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Frozen Burn

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Everything posted by Frozen Burn

  1. To me, lone-wolfing is fine provided it doesn't take away from the team experience and what you are collectively doing together - you should be adding to or enhancing, but not taking away. Case in point - AV fights: it is really rude and an a**holish thing to race to the end of a map to solo or duo an AV at the end of TF or mission instead of letting the team catch up and enjoy the experience too. Another.... on defeat alls/mosts... racing ahead to click the glowie and end the mission early... just, no. Things like that shouldn't happen. But soloing a neighboring mob or clearing another side of the map - dividing and conquering as a team is fine and great.
  2. (When I went to save my post above, nothing happened. So I clicked "Save" a few times. Still nothing happened. I copied my text, and refreshed the screen, and redid my post and it saved right away. But now, there are like 4 duplicate posts! Ugh. Unfortunately, there is no "Delete" so I clicked "Hide" on the others, but I do not know if that just hides it for me or for everyone. I hope they are hidden from all so you all don't see 4 long posts. Sorry, if you do.) 😕
  3. It is never awkward to achieve these organically depending on how you play - heroside, that is - villainside it is not organic at all. But still, every single one of my characters get all 4 - even villains (they may switch to rogue and do hero content to get most or all of them and then switch back to Vill). So, speaking of heroside only.... Typically, the only out of the ordinary things you need to do is collect explores and history plaques. But even that can be organic as you run around the city and zones as you go from mission to mission or just explore. Some of the defeat badges, you may have to go out of your way to finish them up, but there is also content you can do to get them easily - just work it into the content you're doing. Outside of explores and plaques, just work into your play.... For Atlas Medallion Do a Moonfire TF with 8 people or set to x8 (you'll get most, if not all, of your wolves and vamps for the defeat badges - any remaining ones can be easily hunted right there in Striga). Rescue the Fortune Teller (through Ouro, if you did not do the content naturally leveling up through Steel Canyon) - easy to solo and you'll get the mission badge For Task Force Commander Easiest to get organically out of all of them - just run the first 6 TFs hero-side... Posi through Numi. (This is actually easiest to get Villainside with a lvl 50 who can access all the Mayhem Missions from a single contact - just collect the explores in them and you get the accolade (usually within 15-20 mins). While quicker, you don't get all the juicy reward merits, xp, and inf like you do from running TFs - it's even better when those TFs are the WST!) For Freedom Phalanx If you did TF Commander, you'll probably already have the defeat badge for Clockwork Gears and Freakshow Tanks - easily hunted for any few missing Getting the Fake Nem Badge can be easily gotten organically through lvl 40+ nemesis content (Fake Nems do not spawn lower than lvl 40) Maxwell Christopher arc Dr Q TF Last arc in Pandora's Box signature series (contact is the Jaeger in Steel Canyon) - most will farm the first mission (27-33 per run, so 3-4 times is needed). If you run the arc, you'll get most of them and only need to run the first mish again, or get the Fakes through other means (There are lots of Fakes hanging out in the Shadow Shard zones and you can most easily hunt them there - but street sweeping isn't organic - but listing here anyway just for reference) Portal Jockey If you run content from Tina MacIntyre and Maria Jenkins, you'll get the badges and accolade. Tina Mac has: 3 of the needed Praet AV defeats: Anti-Matter, Synapse, Marauder Mission for the Multidimensional Explore badge (can also be gotten through Ouro) Maria Jenkins has: All of Praet AVs except Anti-Matter Mission for the Shrouded explore badge (can also be gotten through Ouro) You can also get all the Praet AVs by running all the Incarnate Trials - and then you'd just need the explore badge missions through Ouro (as noted above) Work this content into your heroside play, and you'll easily get your 4 passives. 🙂
  4. Most Non-blaster ranged ATs mostly have buff/debuffs: Defenders, Corrupters, Controllers, MMs. You could try a Dominator - they play similarly to a blaster, but utilizes controls with damage. You could also try a Fortunata or an ranged Arachnos soldier Maybe a ranged-only Peacebringer or Warshade
