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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. I'm just glad you captured a screenie, that's pretty cool!
  2. Does anyone know if this is possible with base raiding turned off?
  3. It's not that, and I commend you for the work you're doing - but that wall of text could be easily condensed for the readers of this forum so as not to take up at least a solid 20 seconds of scrolling.
  5. Yeah it was made in an SG base. Custom design, not sure by who. It was pretty fun! I imagine it could work with other repel powersets (storm, FF, Sonic, even Energy Blast?) but it didn't take off enough to experiment with different play types.
  6. Just watched an old (and terribly low quality) video from the legacy days (circa 2007) when Repel Ball was a short lived, but fun little past time. I recommend turning off sound. I was the biggest player on the field in the video 😁 Setup at the time: 1 Mastermind (acts as the officiant and 'ball' (aka mastermind pet) controller for when the 'ball' gets stuck) 8 Kinetic Powerset players with Repel (4v4) Base with field for set up game Required base raid functionality for Mastermind pet to experience the repel effect Anyone else remember this? Or play a similar mini-game?
  7. A very old and low quality video from legacy that takes your idea a step further...
  8. Hey to be fair, I ran it three times as well 😅
  9. The target bind mentioned in this thread is your friend.
  10. It's in the P2W vendor's temp powers.
  11. Are the ones in Recluses Victory not usable?
  12. On the RTX 3060 card, you can connect: 1 HDMI 2.1 and 3 Display Port 1.4a cables for multi monitor set ups. There is only the graphics card to the monitor cable and/or audio output if you are using a display port cable.
  13. It's got the end cost of a snipe, the damage, and almost the range when enhanced. I mean the set isn't built around having a snipe. It would seem out of place in practice.
  14. That is why you can turn off the power. Or if you want it on, don't slot it for movement bonuses.
  15. @dtj714 & @ForeverLaxx, Regardless of what either of you say or think, the options to travel throughout the game quickly or slowly will still exists for players. As a player, you can choose to use them or choose not to. Play how you want, others will play how they want.
  16. You missed the point of my post it seems. It's about options.
  17. There have been options available to get to any zone from any zone for a while now (LRT, base teleporters, Blackline/PvP heliocopters, trams, TUNNEL portals, etc.). Players can choose to use them or they can choose not to use them. Best of both worlds.
  18. It was only available through those methods for the month of May. It will be opened up for future events though.
  19. Ha thank you! It doesn't show it, but it also has a knife reaction from Jimmy lol
  20. Cool feedback! A lot of what you described disliking are relics of a different era, when the goal of the game was to keep players paying a monthly subscription. I'm all in favor of showing clicky objectives in missions.
  21. @Dacy has been putting up awesome base tours! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEHIdEAEtIcGc_JYiKJ7Tkw
  22. Has anyone seen the Hero Event Message display for this yet? I haven't seen it, I may have missed it before the event started, just wondering!
  23. Oh, and I miss the very first Winter event where the giant monster was worth a ton of xp. The first time seeing Eochai on a Halloween. Playing city of villains on day one. When PvP zones weren't empty. The first time I teleported out of a map - it was Perez Park. Started a life long love of geometry breaking in other games. Unlocking a travel power for the first time. Fly was so fast and cost so much endurance lol
  24. To the folks who miss the old ways, they can still experience it in a way - the only difference between then and now is choosing to level up quickly or turning off experience. There are challenges on these forums that explain the conditions a player would need to meet in order to correctly duplicate 'the old ways,' but the good news for those folks is it's still possible. And it's possible for other folks to experience the game how they want to play it. If that means getting to 50 in 30 minutes, they should be just as capable of having their fun as the many other ways available in this game. At least that's how I see it.
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