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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. That is not a point at all. How do you even know this? Did you ask every Blaster player this question? You could just say it's a power you're not taking for whatever reason, but instead you're claiming a consensus among Blasters that they are not choosing this power. Where is the evidence to support this? Explain why it's a power you're not taking.
  2. What are you comparing this to? A T9 from a Blaster Secondary? That's not a good faith comparison. How about if you look at other Blaster primary powersets, maybe even around the same Level. There's Abyssal Gaze that's also available at Level 18 from Dark Blast, but Telsa Cage recharges twice as fast, costs less endurance, and does the same Mag 3 hold for the same duration. Tesla Cage is even comparable to Ice Blast's Bitter Freeze Ray, but that power is only available at Level 26.
  3. Oh dang that's right! This is actually the second time this has happened to me 😆
  4. Phil had me at Halo Infinite multiplayer beta released on Monday 😁
  5. Used to be able to attach 4MBs. Now it says 2.71MBs. And it's due to my own fault! Posting too many memes! I hit my 97MB limit hard 😄
  6. The only time I've ever used P2W amplifiers I was running through the Villain Patron Arcs through Ouroboros. I wanted to get through the repetitive arcs as quickly as possible, so I set the difficulty to -1x1, no bosses, no AVs and bought amplifiers, created base temps, snagged a bunch of Ultimates and T4 inspirations, and finally got around to using the dozens of temps that I've collected on my main over the past two years that have otherwise sat in my trays unused. I'm happy to use whatever capabilities that exist in the game to play the game how I would like. Cost is irrelevant in this game given enough time. It's not a learning curve, it's a controlled market. If anyone disagrees with that, I'd like to know if they thought the legacy market was balanced. That's my anecdotal experience with amplifiers.
  7. I don't have any evidence to suggest otherwise, but I am still curious how you came to this conclusion. I am all for improving the community and providing a welcoming place for newer players. I don't think Amplifiers are the best way to introduce new players to how the game is, unfortunately, unbalanced in many ways (at least ways that can be taken advantage of or used to achieve a reward with less risk than was intended when it was designed).
  8. These boosts were originally implemented for the purpose of making more money in this game. They were made as accessible as possible so that they could generate revenue. At the time and to this day they continue to be very powerful boosts which provide a great deal of benefit to the player who chooses to purchase them (with influence this time). The commodity hasn't changed, the perception of its value has. If you believe the value correction is not satisfactory, what would you say you'd be willing to pay for them? How would you recommend that the HC Team balance the use of these amplifiers, considering their power?
  9. All cheese is welcome in my house! Well, as long as it isn't beyond recognition as cheese 😅
  10. This is interesting, if I could ask why you are okay with the change and why the suggested change from 2.5 to 1.5? Not attacking, just generally interested in the feedback as a fellow player!
  11. One of a two sided coin where players have expressed both satisfaction with and dissatisfaction with. Just because you see it as not broken, doesn't mean the Homecoming Team agrees, which is why we are seeing this change on the beta shard.
  12. A real effect? That is arguable since these changes haven't been ported to the live servers. If anything, that is supposition and it may be a potential outcome for the players who have expressed that feedback in this thread.
  13. That isn't the stated reason behind the change, though that may be how some players take it. I'm sure it will be a change that will surprise some players, but it wasn't done to punish newbies/alts. It was done to balance the ability of pausing a temporary buff. For players that were used to taking the Amplifier route at the lower levels, if these changes go live, they will need to either pay more inf or find an alternative if they don't like the change.
  14. That makes sense from a greedy-MMO market driven stand point. The Amplifiers are essentially a "make your build amazing at any level" for money. I think it was a terrible decision from a gameplay stand point, but that's all moot here on HC since everything is so cheap in comparison to legacy. Now that the buffs can be paused, it makes sense to increase the price in line with the change.
  15. I read on the official HC Discord that the HC Team is aiming for before December so they can take a well deserved month off.
  16. Daaaaayum so just a single one hour charge of the Offensive Amplifier used to cost $1 of real money!! That's insane! Definitely should cost more in game, as the purposed change entails, maybe even more considering it was designed to be so OP that people would have had to spend $1 in real life just to use one hour of it. Edit: It was $5 for the minimum purchase of 400 PP, but the Offensive Amplifier cost 80 PP to purchase, so $1 a pop.
  17. Where is the added context that Amplifiers used to cost real money back on legacy? Like $1/hr for the boost! These boosts are OP anyways, the cost justifies the resulting boost. I get people feeling incongruent with the proposed change though.
  18. May benefit from turning Sprint on as well if you want even more unsuppressed running speed during combat.
  19. It may be playing catch up with the parsing.
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