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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. This looked like as good a place as any to ask this. Does anyone know what the target cap on Lightning Rod is? The wayback link I found to Elec/ has a dead link to the pseudopet, so I couldn't find it. Is it 10 like most PBAoEs? Or is it more since it is larger than normal with such a long recharge? Thanks!
  2. Ok, I have played with modifying my SR/Fire build into /MA a lot and can confirm that, with a bit of modification, it works out mostly the same. I think I had to sacrifice like 1.5% E/N resists. So, just as another data point or alternative, I am going to include it here. I had already sent a copy to Redlynne via PM in answer to another thread. Since it can be converted to /MA (and others) and doesn't use the Medicine pool heals, going for survival via other methods, I figured it would be good for having alternatives and options for anyone interested. Notes: This build tries to hit incarnate softcap, max resistances evenly across the board (to max viability across all enemy groups), and then tries to get as much regen as possible. The point is to max out the scaling resists SR/ provides as HP gets below 60% and become more and more unkillable as HP drops. This was discussed a bit in this post: Now, I built three tiers of the build for exemplar purposes, level 1-21, level 22-32, and level 33-50. So, the way I built for exemping to lower levels is a bit different than Redlynne's and requires using all 3 builds available once Incarnated. But, since I don't PvP, what else am I going to use them for? Here is the level 33-50 build, which has been changed/tweaked since that above thread, and I'll attach all 3 tiers, too. The only real hole is End Drain and Recovery debuff. Ageless Radial fills that hole (at 45+ anyway). I didn't save it in the build, but Void Radial would be my Judgement (-50% damage to enemies is sweet) and having Rebirth Radial to swap with Ageless would be nice, too. Edit: Figured I should add what the scaling resists (+scaling resist IO) adds up to. It would help show what I mean. The following figures are at 30% HP remaining (~744HP) and one stack of SMotT. S/L = 87.29% (now you have to hit me, still capped defense [DDR], and hit me for over 5750+ damage to blick me) F/C = 84.85% (4900+) E/N = 82.6% (4250+) T/P = 60.1% (1850+) edit2: Anything that is level 50 is Attuned. Late Edit: Figured I would drop in a more up to date version for any late arrivers. Caulderone_33_50.mxd Caulderone_exemp1_21.mxd Caulderone_exemp22_32.mxd
  3. The +damage buff of Eagle's Claw is affected by the Beta's current nerf to +damage for tankers. Pending changes to that still to be seen, it will be interesting to see how that affects the attack chain calculations once the new Beta tweaks happen. For reference, the Beta buff is currently +24.75% vs +33% current live. I was toying with EC-SK-TK-CAK-SK as a chain in the builder and coming out about the same ST DPS as SK-CAK-SK-CS, with more AoE DPS on the 1st thanks to the EC damage buff. Once they partially un-nerf the +damage on Beta, I'll toy with it again. Currently, I'm basically matching my /Fire DPS calculations with either which is quite surprising to me as /Fire is just damage and no other effects.
  4. Catalina blocks all 32-bit programs. There are lots of warnings about that. Part of the programs necessary to make Mids work on Mac (Wine, I think?) are 32-bit. Until that gets resolved with a 64-bit compatible version, it won't work on Catalina. This isn't something the Mids people have anything to do with. It is a third party app used by lots of folks to run Windows apps on linux/mac.
  5. Nothing in there should be causing KB. I can't explain that. Strange indeed.
  6. That still exists like that in, too. You can edit in the End IO sets as an option. Options->Advanced->Database Editor->Main Database Editor Sentinel Defense->Radiation Armor->Particle Shielding (double click, or click edit in bottom right) Go to 5th tab (Invention Set Types) and click on the blue EndMod icon in the big square. It will be added to the line above next to Heal sets. Click Ok->Save and Close->Close You will probably need to reload the build and then EndMod will show up. The recovery portion of the power ignores enhancement value, so the Perf.Shifter proc is literally the only thing worth slotting in it. The instructions for Mac (excluding Catalina) are at the bottom of the very first post.
  7. As noted, any set with LR or Quickness. LR in Super Reflexes gives you the easy opportunity to slot 5 of the Gift of the Ancient +run speed quite easily.
