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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Oh yeah! But Fortitude is neck and neck with Adrenaline Boost in my book. Fort comes back faster, so you can spread the love for the team - but that power boosted AB is soooo nice. I usually throw it on any other buffers on the team, or the high DPS folks if they are absent.
  2. Yeah it is a pretty dramatic boost (using those types of powers) to the two heals; particularly Absorb Pain, where a single cast can heal for nearly 2,000 health points (while using those +special powers) and the damage to the caster doesn't scale, so players can use/abuse(?) that to their advantage.
  3. To your second point, it is because the folks who make the content (the volunteer devs) wanted to. Whether there is a vocal minority or 5% of the playerbase (assumptions not backed up by any empirical evidence I have seen) is irrelevant. In this community, the players don't tell the devs what do to. They tell them what they would like. Sometimes the interest of the developers line up with the interests of the players and we get things that are popular (or unpopular). But their volunteer time is theirs to spend.
  4. You're not wrong about the debuff resistance curve and the purple patch. There are work arounds though! Players can pop the Vanguard Medal accolade power and Power Boost to get more bang for their debuff. If a player is relying on their debuffs to work against +4, they will utilize those types of added +Special powers, among other methods to defeat the +4 AV types.
  5. To add on to what Seraphim said, Water Blast and Dark Blast allow for lot of +Healing IO set bonuses and Ice Blast allow for a lot of +Range IO set bonuses, if you're trying to refine or maximize your healing powers.
  6. Hero 1 was teased in another thread, rest in pizza. Pizza is the favorite food of arcade playing children. Street Fighter is an arcade game found in the 80s and 90s. X-Men had a sweet animated show on TV during that time. Time is often displayed on a watch face. The nature of the collage implies a circular logic, ergo a watch face and circles are two dimensional objects which time ignores. So ignore ripples in the water and you won't collapse?
  7. Man that Jared Leto guy can really lose and gain weight like an art form. True character study from that dude. Morbius? Mobius? Morpheus? I'm getting names mixed up...
  8. I just wanna say this is the best use of font color, size, and highlight I've seen on these forums. Well done!
  9. I nominate @Diantane for the person who plays CoX in the most unusual way, based solely on everything they have said on these forums.
  10. And we did it with without Incarnates, and we liked it! 😄
  11. Thou shalt not exit mission until decreed by thy lord and team leader, so says Emperor@Diantane
  12. So the awesome new SF goes to beta on November 5th and the Extra Life Event is all day November 6th.
  13. Be excellent to each other, no spoilers! Things could change based on testing and feedback, so the final product could be different than what will be on beta on November 5th. Edit: Yeah what @GM Imperviumsaid 😅
  14. Generic Invention Origin enhancements are pretty cheap on the market. Recipes for them are even cheaper.
  15. I noticed when running this arc through the Ouro Crystal that the god powers don't activate until the time travel color filter goes away.
  16. In this mission, players are given maximum caps to all stats and attributes, ergo great power. Knowing when to use those great powers, when they are available for example - as the OP points out its not immediately, comes great responsibility.
  17. There are a few places in the world of Co* that a player can try going underwater. Due to a lack of specific animation for wading or swimming, along with a lack of layers for the player to move through, the player has to use their imagination that they are actually swimming underwater. There is a place in Grandville where this can be done, a few places outside the war walls in Paragon City, and a mission in the ITF that has a deep enough pull to swim underwater in.
  18. FrostFireWorks (since the Winter Event includes New Years, a la Fireworks temps!) Also a list of Winter Event badges for folks to be aware of: And see the HCWiki: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Winter_Event_2020
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