  5. My Excel Workbook may make people's head explode. 😄 Here are pics of most of my sheets.... TF/SF/Trial Tracker along with tracking incarnate tiers. List of WSTs... Toons that need Villain Epics unlocked - so I can quickly switch when I see that announcement in LFG! Non-Passive Accolade Tracker (All my toons get the passives, so no need to track except Dimensional Warder - see next). Dimensional Warder / Praet AV Tracker with List of alts with saved missions... Toon Needs and those who store things (like IO types, catalysts, Boosters, etc)... HP Caps! (I can never remember them.) MoM Nightmare Checklist.... Day Jobs.... Praetorian Arcs - Use this for deciding how I want to play my toon, when to switch between Loyalist / Resistance (or not at all), etc.... Praetorian Arcs / iTrials (Primal) Timeline - not complete, but mostly use for the lvl 40+ content timeline so I can play them in order. Alpha Chart - SO useful for picking Alphas - YES, THERE ARE SOMETIMES BETTER OPTIONS THAN MUSCULATURE! 😛 Lore Buff Pets and What They Can Do For Me! Ouro Badge Checklist - needs updating, but my main badger has all of them already, so not in a rush to fix it. I have some other sheets in the workbook for random things I work on related to COX, but no one else would find useful in anyway. 🙂
  6. Ah. Cool. Thanks.
  7. Yeah, without melee powers, /TA is for ranged blasting. I do wish there could've been a "Bow Bash" or "Bow Slam" or some other such thing for beating a foe over the their head with the Bow - ooo, or "Arrow Jab" where you just use your hand to stab an arrow into someone. 😄 Take Glue Arrow and slot it for damage - proc it if you want, but it's good for igniting your Oil slick and helping foes stay in it when it's burning. The Toxic and fire DoT from both are really nice. Ice Arrow - I love holds on my blaster, especially if you can have 2, then you can hold pesky bosses or multiple Lts / mins that are also troublesome. They generally do good damage for blasters and it's also a way to increase your survivability. Flash Arrow - I just leave a single generic Acc in it. The base debuff is fine and I'd rather make sure it hits those higher level mobs. And it's great for not needing stealth and walking past groups and/or clicking glowies right in front of their faces. ESD Arrow can be skippable, but given you are an Elec Blast - you may want to take it and slot it up for endmod and draining foes. Oil Slick - yep, slot for damage and recharge. Procs are meh in it. You're better served with a set that gives full damage and then some extras for full recharge.
  8. Yep. Critters have mez Protection and Resistance. Protection is the Mag you have to overcome (despite lvl) just to affect them, and then the Resistance comes into play to determine how long the effect will last. So, attacking critters 40 lvls lower will mez them basically forever (if no damage component that kills them) and that's once you overcome their mag protection. Critters higher level than you, once you overcome their mag protection, will have greater resistance and your mezzes will not last as long - which is why typically, you would slot your mezzes with holds, immobs, fears, sleeps, etc to make the duration last longer overcome their resistance. 🙂
  9. Just like holds, Immobilizations generally require a stack of 2 to contain a boss. Your Fire Cages (mag 3) is not necessarily "missing" (unless you see the "Miss" text floating) and it is applying the effect - it just needs a 2nd application of immobilization to overcome a boss' inherent mag 3 protection and even for bosses 40 levels below you. So either having Domination up (which adds mag to your controls) or stacking an application of Ring of Fire will over come the boss' protection. However, Ring of Fire being Mag 4 on a Dom/Troller, means you can immob a boss in 1 application.
  10. Would love one! Although, Sentinels wouldn't get it - they get armors.
  11. I love /Mental, but it's the one secondary where I have to slot up Stamina since it's difficult to always get a mob and have Drain Psyche recharged for perma recovery, like other secondaries give with their sustain power. When DP is down and/or no one or not enough mobs are around, you need Stamina slotted and the typical Panacea/Numina/Miracle IO(s) in Health to fill those gaps. So... I slot Drain Psyche with Health and End Mods - heavier on the health for the +regen and use and End Mod set to cap the recharge on the power - any minutia of End Mod % is a bonus.
