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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Taser Dart has you covered. You can purchase from the P2W Vendors. Origin powers.
  2. Try reducing your particle effects count down to minimum.
  3. Yeah what @GM Impervium said. Also these threads that asked same questions over the past few weeks:
  4. The Advanced Difficulty Mode has been discussed on these forums and on the official HC Discord. Other stuff has also been alluded to in separate forum posts. (Examples: Warriors revamp, screenies of tentative content, bug fixes). Edit: Now that I found them, screenies in the spoilers:
  5. I dunno. Not for or against this. I remember trying out the pool powers for this when I was using the dev console on my private server and it was janky. If you're talking about implementing them as fixed powers then heck yeah!
  6. I was actually a huge fan of the introduction of the court of owls in the mid-2010s run of Batman. It was a satisfying new take on not just a Batman villain group, but one that had so much history in Gotham and could be plausibly believed to have such power. My appreciation for Batman content goes: Comics (when he's not fighting an interdimensional god, like seriously these are the worst issues) Animated Series and animated films (Kevin Conroy is the voice of Batman!! And Mark Hamill is the Joker voice - this is not up for debate) Video Games (Arkham series, but there have been a lot of duds/stinkers) Live Action version (Films have been hit and miss. I hated that they made Batman such a focus in the CW Gotham show, I would've loved to have just watched a series about Detective Gordon as he rose up through the ranks)
  7. Just play on both if it is that big a deal to you. I prefer my costume pieces not clipping through my costume or breaking my gameplay experience. And more and more costume pieces get added with every page, so if you have patience it becomes a nice surprise.
  8. Wow these are creative as ever! The event was awesome, but these pictures make me want to spend even more time in the costume creator instead of playing the game lol 😅
  9. Okay, but the -res proc doesn't stack, and most enemies (outside of EBs) die within a few seconds in fire farms so it still doesn't seem necessary to me. I can understand needing a pocket emp as the fire farmer levels up though.
  10. I think the last time Batman went this dark/delves as deep into rogues gallery outside of the comic medium was in the magnificent and highly acclaimed Batman Animated series.
  11. Over 200% recharge and the Brutes attack chain is going to have powers available faster, but things like burn don't stack. It's overkill IMO. Damage is going to be capped too between chewing reds, Fury, Build Up/Fiery Embrace, and IOs. And endurance recov is essentially capped as well with Ageless every 2 minutes. And then all that's left is fire defense at or around 45%. Sneeze and you've got capped fire resists so that's not even important really. So why do you need a pocket emp for a fire farm? If it was outside AE content, that could potentially make more since to me.
  12. Yeah you have to have that on hand! Nobody is going to take your bet if you walk in with those big numbers and no proof lol
  13. Corruptors don't have a great damage modifier and don't have very good defense or resistance either. Scrapping together enough through IOs would end up being detrimental to the primary goal during farming, which is damage output. While Scourge and Fulcrum Shift would allow a great deal of this to be made up, this would likely require a custom/tailored AE mission that meets the needs of your build in order to achieve your stated goal. My recommendation, reroll as a Rad/Fire or Spines/Fire Brute or Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, or anything with a higher damage ceiling really.
  14. Ah! I missed that point. Apologies then, we are in agreement. I appreciate the added clarification. And I also agree that the suggestions made in this thread by everyone (including the OP) have so far been superb. The suggestions are superb - but the implementation of some of them are what I don't agree with.
  15. You aren't a mod, don't get to say to anyone what they can or can't say. My posts are well within the guidelines of these forums and they have not been moderated or edited once. Listen to your own advice and don't tell other people what to do. You also have no evidence to prove that the suggestion from the OP would be easy to implement either. So if you can imagine it's easy, then you can imagine it's also hard as well. Right? That's only fair to assume since there is no evidence to prove either way. My alternatives require NO EFFORT in behalf of the HC team, and would instead require individual players use all the resources available to them to solve their own problem.
  16. I didn't say the things you are attributing to me. In fact, I provided a summation of all the other alternatives that were offered in this thread instead of your suggestion. You're clearly not interested in solutions to your problem. You just wanted a place to complain.
  17. My guy when I get that PvP urge, hits at the 15 seconds mark and don't quit. Jimmy Armstrong is ready to go toe-to-toe in the ring!
  18. Ah thank you for the correction! So 999.9 million influence x 100, plus the 2 billion a player can hold. So without taking in to account (lol) other characters on an account, how much can ONE character hold altogether? Approximately? Or even a guess?
  19. So 100 emails X 2 billion per email = 200 billion influence for storage per character Add in the ability to throw inf on impossible bids.... Add in the max quantity of allowable recipes, enhancements, and salvage (at whatever the highest going rate for each respectively), inspirations (ultimates or supers really) Add in personal base storage quantities saved of the above maybe? Or that might not be an accurate gauge... How much inf can a player have in their figurative pockets??
  20. 1. Beggars can't be choosers, eh? If the population is too high, there is bound to be situations like this occurring. If it bothers a player enough, they will do something about it. If not, they won't do anything (except maybe look for other alternatives). 2. 5 minutes to wait versus moving over to the portal and clicking it... 3. Noticed you didn't say anything about 3, so I take that as approval. 4. There are plenty of options for players if they don't want to experience what is described in the OP. Teleportation powers are one of those options. You did not come up with a reason why this is not good alternative. 5. You used quotes in that one, but those aren't my words, so I am assuming you're responding to someone else... but then you quoted my post. Are you confused about something here? Definitely don't understand what you are saying here. Moving the arrival point or imposing an intermittent repulsion field require time and effort on behalf of the HC team, my alternatives do not. They put the onus on the players to use what is given to them to solve their own problems.
  21. There is on the HC discord for who is streaming the game.
  22. I think 30% is amazing solo. It shouldn't go higher while teaming because players already get +dmg buffs.
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