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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. Why "disappear" when you're too damn tough/immortal to actually seriously hurt outside of Hard Mode?
  2. That works. It was just a "throw together" build based off my standard Invuln Framework. If you wish to "tank it up" a bit more and don't care about the Recharge, look around for my "Mo Durable" Tank builds and use it as a baseline instead. Granted, at those levels, it's about bigger stretches for diminishing returns.
  3. Okay, Invuln is kinda my bag....
  4. There might be a maximum time limit or idle period before the forums self-scrub.
  5. That's what my back feels like after waking up most mornings.
  6. AE was removed from Atlas Park as it was making it WAY too convenient to never leave the zone. Places that have an AE: https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Architect_Entertainment_Buildings#Architect_Entertainment_Station This list isn't complete and has been altered. AE was removed from Atlas Park. It's location made it too easy to never leave AP and explore the rest of the game. Studio 54 and Pocket D both have AE kiosks. Also, in the upcoming patches, the RWZ location is either changing or going away due to expansion of the Vanguard Base
  7. The Wisconsin Dells
  8. Unfortunately, locking the trays is only "kinda sorta". I've locked trays before, and in the middle of combat, have managed to cause them to flip to a different tray. So the trays aren't REALLY locked. You're just taking away the arrow interface to LESSEN the chances of them inadvertently flipping.
  9. I can get behind the NUC for one reason. I can use desktop-grade peripherals. Most laptop-grade keyboards SUCK SYPHILITIC DONKEY WANG. (And NO, I will NOT tell you how I REALLY feel.) For prolonged use, I prefer the NUC format. On top of that, its portable nature allows for true single machine continuity.
  10. So you're saying that for most of the game, Fury provides you with NOTHING. But when speed debuffs appear later, you just don't hurt so bad? Okay, honest opinion? That's ...
  11. You know I'm really ticked at all this self-check-out! We can't have cashiers doing their jobs? NOOOOO! .. .. Oh wait. Never mind! 😁
  12. Technically my PB is a dual-form. But only because I'm using the slots for set bonuses.
  13. In some cases, the process of transferring can be...laborious. The OP talked about 1300-something? Enhancement converters. That basically would swamp SEVERAL bases. Transferring them via e-mail would be tedious. In some cases, rendering stuff down to Inf is a "path of least resistance". What strikes me is, simply use the toon as a storage toon. If you want to reclaim the name, DO SO.. So this new SuperMegaUltraGirl can actually BE SuperMegaUltraGirl. And the old version can be "GearAlt #17"
  14. I can do stuff like that in some of the vendor shops (like Steel Canyon. Log off. Log back on, and the nearest door that isn't an actual entrance is in the back of the shop, and behind a counter.
  15. Yeah...Don't see that happening anytime short of the Heat Death of the Universe.
  16. Chalk it up to pure, unadulterated SKILL!
  17. If you only did a Windows Add/Remove Programs uninstall of the video driver, I recommend an uninstall using DDU. Will basically scrub detritus of things the Windows installer misses. Also, make sure all your chipset and controller drivers are completely up to date. Have you looked at the Windows Event Viewer logs to see what sort of error you're generating?
  18. Windows and Graphic drivers fully up to date? Have you forced verification on the game files?
  19. Duncan's storyline was also tweaked to remove some rather "squicky" things.
  20. Well, the thing with CK and Penny was kinda...well...KINDA... Sorta squick level of Tyrant and Dominatrix... Pre-revamp of the Praetorians.
  21. What's your GPU? Up to date on drivers? Have you tried verifying your game files?
  22. And doing "PgDn" doesn't rectify the camera?
  23. I never said it wasn't going to impact employment. Just that saying "a tool shouldn't be used" in the here and now is ridiculous.
  24. This is like saying that an employee who uses Word Processing with macros shouldn't be paid. If you use an appropriate tool that keeps the accuracy you require and makes your job EASIER, good on YOU for having the brain power to work SMARTER, not HARDER.
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