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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. He may have actually been one of the first AVs added to this game. Any old beta players remember this or know if it's true? Who was the first AV???
  2. I've seen both sides of this play out in many art and entertainment mediums. You're absolutely right about the way these narrative anecdotes are introduced to the audience being the key to their impact. I remember playing Master Chief in the Halo CE video game years ago and just thinking he was a badass who kicked alien butt. Then a novel came out about him and I read that. Totally opened up a new side of the character that I now keep in my head when I'm playing the most recent Halo game. My point is, when it's spewed from the mouth of a nameless background character in less than a sentence during a quick plot filler scene it sullies the value of both the achievement or sacrifice that those awards are meant to represent in real life. When the story weaves in the trauma, hard work, etc in to the character using more than just a quick puff of imagination, I think it's impact is felt much more by the audience - especially those who aren't familiar with the meaning of those military ribbons or medals.
  3. Yeah that's totally fair and it's something writers may normally be able to do in other mediums like literature and perhaps graphic novels and comics. Maybe even in the short description field players are given in game. But in film and television, time is much more of a scarce commodity. The time to tell the audience a story is weighed against the larger narrative, so these types of shortcuts are much more common. That's basically what I'm seeing. A shortcut to save time probably by an overworked and underpaid graphic artist who found the closest thing they could and pushed out a 'close-enough-that-most-players-wont-notice-or-care' product.
  4. I'm almost certain Requiem came first, then the chest decal was added a few issues later.
  5. That reminds me of a related tangent about fictional super powered characters whose creators sprinkle in their backstory things like: "he won two Medals of Honor" or "he or she got PTSD from the war." It's just lazy writing! Sure it gives the audience the impression that the character is awesome or tragic quickly, but it's a cheap cop-out that I think lessens the meaning of such acts of heroism and achievement that military service awards mean to promote.
  6. Issue 27, Appendix 1, Annex A: Forthwith Graphical and Systematic Coding Preponderance and Other Related Wherewithal. See sub-paragraph 1 for Patch Notes.
  7. That is a great question! Chest Decal > Award Ribbons / Requiem's Chest Decal
  8. Yeah that was my point in the original post - folks who aren't familiar with military service, let alone the difference between American and Italian military medals and ribbons wouldn't think twice about this. It is something I notice every time I run an arc with Requiem as the big baddy or watch a cutscene with him. Just a really cringy thing to see considering the context that I put forth in my original post.
  9. To your point, yeah I recognize that, even alluded to it a little in my original post. Some folks unfamiliar with military service might not be aware of it though. Either way, the original graphic artist who used those as the starting point could've done a better job at either selecting Italian military medals and ribbons or just made them up for the fictional game. Its the little things! Edit: Just reread your post and realized I missed the first part. Awesome! I've got 5 of those mentioned as well. It was honestly the CIB that was colored red that I noticed the most 😆
  10. Not to mention base empowerments, P2W vendor powers, amplifiers, and pet summons, Winter temps from the elf in the ski chalet, PvP temps (Nukes & Shivans and Longbow/Arachnos Mechs), day job temps... there is a lot of stuff to take advantage of!
  11. Yeah that is really strange! I've got a 1440p/165hz monitor and a cheapo 1080p for content viewing on the side. The reason I installed the GeForce nonsense was to manipulate the graphic options easier. I download new drivers every so often through the program too, but yeah it's a bit much.
  12. He does have jump wings though 😄
  13. Indeed, players can select the option to forward messages to their email in their account settings.
  14. I'd also note that a few in game badges are actually reskins of real military ribbons as well. For example, the Member of the Vanguard badge is actually a color polarization of the United States military National Defense Service Medal with the Vanguard logo added. Same goes for Master at Arms being a recolorization of the Joint Service Achievement Medal. Welcome to Earth... may be a unique one though! Edit: @Apparition for future MSR shenanigans, image above!
  15. Oh and I would start out looking through this page: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Macro_image_(Slash_Command)
  16. I know client side mods exist, I'd start here:
  17. This could very well be the case. The fact that the ribbons are not ordered by precedent could support this hypothesis, along with the majority (or all really) of the medals and ribbons not being awarded until World War Two, where such grab could've taken place.
