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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. If that happened a GM had to reset the zone manually or it was no more Hami raids until they reset the servers.
  2. Oh this is so true. Retoggling when you're 10 toggles deep is a real buzzkill.
  3. The yellow mito bloom was a favorite of mine, when it happened, you knew it was all over. A yellow mito for every player in the zone. Whammy!
  4. I appreciate adding all these, I'll edit my list to include them.
  5. I'll admit when I wrote "back end tooling" in my updated post, I thought you were trying to pull a fast one on me, but I'm sure it means something non-freudian 😄
  6. Wow great feedback. I thought a lot like that when the game first came out. Lots of new players and folks playing in what I thought were odd ways.
  7. Team wipes definitely FEEL that way. The impact is immediate and likely equal to all members (unless THEY were the one who pulled too many enemies and the AV in to the group lol).
  8. As far as I'm concerned, Homecoming is what CoH should've been back in the legacy days.
  9. The second mission of what? Do you have a contact or story arc?
  10. Does that lack of concern for any pending defeat make folks feel more super? Empowered? I mean at some point in every comic arc, the protagonist experiences defeat in some way.
  11. Fair enough! That is why I made your's blue 😄 I totally understand the anonymity though!
  12. From a gameplay perspective. Being defeated means something - but what does it mean to a player? That is my question.
  13. I hear that! I am curious, of the top of anyone's head do they know if Patrol XP pays off Debt? If I can pop the Experienced temp, does that eat away at debt?
  14. I get this perspective. In a game where gameplay is conducted while not being defeated, the only recourse while being defeated seems to just be potential embarrassment. Though as other posters have pointed out, it is actually a benefit if this happens when someone on the team has Vengeance.
  15. I love this! I forgot about the days of Vengeance stacking (at least before when that could be done). Vengeance is still an amazing buff to use.
  16. I'd like to hear other players perspectives. For me, being defeated causes me to do two things, select a resurrection option (self-rez insp, temp, p2w power, or RotF, Revive, ask teammate for rez insp or rez power, select my base resurrection, select the hospital, or in-mission hospital for some) and receive a certain amount of debt after... Level 10 I believe? The former is trivial and the latter is insignificant to me. I may experience a slight delay in my efforts during solo play by returning to the battle or the team may or may not have to wait for me to get back in to the action. Debt itself seems insignificant to me because, well, it's just gone so quickly I never really notice it. (Not like the old legacy days where I would've deleted a character and started over when faced with *levels* not bars of debt). Anyway, what's the impact to you upon being defeated?
  17. Fair enough - I did my best to cater to what-if scenarios presented by @Greycat. They can't all be winners!
  18. Rudra, my apologies - I will refrain from further clogging up the discussion with my banter! Good luck!
  19. Accessibility means there are options to do so. Accessibility and convenience are two different things. Are you asking this question rhetorically?
  20. I will do my best to cater solutions to these outliers: 1. The assumption here is that the player knows ahead of time that there will be a scheduled MSR. So under this assumption of foresight, there is a certain amount of due diligence on behalf of the player would ensure before the scheduled event, that particular character is either setup for how they intend to be played (whether accepting the effect of Group Fly or not). Or an alternative is assumed to be known to the player which gives said player options to alleviate their perceived inconvenience of said effect. Such options could include turning the effect off ahead of time via Null the Gull, quitting the team and joining another which is part of the MSR, using a temporary fly power to move out of range, or any other mentioned so far in this thread. 2. If a player is going to a Hamidon raid directly following an MSR, there is an opportunity to change their settings via Null the Gull. It exists, regardless of the perceived inconveniences said player may experience - a player can mitigate those perceived inconveniences ahead of time by directing their efforts towards minimizing travel time (using a base portal then going to Pocket D then using the base portal there and teleporting to zones connecting to the Hive/Abyss. 3. I don't care? 4. The indicator of whether Group Fly is affecting a player is... wow.. its that the player is being affected by the power? In addition to that lighbulb, players can go to Null the Gull and check to see if they are affected by Group Fly. Good discussion!
  21. Well don't count it until I can actually find the quote - I don't want to mislead folks if I am misremembering.
  22. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with this suggestion (and I am all for increased accessibility for players). I am just more inclined to use the capabilities already provided to players in game to achieve the desired results of this suggestion, which is ultimately to turn off or on Group Fly effects.
  23. You missed the developers not wanting to add more junk to the Null the Gull coding, though I don't think it has been brought up in this thread.
  24. Still doesn't change the fact that players have ample opportunity to change it. Having 100 or a 1,000 characters doesn't change it either. That just means there are now thousands of opportunities to change it if a player wants to. As for your challenge, go to Null the Gull and select the Group Fly option and it will tell you whether its turn on or off.
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