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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. Trade off for more enhancement value. Total enhancement value has to be weighed against set bonus tiers.
  2. I think the level boost from Alpha should changed from level-shift to incarnate-shift like the other incarnate abilities. This would bring back the ability to do non-incarnate content at level 45+ at +4 difficulty with the Alpha slot filled, instead of the effective max of +3 with it as it is.
  3. So, I'm going to do a bit of math out loud so I can see the effect on DE in writing and see the changes. The damage numbers here are made up for easy math and assume the new damage is the unmodified and is split exactly in half as the notes indicate. Assumptions: 100% base damage of 200 (reminder: I made this number up for easy math) 100% damage enhancement in power 50% damage boost from Soul Drain 80% endurance remaining Before: 200 * 2.5 * 0.8 = 400 damage After: (100 * 2.5) + (100 * 0.8) = 330 damage 20% endurance remaining Before: 200 * 2.5 * 0.2 = 100 damage After: (100 * 2.5) + (100 * 0.2) = 270 damage So, if I have that done correctly, we get less max damage and more minimum damage. At max end, it's about 87% of the original base damage, but at very low endurance is significantly more than the prior minimum (over 3x as much) That seems pretty well done to me.
  4. Yeah, I don't particularly think splash damage is the fix I'd prefer either.
  5. Since Essence Drain is already in use (kheldian), how about Essence Consumption?
  6. And here, too: edit to add for Solarverse: Ice has a lot of mitigation (hold, kd patch, slow) that fire gives up for damage it doesn't deliver.
  7. Yeah, the PvP sets don't scale UP in enhancement value like regular attuned sets. The set bonuses do scale down like regular attuned sets. (https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/PvP_IO_Sets) So, the set bonuses for PvP IOs are attuned, but the enhancement values are not. So, for enhancement values, you might need to replace lower level ones with high level ones, which isn't a problem you have with standard attuned sets. I forgot to note that as the only PvP IOs I use regularly are the single use specials (+3 defense, +5 resist), and I always just buy those at level 10.
  8. Purples and PvP IOs are "attuned" from the get go. They should be boosted. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Very_Rare_IO_Sets
  9. A standard schedule A IO gives 34.6% at level 30 and 36.7% at level 35. If you +5 the level 30, it gives 43.5% (edit: You can see this effect in Mids.). If you are higher level, the exemplar rules for enhancement will cap that at 41.5% (LINK). So, for example, if you are level 50 and exemplar to level 27, the 30+5 would give 41.5*0.811=33.66% enhancement, whereas the level 35 would give 36.7*0.811= 29.76% enhancement. The math is the same for multi-stat enhancements, you just aren't likely to hit the cap to worry about it cutting it down to 41.5 first. The level 30+5 IO is still level 30 for set bonus exemplar purposes, so the set bonuses would work down to level 27.
  10. It shows the 40% under the Effects tab, and it shows the full effect on powers when toggled on.
  11. Hmm. How does the DC damage scaling work if you have over 100% endurance? Don't know why, but this just occurred to me as a build I am playing with has 115.9% end.
  12. At shut down, my main was an Elec/Dark. He was way built on theme, sacrificing a lot of potential power for it. With the changes on Beta, I am revisiting his build and going for a less gimped version. I dislike the S.Maul animation, so I left it out, but someone wanting it could drop ToF and slot it with 6 Oblits for almost the same end stats. I may end up going with that, too, but Touch of Fear does have a very nice debuff for some hard targets. ST = Smite-SP-SLife-SP for this build Anyone see any glaring errors or have any tweaks or suggestions? I'm pretty happy with the looks of this overall
  13. Both work, accuracy is same, look solid and decent. I'd probably lean towards #1 myself.
  14. Import/Export -> Short Forum Export Choose color in left column ( I use Light Blue, 2nd option) Choose "Universal Codes" on right side Check "Export Data Chunk if creating a Datalink isn't possible" I leave everything else unchecked Click "Export Now", click Ok. Now, on the forum, click the little eyeball symbol (spoiler) and make sure the curse is inside the box, then paste (ctrl-v). Tada!
  15. 1. Unselect a power by clicking it in the list on the far left, just like you do to add it. The only issue with that is epic pool snipes sometimes get locked in. 2. Shift-click on the enhancement slot to remove it. 3. Right-click on the enhancement slot to pull up the menu. The top row is SO, IO, Sets. The area below will populate based on that. The row on the right edge lets you select among the sub-types available.
  16. My personal expecation of this would be to have it be "opt in" on a per character basis. Showing someones builds without their approval would be a no-no.
  17. Here's the thing. Cipher called this an "online build browser". It can be used to view publicly accessible builds, which conceivably people would have to opt in to. That is great, but I would rarely use that, myself. He notes at the end he might turn it into a planner ("maybe"). I want a Build Planner. Viewing other people's builds for inspiration is great, but I want to PLAN my own. So, the important thing here would be how serious that intention to add planner functionality is. If he's going to leave it at viewer, your online Planner will still be sorely needed. A pause may be in order until we get a more final idea from Cipher, but don't throw your work away.
  18. Sounds like the 4 stack cap on that debuff is missing/messed up. It is supposed to be total, but maybe it is bugged to be per entity?
  19. Yeah, the planner hasn't been modified for the Tanker patch at all. It isn't that hard to do manually, but it is quite tedious. Options->Advanced->Database Editor->Main Database Editor Tanker Melee->pick a set->pick a power->Edit (or double click) switch to Effects tab (3rd tab)->find XX damage to target (to critter) entries->Edit (or double click) The only field to modify is the Scale section, leave the rest alone. I usually open up the game and go into the character creator, pick the same powerset, set the slider to level 50 and then tab back and forth, modifying the scale until it it matches the damage listed in game. Once done, save your way back out and reload the build (or just close and reload planner). Doing for any one powerset doesn't take too long, but doing it for several can be a pain. I usually just fix ones I'm looking at at any given time. PS. There are many other ATs powersets where the numbers don't line up. Dominators have several due to patches, too. It is always worth double checking them in the character creator vs just trusting the numbers in the planner.
  20. Outside the Snipe (which I forgot about), C.Brawl and H.Punch are your best DPA attacks. Using them in the ST attack chain just makes sense for maximizing ST DPS.
  21. Now I need to go listen to Weird Al's Word Crimes, again.
  22. So, you're telling me that you care, even if just a bit? 😉
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