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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. The patch note was in the Staging sub forum. There is a sub forum in the Beta section for the Staging sub forum.
  2. Pretty sure the umbrella term 'Winter Event' is used to be as inclusive as possible to all holidays/religious observances.
  3. Seasons Greeting (Event Badge): Throw a snowball at another player. Edit: Badge image could be a simple white snow ball with moving through the air on a blue background.
  4. Yeah if you're referring to the Brute version. Good find! https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=brute_melee.savage_melee.vicious_slash&at=brute
  5. Eh holiday weekend I think that's reasonable
  6. I like this suggestion. They're great enhancements. Or perhaps something similar to HOs. Adding something like this would be a drop in the pond really 😃
  7. Null the Gull in Pocket D let's players turn on or turn off the effects of Group Fly.
  8. Yeah I couldn't find one on Excelsior's sub forums either, but Torchbearer had this: 8 Player All Stalker Hami Raid. Looks like a lot of pets in the video down the page, still impressive IMO.
  9. That looks pretty fast Edit: Meaning the three of you did it quickly, not anything to do with the video speed. Good work!
  10. I can see it now - teaming with a player who has Group Fly active while your character has wings on their costume.
  11. I like to build for knockback protection, so I slot the shields and Arctic Fog with those and other global bonuses (LoG +Rech, etc.) If you can get your hands on some Acc/Defense Debuff HOs, slot em in Infrid. Or you can go the proc heavy route if you want to turn it in to a decent attack power. And I didn't pick up Weave because of the endurance cost and power choice cost, Arctic Fog + my epic shield does enough for me, and where it comes short during soloing I just pop a purple/orange to compensate, or incarnate T4 +res+def. I ended up putting that Kismet +acc in Combat Jump.
  12. No need for trainer, you can type /selectbuild 1 or 2 or 3 anywhere to change your build.
  13. I can't speak for the DP side, but you slotted the debuffs the same way I did, minus Sleet, which I threw in Corruptor ATO set in for bonuses. Don't overlook the shields and frostworks either, all great for mules/one slot wonders. Edit: And to answer your question, Sleet is a Pseudopet.
  14. Stealing this for my Elec/Regen Sentinel. All those Chance for Heals gots me excited!
  15. I like to think with my Ice/Cold Corruptor that my debuffs make a 30 second window to make any enemy easy to solo. I've soloed everything outside of Hamidon and Incarnate trials with my main. Benumb will get you as much -regen for 30 seconds that you need in order to inflict a ton of damage and make it stick. Infridg has so much proc potential, I like to throw a -res proc and two Acc IOs for good measure since it recharges so fast already. Sleet recharges quick too, so I just use it for its debuffs and stack it with Ice Storm and Blizzard to help even more with damage comparative to -regen. When I am fighting an AV or GM, I drop Snow Storm toggle on them, throw Infrig, then Benumb, then Sleet, then Heat Loss. Then I pop Aim, and drop Freeze Ray, my epic hold (Char), Bitter Ice Blast, and the Bitter Freeze Ray before the +acc, +dmg buff from Aim expires (10 seconds). I repeat the attack cycle three times, then repeat the debuff cycle after 30 seconds. Heat loss comes back in around 2 minutes.
  16. Right! If a Thugs Mastermind can summon henchmen that ride in on a motorcycle, they at least wouldn't be starting from nothing.
  17. This is a swell suggestion. I also support Greycat's added option for folks who have vision impairment.
  18. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm saying I can't find the thread either. As for the official HC Discord, it's used for both. It's officially used for both things. Edit: Ah ha! I found what I was looking for - apologies if this comes across as specific to you @VileTerror, not my intention. I was just trying to provide evidence to what I claimed in my previous post. Thread discussing past Weekly Discussions. I noted you added a confused emote to this response. Same thread moments later, also noted a confused emote from you on this response.
  19. I swear I've read a response from an HC rep directly to you about Discord on these forums, explaining why they use both, but for the life of me I can't find it in search. Am I mistaken?
  20. Oh my, Flea has latched their mandibles on to a new dev. Jimmy is finally free! 😄
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