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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Side note! I started playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider back when it was first released, but there were so many bugs and technical issues that at one point the game save corrupted itself mid-play through and I couldn't reload it (I too was in the 90% range for completion!!) so I haven't returned to it since then. I even purchased the season pass/DLC thing. I really enjoyed the atmosphere/environment and I love Tomb Raider games, but I can't stand paying $60 for a broken game that gets fixed/is playable two years after release.
  2. I'm really not looking at/for content promises, specifically for the reasons you mentioned. My post is more focused on the HC project itself, something like a roadmap update. Content is always superb, I can wait and test and enjoy when that comes - I was more curious about the whole direction of the HC project. At the same time, I am cognizant of this being an all volunteer venture and I shouldn't expect anything. I am just basing my expectation/hopes on past examples of quarterly/semi-annual updates on the 'State of the Project' we had seen in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Edit: Oh and please don't trouble yourself/the team with getting updates for updates for updates. I can be patience! I am not making any demands! I know it probably sounds like I am asking for when an update will be made, and the easy answer is "when it is announced." I suppose my intent for this thread was more as an observation.
  3. I'm looking at this from the perspective of a player that doesn't experience this ever on my primary shard. I don't see how it would benefit me. If it's a QoL improvement that only affects one server, or it only occurs during specific times of day, I feel more inclined to offer alternative suggestions for folks who are bothered by the problem you're suggesting be alleviated. Not saying the suggestion is a terrible idea or that it shouldn't be implemented, just that I'm not convinced it would be something that is useful to the entire player base. I'm just one player and forum poster though. There are hundreds(?) of other forum posters and thousands(?) of other players with opinions.
  4. Oh shoot, you asked a question I didn't address - okay so what I do is I play a little of everything, a little (well a lot lately) of Halo Infinite, a lot of Satisfactory (was on a No Man's Sky kick after playing Subnautica and a friend bought me Satisfactory to try), really just stuff I can pick up and put down when I feel the need and the experience is the same each time I come back to it. I play a lot of video games with real life friends, so there's rivalry and camaraderie. I also supply myself with hobbies if my work schedule allows. I just finished a major life milestone, so now I've got more free time and it's hard to decide what to do. I've also picked up watching Anime after a friend recommended some series (Full Metal Alchemist, Demon Slayer, Cowboy Bebop, My Hero Academia, Mobile Suit Gundam, Trigun, One Punch, Gurren Lagann...). Lots of good stuff and an abundance of stuff that makes me cringe, but it's a cool gate way to Japanese culture. And I also try to do other stuff like running because that's relaxing to me.
  5. Great question. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. I like to think of it like chocolate cake. I could eat a slice once a week and enjoy it. If I had to eat a slice once a day or worse, once with every meal, I'd quickly grow spiteful of its decadence. What I do is pick up other games and hobbies, come back when I'm either motivated by a concept (because at the end of the day, nothing really matters in this game if you're not having fun with the character you're playing) or a theme, or to try out something that I've had in my long term game goals folder - like getting outside of every zone or discovering bugs in game play. If the worse thing you do is put the game down for a few months or even for good, you can know your contributions to the community and the fun you had was good while it lasted. Or you can come back when you've got a hankering! It'll be here until it isn't, and that's not the worst thing in the world.
  6. What a strange evolution of this thread since I was last here 😄
  7. Aren't these messages planted in to the player's psyche by the aspect of Ruralru? Not their actual thoughts...?
  8. I'd say an argument could be made for the Arkham-series Batman killing people (or at least the player's can be certain some are killed).
  9. Yeah that is interesting speculation. I'm more curious about the state of the project-type of update. Like "here's what we've accomplished/here's where we are headed." Though again, I have no expectation this type of announcement would be made any time soon. Only basing my post on past updates from the HC Team.
  10. Just like everybody who plays, I enjoy that the game is back (almost three years now!!). And I want to be clear that there is no rush to make things happen and I am happy with the state of the project. So the point of the post is that I am curious about what's next for the Homecoming community (not specifically content). Something like the updates we've received in the past about the state of the project / future direction. Seeing as how its a volunteer project, I don't have any expectation that there would be an update from anyone any time soon, but I support long-term stability like most folks and these types of announcements are usually how that approach has been taken in the past on Homecoming. Last major announcement was posted in April 2021:
  11. Batman doesn't kill anyone in this story arc except for maybe his own persona at the end - the Joker breaks his own neck when they are battling. He tries to stick to his no-kill ethos even when on the brink of death - which is why the rescue from Carrie Kelly's Robin via the Bat-Tank saves the day.
  12. That is a very astute assumption. At least for the story/plot, Lord Recluse don't care if someone gets defeated/stomped, survival of the fittest and all. That's why he tolerates Warburg's Rogue Arachnos - they got pizzazz and respect. And being a villain, that is sort of the implication.
  13. Yeah I got a complaint! Where is the manager for this establishment at! Let me give that person a piece of my mind! WHY CAN I ONLY GIVE YOU MY MONEY ONCE A MONTH!?
  14. My assumption (because we have no evidence to support or contradict it) is that in normal zones, there are medi-beacons that provide transport for ALL defeated entities (heroes/villains, etc), like the one in Skyway [https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Healing_Node_Badge]. As for hazard or trial zones, I think they have their own hospital sites for players, but nothing would stop the use of those same medical facilities on defeated enemies (Hippocratic oath and all).
  15. Players can suspend disbelief that Crushing Uppercut didn't dislocate an enemy's jaw, but the moment they see a blimp flying around Atlas Park that hasn't landed in 17 years.... 😆
  16. I'd be down if this was a player-seen-only feature, similar to adding stars/notes. Not a bad idea though, would be helpful for future content if I saw folks who I rated highly looking for a team. And if it was player-seen-only feature, it'd be fine to add "did not help team" "got in to trouble" etc type negatives. But like others have noted, we can already do this with stars/notes.
  17. I would say that the title of this thread is inaccurate. Villains in this game are defeated and afterwards they are arrested. What players don't see is that arrest - instead, these defeated villains disappear or fade away. Players can suspend disbelief if they want and just assume this is some sort of M.A.G.I wizardry that does that or they can assume it was an afterthought of the legacy developers that was never addressed. Either way, the defeated enemy will either show up at the PPD or the Zig, make bail, then hire Chris Jenkins and swiftly return to their evil ways.
  18. I haven't even thought about defeat through the perspective of character concept. Having not delved in to RP much, I can't say anything on the topic of defeat and RPing. Anyone have feedback to share about that?
  19. Having played during the times when Instant Healing was a wonderful toggle, I have attempted to get that level of healing regeneration in this day and age with IO sets. The best I could do was around 60HP/per sec regenerated on a Sentinel. Unfortunately, that is no where near as good as it once was on a Scrapper (not arguing it should be comparable for Sentinels, just my experience between the two ATs). If folks really want to regenerate fast, hell even faster than they could during toggle IH days, try using Rest 😁
  20. In the scheme of game play, risk versus reward, that makes sense.
  21. Oh that's a good idea! Almost like the supergroup version?
  22. If that happened a GM had to reset the zone manually or it was no more Hami raids until they reset the servers.
  23. Oh this is so true. Retoggling when you're 10 toggles deep is a real buzzkill.
  24. The yellow mito bloom was a favorite of mine, when it happened, you knew it was all over. A yellow mito for every player in the zone. Whammy!
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