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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Those are not excuses, they are alternatives that don't require any work to be done on behalf of the HC team. Playing on a different server is a solution for the problem discussed by the original poster. For you to call them stupid means you are not worth my time, welcome to ignore.
  2. Disagree again. Here are five alternatives already suggested in this thread that accomplish the same thing and require no additional work on the part of the HC team: 1. Play on a different server with a lower population 2. Use the Ouroboros portal while in the zone to get teleported directly to the exit. 3. Exit using any other methods (Team teleport, Long Range Teleport, Mission Teleport, Supergroup Base Portal power, Mission Team teleport, temp teleport powers, etc.) 4. Teleport to the exit or have another player teleport you to the exit. 5. Just click the exit and grumble about it later.
  3. Whether this was sarcastic or not, the same could be said for the players who aren't willing to drag their mouse/move over to the portal and click it to exit, or use the other methods mentioned in this thread. And while I've stated I'm against this suggestion, I would be open to dropping a second portal that provides the same function if that is an easy fix.
  4. It's tricky because they don't have set standard names, they're fairly unique names related to their power. So using a targeting bind is ineffective. Normally they have an aura though, or a unique costume. If your graphics are turned up enough, you can spot those things while traveling around.
  5. Yeah, I'm mostly on Indom. I'll admit haven't experienced what is being described, but I know that my suggestion for using the ouro portal in Ouroboros still stands as a viable alternative, assuming a player went to the zone without the intention of using the flashback, like as described, or just maybe to explore the Echo zones or do the tfs.
  6. I don't think anything needs to be done about this. It's not unusable, you just have to move over to the exit and click it. Unusable would mean you click the exit and nothing happens. Besides, if you use your Ouro portal power while in Ouroboros, it will tp you right next to the exit. You'll be able to click it then.
  7. All around Bricks, but mostly in the back NE corner and underground.
  8. A player could still take the shoe lace express to PI for Portal Corp missions or Grandville for respective farming missions. But to your point, I'd say less than 10.
  9. I'd have to know your ping to say for sure, but that sounds like to me a latency issue between your device and the server.
  10. Can confirm, I also logged out during Dr. Kane and when I logged back in I was booted from the instance.
  11. Getting this banner off and on throughout the day for some reason. Really weird because it was from like two years ago... RESOLVED
  12. Replying to a two and a half year old comment... That's a big no, mainly because your statement contains an absolute. The best players with the best builds can still lose when there is enough incoming damage to deplete their health.
  13. I don't support this suggestion. It doesn't seem necessary. The sub forum exists for this purpose and is read by the HC Team. Wanting to categorize and consolidate posts is just more work for no reason. Of course I'm not going to stop you from doing that work, but it's going to be a lot of editing and keeping updated a single stickied thread whose purpose is duplicative.
  14. Legend of Dragoon, 2001, kid me and my friends don't have a memory card for my ps1 so we leave the game on. Get to the part where Lloyd steals the moon gem from Albert and watch in terror and grief as our buddy Lavitz gets killed. Hardest fictional death for me to this day, and one of the reasons I love that game. How it makes you feel tells you a lot about a game.
  15. At the very start of the mission before entering the large mansion, go up the first set of stairs then turn left. You'll see Devil Girl next to a cobblestone. Talk to her and start the curse. Then go to both sides of the mansion where you see a guy and a lady. Convince them to jump in the candy cauldron. If all steps were completed you'll get a message and should return to where you found Devil Girl to be greeted with a Monster enemy.
  16. I'm curious of how this could be done. I'm thinking it would require new stuff and not just a repackaging of current tech.
  17. Just an aside, but the Tiki Lounge in Pocket D has a full band of Banished Pantheon that are named and everything. Check my signature for the tour video.
  18. Fire Armor/Radiation Melee or Spines Tank or Radiation Melee or Spines/ Fire Armor Brute or Scrapper paired with a Pain Domination Defender or Corruptor.
  19. I've all the above minus Leader, which, at the difficulty settings I'll be running for each mission, isn't being achieved optimally at all lol
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