  8. Sorry for the delay in reply, was out of town for Xmas. So, short of going for a Proc build, which you could do, but I am not much help with, then the object should be to use your best DPA attacks as often as possible. Best Single Target DPA: 1. Chain Induction 2. Lightning Rod 3. Jacob's Ladder 4. Charged Brawl Best AoE DPA: 1. Lightning Rod 2. Chain Induction 3. Jacob's Ladder So, the aim of the build I made was to max the use of those best DPA attacks. LR obviously can't be used too often, but getting it down from 90 seconds to under 25 seconds means you can Alpha strike with it every spawn. The attack chain works for both AoE and ST from there, maximizing CI usage (best ST and AoE DPA [other than LR]). I'm sure it could be optimized more, but that is going to be very close to maxed out. Now, it is very likely a Proc build could sacrifice some defense for more offense. Maybe someone good at that will post one as an alternative.
  9. Loaded just fine for me in on Windows. Very solid!
  10. Were I starting one today, this would likely be the build I would start out with. Solid resists with a dollop of Melee defense. BU-LR-PSink-CI = primary target has no endurance. BU + LR on ~25 second cycle. ST chain = CI-CB-JL-CB, so it actually does AoE, too. Even more if the test-buffs on cone AoE go live finally, plus the damage increase in general. PSink cures your endurance issues and adds mitigation. Non-AV targets get to attack as they recover End, but they'll just keep using their smallest attacks.
  11. Probably 6 slotting several Winter IO sets and 3 slotting Aegis. Those are the best listed in the Mids set bonus finder.
  12. I see the problem. In game, Fire Shield shows 22.5% S/L/F and 7.5% cold. The planner has it at 16.88% S/L/F and 5.63 cold. You can edit it in the planner to fix the numbers if you care to.
  13. Hmm.. I see 81.7 as well. I don't see anything odd. Is he using the current version It could be an issue with differing versions.
  14. Mind posting the build? Different causes for that depending on Archetype and build.
  15. The 231.3 absorb is at full HP and full End. The text indicates you get the most absorb at low HP and high End. Being endurance efficient with the Enduring passive and Stamina should be fairly easy, at least.
  16. Tanker SR/ at incarnate softcaps, having 40%+ to all resists before SMotT and scaling resists, infinite endurance, and 30HP/s+ regen is pretty easy, and totally glorious.
  17. PB is the same as always, click duration status/mez protection. MB moves the status/mez protection onto the first two toggles (fighting and sense). As long as they are toggled on you get the status protections. Then, MB itself is a click power that gives you a chunk of Absorb (temporary HP). The amount of Absorb given increases as your HP is lower. At level 50 and full HP, MB gives 231.3 temp HP before enhancement. If your HP are lower, it gives more. Fully enhanced, that 231 will become about 450. Fully slotted and with the kind of global recharge a full IO build has, you can click it about every 20 seconds or so. At the minimum, that means you can click it before every Alpha strike you take. Having a free 450HP to soak alphas is glorious. I don't see any reason to ever take PB over MB, frankly. MB is just too good.
  18. I can't give a good answer to the basics of your question. It is quite odd that blasters FA does ~1.5x more damage at 1.5x less recharge. But, you can get it under 25 seconds recharge with enough recharge bonuses and Hasten. I'll give an example (different powerset, but same 90s recharge nuke). edit: Here is an example with AR + Caltrops (for that AR/Dev feel), plus a Katana PBAoE for flavor (and recharge bonus). edit2: Actually, now that I look at it, the Arc is very narrow on Blaster (20 degrees x 80 ft) whereas the Sentinel version is quite wide (90 degrees x 40ft). I would bet they upped the recharge to allow for the wider angle.
  19. You don't have to go villain, you can go Vigilante and get there.
  20. Dark/X/Dark Sentinel Aim + Blackstar (dark primary nuke) + Engulfing Darkness (dark ancillary pbaoe) = all minions within 15' dead. Anything alive has -40% chance to hit. You can do this once every 20-25 seconds depending on recharge/haste. And you can still drop Dark Oblit (dark primary taoe), too. Some mobs will resist the tohit debuff by a decent amount. But still, it could be really nice. edit: Build I've been toying with.
  21. A lot of folks hate focused accuracy and would rather just carry yellow inspirations. I love it. The to-hit debuff protection is glorious. I would rather reserve my inspiration slots for other things. Personal preference. You do need to make sure you account for the endurance cost, though. I typically 3 slot it with 3 Adjusted Targeting (all 3 with EndRedux) which also nets me a damage bonus and E/N resists.
  22. Probably due to the planner having an incorrect description stating that it can't be used with CJ os SS. The in game description is way different than the one in the planner.
  23. The graveyard in Sharkhead works, too. That is the one I used.
  24. I tried to reproduce your build in the planner from the picture. I had to make an assumption or two, but it should be close enough for anyone who wants to pop it up in the planner. edit: Obviously made no attempt to plan by level, just added the powers. Ignore power levels and slot levels.
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