  18. I am struggling too! Either the graphic artist didn't know the difference between American military medals and Italian military medals, or Requiem was secretly Captain America basically lol
  19. According to game lore, Ridolfo Uzzano was born somewhere in Italy during an unspecified time at the start of the 20th century. In his youth, Ridolfo sought connection to a higher power and became a Priest. Capitalizing on his greater access to ancient texts as a Priest, he sought out records stored in the Vatican. During his research, Ridolfo would find information pertaining to an ancient cult called Path of the Dark which was founded back in Roman times (think Cimerora). The cult's members would join together with otherworldly hosts (later known as Nictus) - sometimes successfully, creating superpowered beings with awesome power (though they'd be forced to create intricate keybindings to really maximize their efforts 😅). Other times, only partial fragments of this otherworldly creature would be imbued in the skin of cult members, creating either Galaxy Soldiers as we know them in modern times, or War Wolves in other cases. In 1926, upon acquiring more detailed information on this cult, Ridolfo decides to hire some mercenaries and find them out in Ravenna, Italy. Ridolfo eventually discovers the location of the cult's leader, Emperor Augustus (*cough* Romulus *cough*) in an underground cavern and attempts to talk to him. Instead, a band of adventures interrupts and chaos ensues. Ridolfo's mercenaries are swallowed up by the darkness of the caves and Ridolfo is never seen again... ...until a month later when he shows up as Requiem in front of Il Duce (Mussolini) in the below uniform - which brings me to the the fun part of this history lesson. The below image is the in game NPC Requiem. On his chest, you will see a series of medals: Upon closer inspection: To anyone who has had the pleasure of serving in any armed forces of any nation, you may be familiar with medals, ribbons, and other accouterments. For those who are not, seeing some of these medals on Requiem may not be unusual. In-game lore did say he started working for the Italian government in the 1920s. Perhaps Requiem was given these medals and ribbons by Mussolini for his excellent achievements and merits. The problem is, every time I see these medals on Requiem I can help but cringe a little.... AND HERE IS WHY! 1. The badge in the top left of the image is a reskin of a United States Army Combat Infantryman Badge (third award) which was first awarded in World War Two (specifically, 6 December 1941). The badge was meant to make the wearer stand out among his contemporaries, as the Infantry had lower recruitment numbers. The blue in the badge represents the Infantry military occupation specialty (MOS) and seeing how a graphics artist recolored that portion red, one could only assume they were in the Artillery MOS or were just trying to meet a deadline 😁. 2. The medal below that is United States Armed Forces Legion of Merit, awarded across all branches of the United States Military for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements. First awarded in 1941, this medal appears to have been modified slightly by the graphics artist to show gold bars connecting each of the edged leaves. 3. Moving on to the ribbon rack on the right side of the image, there is cause for alarm here as well for those unfamiliar with such things. For sake of brevity, I will simply link the names and images of each ribbon. The graphic artist made some minor changes to each medal, but they can still be discerned by a close eye. Needless to say these are all United States military medals as well and are not in the correct order of precedent. [???} The Silver Star / The Medal of Honor The Soldier's Medal / The Army Service Ribbon / The Army Good Conduct Medal The Purple Heart Medal / The Army Achievement Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster) NCO Professional Development Ribbon (third award) / National Defense Service Medal .... and that is not even halfway through the rack! So yeah, Requiem is a god-damn American hero! He's a regular Audie Murphy!
  20. Are players unable to start TFs or Trials that aren't on the WST?
  21. For those interested the HC Devs do reward players who assist in squashing bugs 😁
  22. Yes and no. It's a slippery slope IMO. On one hand, letting players know what is broken and what is being tracked to be fixed is helpful knowledge for the player base to be aware of. On the other hand it can lead to resentment if a bug exists for a long duration of time, perhaps one that has been identified by the HC Team, and either is not being actively addressed or there is not a fix in the pipeline. In all honesty, if a player has the interest/time, they could review the Bug Report forums and identify all of the bugs reported since HC was created, then crosswalk that against all of the patch notes that have been published to see what is left 😅 Either way, HC Devs gonna do what they want to do.
  23. It's the "everyone should play the way I play" mentality that shows itself on these threads sometimes.
  24. So Boggled doesn't alert/notify the mob it is cast on, so cast time it somewhat moot, it provides 15 seconds of Confusion, it has a base range of 40 feet, and provides additional chance for Insight to collect. To me, this is an opener - cast it on the mob prior to engaging, have that added Insight chance in the pocket and then carry out the normal attack rotation.
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