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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. I think you meant "could not care less", and I join you in that.
  2. For some of us (me), anything under 95% chance to hit +4s won't do. Content exists below level 45 where you lose the +1 level from Alpha. You can always turn off Tactics or drop down to +3, but why would I want to do that? The problem with that is in this build, you'll lose Tactics when you do need it while exemplared.
  3. Rectified Reticle's unique gives a 20% perception bonus. That is the only IO that I am aware of that does any perception mod. No perception debuff resists available. For comparison: FA gives 60% perception and 60% perception debuff resist. Tactics gives 48.4% perception and 36.3% perception debuff resist.
  4. That is a function of perception and perception debuff resistance, both of which FA provides.
  5. SR does have a taunt aura in Evasion (AoE toggle). Same taunt specs as the others.
  6. From here: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics +0 = 75% +1 = 65% +2 = 56% +3 = 48% +4 = 39%
  7. Likely a Static Field macro to locate it at the selected target instead of having to ground target it.
  8. That is not happening to me. Are you sure you don't have an Incarnate power, Temp power, or Accolade (eye of the magus) turned on? If you post your build, maybe we can figure out what is doing it.
  9. That "accuracy" in the Info tab is best thought of as "final chance to hit after all modifiers". The base to-hit set in the Options->Configuration->Exemping and Base Values section "Base To Hit" will set the starting point (75% for +0, 39% for +4). That base to hit is then modified by accuracy slotting, to hit bonuses, base accuracy bonus (Tranfuse has 0.2 bonus), and accuracy set bonuses to give you the "Accuracy" (final chance to hit).
  10. There is already a thread on this on the first page here. Link:
  11. That DDR is before slotting, so should end up over 87% fully slotted, though.
  12. I have been toying with an Elec/Psi/Psi build, so I adapted that and fit it into your basic build. Here it is: Not completely optimized by any stretch of the imagination, but maybe it will give you some ideas. Perma-dom (barely) without hasten. (Jolting Chain should proc +recharge enough to give this more room.) Okay-ish defenses, plus decent resists to the major categories. Jolting Chain proc'd out to make it a decent, spammable damage attack (with lots of chained knockdowns for more control). The accuracy on Jolting Chain and Paralyzing Blast are a bit low vs +4s (83%, 81%) for my taste.
  13. Lots of folks in prior threads had theorized that in order for the 25% secondary proc to go off, the 75% primary proc had to activate first. I think that is what they meant. Your and Gulbasaur's testing showed the actual cause.
  14. I think it would be nice if all of the ST attacks had a chance to chain (similar to Elec melee's Chain Induction, but % chance based chain). That would be a nice boon to the set, too.
  15. When I opened the build you posted and turned off build up, using base 39% to hit (+4 mob), it shows 57% to hit. At +0, yeah, maybe it hits an ok percent, but I personally won't swing anything with that low a hit chance. 57% (hit) * 15% (proc) = 8.5% chance to proc Not worth it to me, personally. edit PS: the build is awesome
  16. That makes a lot of sense and explains so much about what has been talked about before. Thanks to you (and Gulbasaur, too) for examining this.
  17. It depends a lot on the build. For Elec/, I would lean towards Musculature Radial (dmg/endmod) on the Alpha. For Destiny, probably Ageless Radial (remove debuffs, debuff protection) or Rebirth Radial (heal/regen). Probably have both and swap depending on foes.
  18. Just confirmed in game (beta) that it has both applied. You can see the 2 tier 6 set bonuses if you mouse over any of the GF ATOs in the auction house.
  19. It only works if that attack hits and then happens to proc it. Lots of folks recommend that, but I don't see the point. It has like a 57% chance to hit a +4 in this build, and then some low chance to proc (~15%), meaning swinging it is still a waste of time unless you get very lucky or under Build Up to make more likely to hit. If I'm under build up, why would I waste it on that attack? I'd rather delete it from my bar and not waste money on an IO for it. Personal preference, obviously.
  20. Yeah, it has been doing that for a while. You have to turn off Musculature to get accurate resist numbers. In particular, it boots the resist of SMotT, probably other things, too.
  21. Planner is wrong. Acrobatics does not accept any sets. Just verified that in game.
  22. I'd throw a Hami-O Damage/Mez in RotP. I like Taunt/Range in Taunt, myself. I'd switch the slotting in Irradiated Ground and Atom Smasher. Looks pretty solid. I'd be interested to hear how the SMotT works out in Burn.
  23. That is what is known as "Muling", to mule a set in a power you won't actually use. It isn't needed in every build, but it can often be a good way to go. Once you have enough recharge to hit your target attack chain, set bonuses can often be better than other effects you could get with your powers/slots. ps. Your thread from 3 weeks ago about AR/SR has some decent build suggestions, too, in addition to the one above. edit: This would be my quick attempt at a take on AR/SR. Note, muled Boxing and Stealth to give you examples.
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