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Everything posted by Darmian

  1. Am I actually in a minority here? I use AE all the time, but not to farm. Just to run player made stories. I feel like I'm wandering out of my room to find two sets of people fighting in the hallway, about nothing to do with me but jebus they're noisy.
  2. Maybe a puzzle based around destructibles? They have guards so the bashing still happens. I dunno.
  3. Maybe something like you know your ally is mind controlled, and ONE of the things you need to click will reset them to enemy. Go in knowing that, and with the ally at a stupidly tough level, an EB or something, might see people clicking and trying to read the script as fast as possible before backing away quickly when they see it's the one that turns their killing machine ally into their personal hell.
  4. Yeah, lots of people just don't like not being able to steamroller over stuff. I think you had a cool idea but the AE mechanics are too borky to get it to work without people getting annoyed.
  5. Surely the only way you can realistically involuntarily kill a player character in CoX is when you're confused? If you killed someone in PVP and they didn't actually want to PVP, you still chose to kill him, basically. OR, drawing soooo much aggro on your team that they wipe, but you didn't actually mean for that to happen?
  6. As I mentioned above, I love the Gold side stuff, and I like making AE content to fill in gaps. If you check my signature there's two trilogies of Gold material, one Loyalist and one Resistance, that is supposed to slot between Neutropolis and First Ward, but there's elements that look forward to other things too. Each trilogy runs in the order they're listed in. (And four of them are Dev Choice/Hall of Fame, so there's some decent XP/drops at least.)
  7. LOL, no it isn't! My favorite content is the Praetorian material, and I created content to stand alongside it, and fill gaps it doesn't (between Neutropolis and First Ward). I like seeing gaps in the lore and asking "what if?" and then seeing if I can do something with that gap.
  8. Content is a difficult concept to quantify. I'm one of those players who sees content as the story and the lore as told across all the arcs and missions, with all the extra information gathered from badges and plaques and so on. For me content isn't rewards - though they're nice - and it isn't in anyway powersets or what have you, even though they're also nice. And from all that my favorite non content thing was the ability to make my own content that added to or is adjacent to the story and the lore. Less said about that the better I suppose for a while!
  9. I have some AE Gold content set for 19 to 25 if you're interested. They're in my signature. Four are Dev Choice/Hall of Fame, so you should get some decent XP/drops from them if you're bothered. Yes, I tied them in to canon!
  10. It does depend on what level you are. The Mr. G arc is roughly 35 plus, and following Night Ward you should either be that already or close to it. Level wise it gets a bit screwy, since you can't do Incarnate Trials until 50, and those happen mostly at the same time as some of Night Ward oddly enough, but before the Mr. G arc. And if you've done Night Ward then you'll probably want to look at Dark Astoria later, since part of that loops back in too and leads to the Incarnate Trials. So Put Mr. G on hold and go exploring your Redside contacts in the Find Contacts tab!
  11. I HAVE been hanging around the forums long enough. And where is this thing?
  12. We also need more farms that involve animal husbandry and three field crop rotation and plows. Maybe an orchard or two.
  13. Well, a non badge awarding plaque maybe? Plus, Ascendant is still out there doing the job.
  14. Yeah, I used to organize tours to get the Knight Errant badge, just get 20+ into KR then KR2 spawns and we all hop in. Now it's the version where you have to prevent the build to get the badge.
  15. Gone again. That was for the borked Shining Stars related version. It was then reverted to the previous version.
  16. Unless they've changed it, Studio B in Kings Row's AE doesn't have power suppression, but still nice and quiet. Yes, no beam...
  17. ROFL. Can I get more than 3 to 5 tickets for a play of one of my SFMA AEs then, considering exactly how long it takes to write one of those things that's a CHUNK of time spent! No, I knew the rewards for that when I started doing it. The rewards was me being relatively pleased I'd done a decent enough job on a story.
  18. I've not seen it on Reunion either in the three years + I've been here. I've got a few characters peppered across all the shards, and I have seen it on Excel, sadly.
  19. It seems to me, with all the Arenas around, that the primary entertainment in Paragon - and in the Rogue Isles before the Arachnos coup - would be a supers version of WWE.
  20. Have wanted guitars as part of Titan Weapons for ages! Having them here would also be cool.
  21. The only issue with that is outside of Dev Choice arcs it was never meant to be equal to in game content. And no, that's not discrimination.
  22. Nah, make it mobile! Give it a ten minute timer before it starts to break up and hits Galaxy City. So kill as fast as you can before newbies in the tutorial are scraping you off their boots.
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