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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. You can also reduce the max particle count to help as well.
  2. So the awesome new SF goes to beta on November 5th and the Extra Life Event is all day November 6th.
  3. Totally get that feeling too. The spongebob meme had be rolling!
  4. Be excellent to each other, no spoilers! Things could change based on testing and feedback, so the final product could be different than what will be on beta on November 5th. Edit: Yeah what @GM Imperviumsaid 😅
  5. Generic Invention Origin enhancements are pretty cheap on the market. Recipes for them are even cheaper.
  6. I noticed when running this arc through the Ouro Crystal that the god powers don't activate until the time travel color filter goes away.
  7. In this mission, players are given maximum caps to all stats and attributes, ergo great power. Knowing when to use those great powers, when they are available for example - as the OP points out its not immediately, comes great responsibility.
  8. There are a few places in the world of Co* that a player can try going underwater. Due to a lack of specific animation for wading or swimming, along with a lack of layers for the player to move through, the player has to use their imagination that they are actually swimming underwater. There is a place in Grandville where this can be done, a few places outside the war walls in Paragon City, and a mission in the ITF that has a deep enough pull to swim underwater in.
  9. FrostFireWorks (since the Winter Event includes New Years, a la Fireworks temps!) Also a list of Winter Event badges for folks to be aware of: And see the HCWiki: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Winter_Event_2020
  10. The patch note was in the Staging sub forum. There is a sub forum in the Beta section for the Staging sub forum.
  11. Pretty sure the umbrella term 'Winter Event' is used to be as inclusive as possible to all holidays/religious observances.
  12. Seasons Greeting (Event Badge): Throw a snowball at another player. Edit: Badge image could be a simple white snow ball with moving through the air on a blue background.
  13. With great power comes great responsibility
  14. Yeah if you're referring to the Brute version. Good find! https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=brute_melee.savage_melee.vicious_slash&at=brute
  15. Eh holiday weekend I think that's reasonable
  16. Added to the efforts!
  17. I like this suggestion. They're great enhancements. Or perhaps something similar to HOs. Adding something like this would be a drop in the pond really 😃
  18. Null the Gull in Pocket D let's players turn on or turn off the effects of Group Fly.
  19. Yeah I couldn't find one on Excelsior's sub forums either, but Torchbearer had this: 8 Player All Stalker Hami Raid. Looks like a lot of pets in the video down the page, still impressive IMO.
  20. That looks pretty fast Edit: Meaning the three of you did it quickly, not anything to do with the video speed. Good work!
  21. I can see it now - teaming with a player who has Group Fly active while your character has wings on their costume.
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