  12. If you get a mission to hunt Drudges, you should know they are in Night Ward, because you'll already be in that zone and have gotten that mission from a Night Ward contact - and of course, they don't spawn anywhere else. And then vidiot maps will help you find the neighborhood they are in. This is the same for most of the hunt missions you get throughout the game - it will direct you to the zone you need to go to, or the enemies will be found in the zone that you pick up the mission in. Again vidiot maps is your friend with finding the neighborhood. For the rare missions where you do not get the zone name to do your hunt, sure, if you are that unfamiliar with the game, you can look at the Wiki, click "Enemies" and click the group you need to hunt. Most entries state at the top of the page the zones where the groups are. Then you can go to that zone and once again.... use vidiot maps to find them in the whatever neighborhood. But instead of arguing all this - if you REALLY want a list or chart of villains in their zone and neighborhoods... relook at the rest of my previous post that you completely ignored.... You will have to make it yourself. As I stated, use the Wiki and the google doc that was previously posted in this thread to chart the villains' zones... then you can narrow it further down by going to the zones and looking at vidiot maps to record the neighborhoods those villains reside in. Voila - your chart / list is made. Again, clearly no one has done this since this thread started and for the few of you who want this tool and keep resurrecting this every couple of years... make it yourself instead of complaining and arguing over minutia, especially when all the tools and resources are there for you to accomplish this task. Again, good luck, and post your finished chart when done so the few others who want it will have it.
  13. Yes, vidiot maps DOES solve the problem of providing neighborhoods where enemies spawn so that people can complete those "Defeat X # of villains" missions. It is exhaustive enough for that purpose. If you want anything more detailed and more complete, well... clearly since the thread remains dead for years other than from the few necromancers like yourself raising it back, there is no other solution besides what vidiot maps provides. So, if you want more, then perhaps you can scour the internet and ebay selling a copy of old original binders. Or yet, be the hero to the couple people wanting this and make your own chart! Use vidiot maps, the google sheet posted above, and the wiki as a start. Then make your own chart with the neighborhoods, if you want something more complete or in a different format than what is already provided from the vidiot maps mod. Good luck.
  14. Ah, yeah. Agreed. We do not have anything super AI / cybernetic other than what we make ourselves in the costume creator and our own back stories. Something from Praetoria could be easily made into that since they have the tech and know-how - they just need to blend clockwork with humans! 😄
  15. Aren't the Vanguard Wizards, Sorcerers, and Magicians all techno-magic? They may not be to the degree you are thinking of, but aren't they in the techno-magic arena?
  16. I see the Lost World types as: Black Knights and Spirit Stalkers in Night Ward. They are primitive weaponry and are just out there in nature hunting and doing what they do. Also to a lesser degree, the entirety of First Ward (minus the DUST). While there is some tech, it's not as advanced as the rest of Praetoria as they are just trying to survive in the Hamidon / DE riddled zone. I think the Talons of Vengeance and Knives of Vengeance also may fall into this category.
