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Everything posted by Caulderone

  1. Yes. Their enhancement values will follow the Exemplar Effect on Enhancement rules normally. Here are those rules: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Exemplar_Effects_on_Enhancements
  2. Does the Preventive Medicine: Chance for +Absorb work below level 17 when exemplaring, or does it cut off at 17 like normal set bonuses? Anyone know?
  3. Woot! If I could have Fire Sword be something akin to Scorch and Incinerate, that would ROCK HARD!
  4. Very true. Built in just the right way, an exemplar build for level 21 and under can have 45% M/R at 7 and 45% AoE by no later than 13. That build can also include 25+S/L/F/C/T/P resists and 15+ E/N resists before scaling resists.
  5. Paragonwiki has a chart breaking this down for us. Here it is: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Memorization_Badges
  6. Set the Base ToHit at 39%. That is the number for +4 mobs. Here is the ParagonWiki article where you can find that: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
  7. I haven't read this entire thread, so the solution I'm about to mention may have already come up. I asked my friend who plays an Elec Tank about this. He said he just took a temp flight power. With it toggled on, you just turn a flip and the KB becomes no big deal.
  8. This would probably be better off in the Tanker subforum. Look up Heraclea, as she has a build with a similar theme to it.
  9. That issue was fixed with If you follow the instructions in post #1, you will have and update it to
  10. With a Super Reflexes build, you can slot 5 sets of Gift of the Ancients quite easily. +7.5 Run speed x5 plus Quickness plus sprint puts you at just over 51MPH.
  11. Are you on version as linked in the sticky at the top of this section of the forum? If not, that is likely why.
  12. Your endurance usage would be utterly brutal. I took a shot at it with Focused Accuracy instead, and a lot of resistances (for SR). http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1449&c=648&a=1296&f=HEX&dc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edit: Anyone know how I make that show up as a clickable url? Nevermind, adding this line did it, so I guess you need a return line after the end? PS. I used a purple set in TF, but you could just frankenslot or use Crushing Impact or the like. edit3: On looking back, I'd probably move the 2 added slots in Agile to Lucky to balance out the Ranged and AoE defense.
  13. Interesting. I hadn't realized that.
  14. True. The jump Height does go up by 50+ feet with the 2nd IO. I ignored that, just looking at travel speed. I could see that mattering to some folks.
  15. Superjump maxes out at 78.18 MPH. (https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Travel_Powers) It does that with 1 L50 Jump IO in Hurdle and 1 L50 End/Jump in SJ. At least, according to the Mids Reborn planner, which I'm pretty sure is calculating it correctly.
  16. It exemplars and sidekicks up and down within the level range of the Set. Example: Set level 25-50 If you are 50, the IOs are 50. If you are 25, the IOs are 25. If you are 10, the IOs are 25 Example 2: Set level 20-40 If you are 50, the IOs are 40. If you are 40, the IOS are 40. If you are 25, the IOS are 25. If you are 20, the IOs are 20. If you are 10, the IOs are 20. edit: Thought I should note, you keep the set bonuses to 3 levels below the IO set range. So, for example1 you lose set bonuses below 22 and for example2 you lose set bonuses below 17.
  17. Heh. Adding up Brutes, then Tankers, then Scrappers. There are more Brutes than Tankers + Scrappers combined + 6000.
  18. Stickied in the Guide forum:
  19. Did you do the "check for updates" and update to .0.3? I think that was fixed in that update. Shift-click on the slot.
  20. Late to this thread, oh well. I, personally, would love for Insulation Shield and Deflection Shield to be able to affect self. Then, make them PBAoE, instead of targeted AoE, with a nice large AoE. Then, I would actually like to play Force Field.
  21. It is not there by default. You have to create it.
  22. You might want to recopy the patch notes and update the original post. Some things were tweaked for missed patch notes. For example, Ice Slash went to 17 seconds instead of 20. It was originally upped to 20, but a follow up patch on Beta dropped it to 17, which is what went live.
  23. From the RC1 Patch (Aug.23): Icy Assault: Chilling Embrace: now does a small amount of cold damage every 2 seconds. Ice Slash recharge lowered from 20 to 17 seconds, damage scale lowered from 3.56 to 3.08 These aren't listed in the patch notes above. Did they not make it into the live build, or were they left out/reverted?
  24. Either not hitting sleeping foes or the Envenomed Blades type buff would seem good possibilities, then.
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