
  6. You are not alone as I am a fellow SS/Bio (brute) and am continually left wondering when people say Bio has poor survivability. My SS/Bio wades into nastiness without issue most times.
  7. Let it be said, the T9 is quite entertaining to watch unfold. The delay between cast and impact might have been annoying but as noted by Dona Eis Requiem you can activate other powers while it approaches like Upthrust. While not the biggest fan of knockback, the 12.9 knockback which will scatter corpses or anything which happens to live seems quite appropriate. The damage is delivered by pet, so you will need to turn on pet damage to see it in the Combat channel. I had feared the T8 power would be a skippable one but then noticed that when the trigger condition is met it deals Extreme damage, and boy does it. No power, at base, seems like junk though doubtlessly when optimizing for high recharge some will be quicker by the wayside than others.
  8. May latest go at a Blaster (Seismic/Time Manipulation), The Bronze Magus:
  9. Tested it while on the test server and now playing it.... It is a pretty nice set. I half wonder if it is a bit too good given how it periodically gives you a knockdown aura around you (though not so useful at higher levels as plenty of foes will ruin your day from range), has area attacks which cycle nicely, and "help your powers recharge" side effect built into its version of Build Up. Playing as Seismic/Time, doing the range bit and loving it so far. Will be able to say a bit more once I grab the T9.
  10. Check the damage value in Mids with Fury at 80. Its like doing your big single target hit to everything the rain is falling on.
  11. I am not of the opinion that AoE only has merits for farmers or some sort of binary either you're doing it 100% or not. But different strokes for different folks.
  12. But that is looking at just one (admittedly important) aspect of a character. Shadowmeld will boost defenses but taking the Soul Master epic means your other choices are single target damage and a pet (Moonbeam of course is awesome). The Brute could take something like Ice Storm which dumps a ton of damage, especially backed by Fury.
  13. Erratic1


    I think Climaxx's costume/design is actually pretty nice.
  14. Erratic1


    If you want it from in game I would tend to go up to the top of a building on the edge, rotate the camera around, and take the screenshot. You might need to /set screenshotui 0 to turn off the UI. But mostly to show off character I take it from the costume editor from the person who levels you.
  15. Erratic1


    Force Feedback only cares that the power have a KB value. KB values under 1 do knockdown instead of knockback.
  16. Erratic1


    All of those powers show 0.6x KB in Mids, suggesting they all do knockdown, not knockback.
  17. Earlier this year I posted a picture of my new (at the time) tank, Leyden Jar, because I was so surprised at being able to trick electric eyes into a think tank head. But other than the eye/head trick, the costume did not really live up to the purpose of the thread. So when I decided I did not like his powersets and remade him I kept the eye/head bit but gave him a new base costume. Having just given him a costume makeover this past weekend, I thought I would share something more fitting for the thread. I know...I know...that darned belt again! But in my defense, his chest already had glowing elements so the belt really fit the theme.
  18. Certain foes float and don't care about bonfire and mez death is highly annoying.
  19. I do not see rejection in that thread (its short) but there may have been another one.
  20. Best I can find is the third post in this thread: No crash, lower +Damage value, SS powers adjusted (upward presumably) to compensate.
  21. So your idea is to have a choice between +80% damage, stackable with a crash and +100% damage no crash, "...[that] you have to work for...."? Against All Odds gives 10%+5.5% bonus damage for foes nearby with the obvious downsides that minimally you get 15.5% bonus and to remotely approach 100% bonus damage you'd need 16 enemies nearby. Bio's Offfensive stance gives a flat 25% damage bonus which comes nowhere near +100% in exchange for a 7.5% hit to resistance values. Not personally seeing how "hav[ing] to work for it" remotely is on the same scale as comes with enemies beating on you or taking a resistance hit (which I guess if were scaled to a +100% damage bonus would be more on the order of 30%), let alone only at only +80% damage bonus getting a following endurance/defense crash but if the developers are game to give that to Super Strength along with sparkle unicorns and double rainbows I certainly will not argue against it.
  22. Against All Odds provides a damage bonus of 10%+5.5%/foe. So I guess if you keep a crowd of 12 minions around to keep your damage up the comparison to Rage would be apt. Here's the thing about people knowing that balance is a thing.... Would people be happy with a powerset call Super Strength which does the same damage (due to game balance) as other sets and only gives you the appearance of having super strength ala Hurl's picking up slabs of concrete to throw at people, knocking people down by stomping your feet, clapping your hand and dispersing nearby foes, and knocking people up in the air? It would be balanced. The issue I see with making Rage a Fury mechanic toggle is that Fury is relatively easy to keep up. So either the character is routinely outperforming other damage sets or the power is necessary to take in order to get where other powersets already are, so you're behind the curve before you can take the power or if you choose not to take it. Certainly I do not want the latter situation. But I can only see the former situation being acceptable to the developers if there is something offsetting it. Does not have to be crash. I keep saying I am in no way enamored of a crash and yet people keep going on about the crash. Last thing I suggested had no crash involved:
  23. Speed of Sound in Experimentation moves you fast and comes with Jaunt for verticality.
  24. Yes, but game balance is a thing (for some reason) and its not considered reasonable for a player with Super Strength to outperform the player with Claws in terms of dealing damage like say Hyperion vs Namor.
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