  17. The "Just cause" groups are: The Malta - they are fanatics who believe they are superior to all supers and want to control all super-powered individuals. As mentioned by @JKCarrier, Scrapyarders and Dockworkers to some degree, but they are more like the "working man / unioners" fighting for their own rights. 5th Column, Council, Axis America - they are fighting for their own fanatical cause which they think is "just." "Downtrodden" can be Lost as mentioned above but also Ghouls, Failed Experiments, and Forlorn. "Dark Magic" also should include Banished Pantheon. Other groups not mentioned: Organized Crime - Family, Mooks, Arachnos, Tsoo, Gold Brickers (although many groups also fall into this category to some degree) Aliens - Rikti, Shivans, Nictus, Peacebringers, Hydra Nature itself - Devouring Earth and the Hamidon, Igneous, Slag Golems Supernatural - ghosts, spectres, spirits, apparitions, drudges, animus arcana, nightmares Evil Mastermind with plans within plans - Nemesis The Crazies - Carnival of Shadows/Vegenace/War, Crazed, The Awakened (to some degree) Celestial Super Beings - Lanaruu and Rularuu Technological - Clockwork, Nemesis Corporate - Crey, Cage Consortium, Syndicate
  18. Whether you hate it or not, it's similar in function and frivolity, so justification is sound. Perhaps. And so what if it does? You can get the badge if you do an MSR or not by just running into the shield. It's simple, it's fun, it's a badge, it's frivolous, it's open to everyone to get, and it's just one of those small things in life that can make some people smile. Just something small to stop and smell the roses, or lick the shield. 😄
  19. Totally onboard for this! Yeah! Because going up and touching / licking the shield around the mothership ports you to the fort by the western wall. It's fun, nifty, and... why not? 🙂 There's a similar badge for trying to run through the sonic fence in First Ward... don't see why we shouldn't have a fun badge for first time running into the Mothership shield. 🙂
  20. I prefer to toss in 3 perf shifters: E, EA, ER - and then put a single Perf Shifter +end proc in Stamina. That and any superfluous +end set bonuses you get are generally all you'll ever need. The heal procs can go in it and/or Health as you see fit.
  21. In addition to what @lemming stated, the Cavern of Transcendence Trial also has them - get a full team or set yourself to x8 to get lots of them.
  22. This is my War Mace/Invuln Scrapper which I absoluetely adore and love playing. There may be better epic power choices to be had, but I leaned into the mace and love the ranged blasts - it's just fun. And I didn't feel I needed anything else from the epics for survivability - so fun choices were made. 😄 Clearly, with invulnerability, the more foes around you the more defense you get. There may be better invuln builds out there, but this one doe right well and I've had no issues. And again, it's really fun to play. Joy of Clubbing - Scrapper (War Mace).mbd
  23. While the game is solo-friendly, it's not the case for all content. Not all ATs or powersets can solo AVs, and some even with EBs. If you are one of those, that's the "get a tank / meat-shield" response because this is in fact, an MMO where you you're meant to team. If you're struggling with soloing just even con bosses, then that is a strategy and playstyle problem that you need to learn - and that IS the game. Walking through the park and just mowing everything is not a "game" - there is no risk - it's just something to do to eat up your time. To solo better, there are temp powers you can get, there are inspires to use to max your defense and resistance and heal you... it seems you are not leveraging these things that are there to help you in gameplay and your survivability. Wishing good luck! 🙂
  24. As others stated, You aren't taking into account other variables: a player's defenses and resistances, and debuffs to the foes. Additionally, your testing is flawed as I am sure you didn't have your minions out, or were in bodyguard mode where you get more HPs from your minions, and I'm sure you weren't doing anything to buff yourself or debuff the foes. Raw damage numbers will look inflated to account for all those variables. If you walk up to enemies as if you were a random citizen, you'd get pummeled as expected. You also only tested using a single high-power melee attack that is rarely seen by most players from foes. It's a specialized attack that is supposed to be that high. Testing a more common high-power attack would be more prudent - but then you also have to test the lower end with the weakest attack.... which you didn't. Also, as others have stated, Squishies will get squished and are supposed to squish when doing something so stupid as to get close enough to damage without support from being squished (drink your shots!). That is why there are armored ATs and aggro-managing ATs that you are supposed to team with - or you have to embrace the challenge and rush of not dying while being ready to suffer the consequences. As you know, people are already screaming the game is too easy - how does scaling back enemy damage help that? It doesn't. It makes the game way TOO easy and we'd lose even more players seeking their challenges elsewhere.
  25. As Lemming said. Additionally, it would be too easy to get for new players as well... while maybe you might like the challenge of grinding through content unscathed (like many of us), that lazy person next to you is door-sitting on a 2-3 hour farm and getting the badge while AFK. 😕
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