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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Hollywood learned it from Detective Comics, arguably from the 1930s retcons of Batman and Superman. https://therealbatmanchronologyproject.com/fictional-canon/multiple-timelines-as-per-dcs-major-revamps/#:~:text=In a sense%2C this “first,of the Pre-Modern Age.
  2. I don't mean to imply there is anything wrong with that approach. It's worked for them (and Marvel) for a half century now. It's just not fun as a comic lover when the reboot happens more often than original story telling. I think I've read every Batman story arc now dozens of times, not the same comic, but the same story told over and over again using different approaches. Long Halloween is still my favorite. I did like how they incorporated the Court of Owls a decade ago. It's not all bad!
  3. My god man, are you playing on a potato?
  4. The best option at this time is to switch to the Official Homecoming Launcher: https://manifest.cohhc.gg/launcher/hcinstall.exe Tequila is being phased out, so you'll need to switch eventually anyway.
  5. The unofficial Homecoming wiki was locked to read only while it's being transferred to new hardware. Started back in March.
  6. If you can attempt to clearly articulate the problem you're experiencing, I will attempt to assist in resolving your problem. What does "not get passed the launching bar" mean? Are you using Tequila or the Official Homecoming Launcher?
  7. DC has a history of just redoing the same popular storyline over and over again without changing too much (voice actors, artists, story pacing all change). It's their attempt to hook a new audience in to their story telling universe and rake in cash from the die hards and fanboys. If you want to enjoy the actual story, take a look at the 1980s version.
  8. I'm actually really impressed with the accuracy of these costume models. The author(s?) clearly have an understanding of U.S. military uniform accoutrements. I know some folks asked for these specific items, I think @Oubliette_Red at one point had a costume request for one item. And the fact that the Modern Beret is colorable, the ranks are also. Good stuff!
  9. To continue with dispelling the misinformation posted in this thread, the Official Homecoming Launcher is not new, it's been around for over three years. It's been supported by the Homecoming Team longer than Tequila ever was. There are no bugs that need worked out - it was beta tested almost four years ago. As I said on the first page of this thread, the Official Homecoming Launcher is faster than Tequila in getting updates, much more secure than Tequila, and its more compatible than Tequila with other operating systems. And to continue on 'getting the word out' - the announcement of the Official Homecoming Launcher was put out through all Official channels when it debuted over three years ago. It's continually recommended on every Official channel by the Homecoming Team every time a new patch or update comes out for folks to switch. If players choose not to observe announcements from those Official channels, that's their prerogative. (If there is a new player, they are directed to the Official Homecoming Launcher from the start, for the past threec years). If players have made the conscious choice NOT to use the Official Homecoming Launcher since it was launched over three years ago, that's their prerogative.
  10. If folks weren't aware, there were some fantastic new military-flavored costume additions added in Page 7, Issue 27: So now instead of that unsat beret headcover from legacy or a goofy helmet from yesteryears, players can finally live out their fantasy as an action hero in full regalia! You can find them in the Half-Helmet section instead of the Hat section (I'm sure there was some sort of technical reason for this). Hopefully on the next go around, they add an O6 (Colonel/Captain) rank to the Head > Half Helmets > Helmet Detail 2 > "Modern Beret Detail 1-13" BEFORE Soup sandwich Nice watermelon, Solider! AFTER Modern Beret, Beret Flash, Bald, (No Rank) Modern Beret, Beret Flash, Buzz Cut (No Rank) Modern Beret, Beret Flash, In-regulation hair length, O-10. And finally, the Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) Helmet [as described in game, a bit duplicative to call it a helmet helmet], with 8(!) other camo patterns for your nostalgia needs!
  11. Praetorian's can go to Echo Plaza, Luna is on the left as characters enter from the truck in Pocket D.
  12. How many Anniversary Tokens would you suggest it cost for an Anniversary Badge?
  13. The Anniversary Tokens can be used to purchase Anniversary Event inspirations, they can be traded on the Auction House for inf, and they will likely be used again for the event next year. If you consider them useless, I'm happy to take them off your hands.
  14. There's nothing wrong with it. I was looking at the last few of the costumes you posted in this thread and couldn't quite get the look in game so I figured there was something used to alter the costume screenshot.
  15. Is there AI generation in this image? 🤔 I think there's another thread for that in this sub forum.
  16. Now that you mention it, the Anniversary mob types should be using Minion.Grunt attributes, which if the level scaling is applying correctly, would set the entities max hp to 68 at Level 8. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/archetype-data.html?at=minion_grunt Edit: @ViridianDev any idea about the level scaling? I thought the mob types were all minion grunts.
  17. When you find out that the Homecoming Launcher has been officially supported by the Homecoming Team longer than Tequila launcher:
  18. Type "/loc" in to chat, (without the quotations).
  19. Yeah after the HC *Council announced the Red Names for their Q&A thing, I figured it was moot to update the original post. Still exciting to see folks from the legacy team join the community!
  20. How's the Indom badge collector community looking after the Anniversary Event?
  21. Those robes are pretty culty huh! And the green glowie eyes really make them a sinister looking enemy group.
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