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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. All these questions and more were discussed and answered in the thread I link at the beginning.... 🙈🙉🙊
  2. I came close to rerolling my main because of Arctic Fog, that FX is awful and actually has a noticeable impact on my FPS! But I am a glutton lol
  3. I wish I could confirm or deny, but my memory of this is fuzzy as well.
  4. Can confirm this bug as well. Additional details, Level 50+1, Corruptor, Indomitable server, Solo, Target was Level 50: Edit: Not a bug! Working as intended. Immunes Surgeons do not attack, therefore they are not worth any experience.
  5. https://tenor.com/view/batman-rich-superpower-gif-18205253
  6. Worth a read: https://www.quora.com/How-is-TChalla-a-trillionaire-since-Wakanda-was-widely-recognised-as-one-of-the-poorest-nations-on-Earth-before-he-revealed-the-truth-making-whatever-currency-they-had-worthless-when-converted-to-international
  7. Paste without formatting my friend.
  8. Granite toggles off if you click a travel power.
  9. Yeah that is inaccurate to say the least as jousting existed long before Issue 4 or PvP being implemented in this game. And there is no mention of PvP on the wiki either: Travel Power Suppression Edit: Oh yeah, and travel power suppression doesn't exist in PvP zones and is disabled by default in the Arena.
  10. I reject this suggestion. Movement penalties are important to how the game's mechanics work. If you want Super Speed but without movement penalties while solo, build up +Run Speed set bonuses in to your character and heavily slot Sprint. If you want it on a team, advocate for Kinetic buffs.
  11. I saw someone else point out that the trailer release date was a coincidence because the movie was originally slatted to be released earlier this year and Wandavision was also moved on the release schedule.
  12. Ah fair question, so I ventured to watch this "new" series because I assumed it would tie in to the multiverse theme developing for Phase 4. I may have set my expectations too high, but the first two episodes were enough to make me think it was introducing content that hadn't yet been touched. For example....
  13. Awesome! I love fighting energy melee enemies. There's really not enough in the game though. Crey Power Tanks are all I can think of at the moment. Either way, I'm happy this set is being used by our community AE content creators.
  14. If anyone finds it informative, I've satisfied my intent. I have searched many times after subsequent updates, notices, or small talk. It's nice having a thread that pulls most of it together. My next step will be to pull anything from the official Discord. Added Discord info to original post!
  15. Edit in 2024 post-announcement: Well it was official months ago, but I now just remembered I made this thread. For any new players who were curious about the lead up to Homecoming being licensed, feel free to read on. No further updates will be made to the original post. ---‐---------------- ….no this isn’t click bait, I swear! I thought I’d start a thread for those inquiring forum goers who frequently ask about where things have been and where they are at regarding 'the talks.' Our awesome Homecoming (HC) volunteers push out updates every so often as they can, but they are a bit scattered over the landscape of these forums. So that being said, below is what I could dig up (happy to make edits if someone see a mistake!). I will provide a snippet and a direct link to the post instead of adding them as quotes in order for folks to see the source material. I added a few snapshots from the official Homecoming Discord as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 25th, 2019: A few days after the start of the public servers. First time @Jimmy describes a legal responsibility of those running these servers: April 28th, 2019: Short mention of legal concerns by @Jimmy related to funding for the server and the difference between soliciting and allowing donations. May 26th, 2019: Key announcement post from @Jimmy providing the community with the first major update on the status of the HC: May 29th, 2019: @Jimmy describes the grey area for hosting the server and CoH content. The beginning of the thread describes the standard documents that players agree to when playing MMOs, and the reasoning for developing their own for this game server: June 5th, 2019: @Jimmy replying to a user who inquired some tin-foil hat scenarios related to funding the servers, touches somewhat on the legal side. August 7th, 2019: @Jimmy posts an update on the legal discussion between HC, The Titan Network, and NCSoft August 7th, 2019: A short and sweet update from @Jimmy on “the talks.” August 7th, 2019: A little bit more detail from @Jimmy in the Discord post compared to the above short and sweet post on these forums. Mentions ongoing efforts to turn the game in to a legitimate operation. August 21st, 2019: Added for context later in that thread from non-HC rep @TonyV discussing HC and TitanNetwork’s legal discussion with NCSoft at the time: September 7th, 2019: A great thread started by @Jimmy to inquire what the community desired most out of a legitimate licensed server: November 30th, 2019: A GM answering a question regarding cracking down on recreating licensed characters and the legal talks: March 4th, 2020: @Jimmy providing a great deal of clarification on engagement, transparency, and community direction. A bit of legal flavor: March 7th, 2020: Update to the Code of Conduct to reflect headway/movement in “the talks” between HC and NCSoft. August 12, 2020: The next major update regarding the state of the project from @Jimmy. It is important to point out the impact of COVID on the ‘speed’ of these talks. The title of the game would be slowly changing “from City of Heroes: Homecoming to Homecoming: City of Heroes.” August 15th, 2020: A pedantic conversation from @Jimmy about the terms ‘NDA’ and ‘contractual obligation.’ Further clarification about the folks running the show - “a few crazy people doing stuff in their few spare hours, trying to make the most of very limited time and resources.” September 22nd, 2020: Just a brief snip from one of our great GMs replying to a user asking about the game's current legal situation: April 17th, 2021: A little background from @Jimmy and an awesome GM responding to an inquiry about the history of legal talks with NC. May 13th, 2021: Update to the CoC to allow video and streaming again! August 8th, 2021: Response from some helpful GMs to a player that was asking a question for a friend about the legal status of the game. November 5th, 2021: Helpful reminder of the structure of the Homecoming Team volunteers/how things are run (legal macguffins): January 4th, 2024: After a long hiatus on any public updates, we are given terrific news that Homecoming is now officially licensed!
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