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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  2. Let us see the creativity of our community now that we are free to do so again! Show off your costumes in action, base tours, character role playing, speed running, city exploring, badge collecting, PvPing, and more. Please remember to follow the Code of Conduct when posting videos!
  3. On the topic of the thread itself, and has been repeated already, these things won't become a problem as long as we can self police our own community. See a player violating the code of conduct? Report it to an in-game GM or through the forums, or on Discord (often found to be the quickest response in my experience). After that, it will be dealt with as the Homecoming staff see fit. If it keeps happening (there will always be another), they've made clear they are open to reversing the policy like they've done in the past. I think anything past this point is supposition and only mildly entertaining.
  4. Yeah that's what I read: State of the Project - August 2020
  5. Yeah, so far after watching a couple of different streams on Twitch for City of Heroes: Homecoming, I think the streamers are doing the game justice on the platform. I especially enjoyed the past weekend's costume contest/monster mash - great way to show the community that we've built off to prospective future players! Edit: Oh I just remembered, there wasn't any apparent indication for the game between different servers. Some folks were streaming Rebirth, others Thunder Spy, etc. I am hoping down the road, in the not so distant future that the platform will have a specific City of Heroes: Homecoming game instead of the generic City of Heroes (or Going Rogue).
  6. The small to medium inspiration market. Edit: With context, this is just buying inspiration from a vendor and selling for higher on the market 🤑
  7. It is okay to dislike a change. And if waiting for an announcement on server legitimacy is too hard for you, perhaps a reminder of the 7 years without the 'City of' franchise will provide you with the comfort that it really hasn't been that long of a wait. Time is relative though, so I guess if a player is younger, this might seem like a longer wait.
  8. Lots of action, gore, grimdark, heavy adult themes. It's an adaptation of a video game series, and I think it did a great job. Wish they included the Castlevania music though 😂
  9. Great question! From someone with similar use cases... I normally use [GEFORCE Experience] the baked in nVidia recording software that came with my GPU. It records the game when I press a hotkey and then stop the recording with another hotkey. Then it encodes it and saves it to wherever I want it for later. As for video editing, uh... well I just use [Video Editor] the generic Windows 10 Pro video editing program. Nothing flashy because I don't make anything longer than a few seconds (bugs, geometry error locations, power issues, etc.) After that, it is just a matter of hosting the video. You can do this easily with something like a YouTube account.
  10. I'm actually most excited about being able to demonstrate bugs or geometry errors with more than just a screenshot! 🙈🙉🙊
  11. Yeah I felt the same way. I gave the fourth season a chance because I really enjoyed the first two seasons, and everything was nicely tied up, all the plot holes were filled, etc. The only thing I didn't like...
  12. Who else has been watching this series on Netflix? They just released their fourth today season...
  13. Oh man I dig the yellow birdie image on that link 💛
  14. Wow! The editing, video effects, wow! Great content, glad to see you are back at it. I appreciate the slow-mo on the defeats, so much happening on the screen. Really high quality content.
  15. Great work on the video @GM Tempest! Might I recommend the video be embedded in the text proportionally so that when viewing from a mobile device it isn't like this?
  16. Yeah, I only stumbled on the double fire stack in 2019 after deciding to start a badger. I had thought ahead and rolled two separate accounts with emps to throw green numbers on my badger. I tried out the lava rest and thought the numbers were kinda low, so I looked for CoT red crystals and thought the same. Saw a fire in Mercy and progressively afk'd for varying amounts of damage, until one day I had more damage than I had anticipated. Not at all claiming to have discovered this method, but I like to think it has helped a few folks find their Immortal badge!
  17. Is this just supposition? I am not seeing any kind of definitive confirmation - this makes me feel like your thread title was a bait!
  18. I'm getting a Disney Maleficent vibe. Very nice use of the contrasting colors.
  19. Okay. Well until someone with a colorful title says using the email system in game is an exploit, I'll reserve judgement.
  20. Sounds like an odd suggestion to me. You are implying that a player's playstyle, which has absolutely no tangible impact on you, or any other player, is somehow the cause of any problem, let alone "most of the problems." Am I reading that right? If you could provide any sort of evidence to support this claim, I would be appreciative.
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