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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Forgive me if this is inaccurate, but didn't the legacy devs have a name policy related to inactivity? I could've sworn that existed, but I may be misremembering!
  2. I totally understand the reasoning for this suggestion - the plot end for the Rikti itself concluded over a decade ago... but seeing as how this game is essentially in a state of perpetuity, I am not totally bothered by this fact. I mean, there are still computer screens in-game showing the early 2000's Windows XP running. I don't think it is worth the time to invest in updating all of the graphics for those computer screens to a modern appearance. So, no for me.
  3. Context - Stone Armor/Stone Melee Tanker, Level 50, built for Psi-resistance on Live and on Beta:
  4. In the context of this discussion on PvP related changes, it makes sense. Unstoppable, Power Surge, and other T9 armor powers don't add significant resistance or defense to a player due to the effects of diminishing returns in PvP. It's actually rather severe, so a player with 120% s/l PvE resistance (capped at 90% for Tankers) for example, would be DR'd down to 60% PvP resistance. Activating the T9 would hardly raise it at all, to say 62% resistance in a PvP zone. Yet, the crash that occurs for those T9s don't get DR'd - so hardly any increase in resistance or defense and then a massive crash. In PvP, at least in organized play, this is essential a suicide button.
  5. You can turn on Fly (for access to Afterburner), Hover for added mobility, and Evasive Maneuvers while Rocket Board/Void Skiff/Magic Carpet are active. With all four powers active (Fly, Hover, Afterburner, EM), and the P2W flight power, you are sitting at 102MPH Fly speed. Edit: I may have mixed up the exact speed boosts for each power - Evasive Maneuvers by itself doesn't make you fly faster, it gives more maneuverability. Hover with Evasive Maneuvers adds about 2 MPH total. And Fly raises the Fly speed cap. Afterburner raises the Fly speed cap even higher, to 102.27MPH.
  6. People in all modern militaries have will have access computers, it's not like being in the military means a person lives in a barracks with no access to the outside world - I'd even wager to say the majority of lower enlisted in the U.S. military own either a game console or a computer.
  7. Logged in to their account or logged in to a character on their account? I don't know... if I find that a name isn't available, I just jump to another server until it is. If the one name I want isn't available across all servers, I figure I am not coming up with a unique enough name.
  8. Do all of your keybinds look normal on this Options tab? Meaning, is anything not doing what it is supposed to be marked as according to the keybind profile? If that isn't it, if you restore the default keybinds, does that alleviate the problem?
  9. Wish I could find the discussion, but from what I've read it boils down to PvP having diminishing returns as the main reason why these changes aren't applied or even being looked at in PvE. The PvP crash from T9 armors are significantly more severe than in PvE.
  10. I was going for that, but a more brass-colored metal and fewer arms 😅
  11. Work in Progress, I feel like it's missing something. Dual Blades/Energy Scrapper. I may try a different belt and/or legs.
  12. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/gameaccount/ Click 'Change Password'
  13. I'd wager its due to not having animations associated with using those powers. So either all powers would need their own unique animations while riding them or they make it only affect self.
  14. Yeah, on the DC side, I was honestly surprised how Bruce Wayne really isn't that wealthy financially speaking across many writers and titles. He owns a controlling share in a company that sells weapons / pharma / technology / financial / really anything the writer thinks is important to the story. And he has long term generational wealth. So the impression is that he can afford anything, but there's a point where fictional rich characters are able to do things normal rich people couldn't - buy an island, create an army of mercenaries or robots, donate or provide the majority of funding to a charity that is world renowned, pay your way to the presidency, be called a philanthropist playboy bachelor billionaire, build spaceships, etc.
  15. Edit: Oops, meant to add I'm in favor of making this temp power last as long as the player is still on the MLTF. What I've found says five hours from the moment the power is granted: City of Data has more info on the Power of the Thorn temporary power.
  16. Wacky! Do TAoE attacks like Blizzard, Ice Storm, and Sleet benefit from Assault too? Since they're pets as well?
  17. Yeah, but as a Tanker, don't you have a higher threat level, thus the Taunt effect from the Striker is second to your own?
  18. I'm looking at a decent way to slot Gale, and your suggestion is something I'm going to try!
  19. Looking strictly at the fictional Earth moneymakers... something tells me if we assumed the fictional black market value of vibranium were what it is indicated in the comics, Black Panther, aka T'Challa would be by far the wealthiest superhero I can think of across either Marvel or DC.For villain, I'd have to say DC's Vandal Savage.
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