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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Oh yeah there are a bunch of folks on the HC team. Check out the Staff section on the forum:
  2. From what I understand the HC devs don't handle the HC live auction house, its something that needs updated by the HC staff. Remember the HC Team is set up like this: HC Team - HC Staff (runs the servers, donations, legal discussion, etc.) - HC Devs (all the game design changes) - HC GMs (all the GM'ing/player assistance/support tickets)
  3. ..... to distinguish each new Winter Event. Something like: Also, yikes! The resolution of these badge textures are awful!!
  4. Nearly a year later.... NECRO! Finally hit 1500! Edit: Ice Blast /Cold Domination Corruptor. Still need Master of badges/Incarnate Trials
  5. Nice. Reminds me of Lady Amethyst from the DC Comics 'New 52: Futures End' story arc.
  6. We've been bamboozled! Quick, everyone list their packs for 10,000,000 to really stick it to the man! 😁
  7. This is odd feedback considering THE DEVELOPER of this content provided reason enough. Maybe you're just not privy to all the things that go on behind the scene or maybe they've been working on this for a year now and wanted to share it with the community. This is speculation of course that is entirely irrelevant considering the team will do what they gonna do based on their own machinations.
  8. I could've sworn there was a body of water somewhere in Pocket D...
  9. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you've gathered a few data points to make that conclusion about pick up groups. Would you mind telling me the makeup of some of those PUGs that found the Aeon Strike Force tough? What difficulty were they on? Maybe some builds or powersets to illuminate inquiring minds a little.
  10. There you go again with not liking change. This isn't a normal SF, it's entirely new content created by the Homecoming volunteers and isn't based on how much money they can make or some other tired MMO marketing strategy.
  11. Take a look at this thread for a great S/L fire farmer build:
  12. Player Alignment status is indicated in the tab of their info when you click on their names.
  13. You are correct, it is not the weekly strike target next week:
  14. I'm of a similar opinion on content, however, I thought the rewards were plentiful. On the lowest difficulty setting, I walked away with incarnate threads, two purple recipes dropped, two veteran levels, and a snazy DSO enhancement from the reward table.
  15. Hey I was innertubing next to you in that screenshot! Cheers!
  16. Well the bonuses from the new travel IO sets are better than those Running & Sprints and Leaping & Sprints sets. Check out some of my testing for a good sense:
  17. They probably were, but the way that the beam attack is set up, players are informed of it's impending activation. So leaving the area/breaking LOS and I think confusing? the target will prevent the attack, but it is designated autohit.
  18. Yeah, it was done to open up IO set design/bonuses for travel powers.
  19. So Sprint only accepts [Running & Sprints] or [Leaping & Sprints] IO sets, Running Speed enhancement TOs, DOs, SOs, Basic IOs, etc. Thrust is a Running-only IO set, which Sprint does not accept.
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