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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. I team, PvE and prefer the AoE type play. ST is fine too. Thanks!
  2. Hey Bopper, good read! Well done! I'm wondering if you can tell me what exactly you placed in your DISTORTION FIELD to make it a damage field. You mentioned the procs etc but I am just getting around to seeing the benefits of procs. Also, if you don't mind, could you post your build? I'm starting out with a Time/DP defender and am wondering about what to take etc. I see another player posted their build and it's not bad! I'm curious about what you have.
  3. So, the Titan forums note this Tony guy quit. He left Titan and the negotiations. His Titan successor has moved into his roles. So, let's not get all doom and gloom. I do hope there is an agreement soon. It would be ideal to start pumping out new items and content. Personally, I am still logging on almost daily but without added content, my play time may decrease. I think that would be the case for others and it just makes sense. So, here's to positive vibes for the negotiation team. Also, I am more than happy to assist the current Dev team and have posted in the appropriate spot :)
  4. I was curious about this power combo too but that is an expensive build. I may try and tinker and come up with a cheaper build that has close to the same def/res....tough task!
  5. I would be opposed to this. I think the previous Devs and writers had their time and it's up. Let's put on a brand new coat of paint! Here's to hoping the new Devs are more open to incorporating what the players want. Perhaps even having a poll on the website and having players pick which key features they'd like to see added in the next issue. Maybe put 3 big features up for vote and go from there. Perhaps each issue should have one part be all about the fan voted content. Not the entire issue is decided by fans but one part of it - maybe a new TF or a new power set and so on.
  6. I have not gone through all of the posts so apologies if I have duplicate ideas here. -New content with new environments. We have more than enough zones. Commit to making new environments and unique enemies in missions, TF/SF/Trials etc. This way it's another incentive to go do new content. -More costume pieces -Have as few servers as possible to ensure each server is busy. I know this is tricky but the Live version had WAY TOO many servers (maybe even when it was at its busiest). -Continue to rely on a donation model for service. I am always happy to donate to the cause. So, continue as is - free to play with awesome content. -Do not get bogged down in extensive, long, drawn out storylines like the previous devs. The Coming Storm took forever and the Praetoria content was beyond tiresome when it got all said and done. Each addition (issue) could almost be stand-alone and not have to go on and on and on and on.... So, let's not take forever to roll out stories etc - you may never get the chance to complete the arc. Also: fan fatigue. -Try and add unique content. Maybe some quick hit type missions or activities. The DFB and DiB are great examples of mini-TFs that can be done in short time and are quick and fun. Also, they don't involve running all over God's half acre to get to the next mission (like Citahell and other, older TFs). More of this and maybe even some other unique angles to what players can do. -Speaking of old, awful TFs...maybe revamp a couple more or just add new ones. I'll add more later! 🙂
  7. I think it's great that we have just a few servers. It's easy to team and find groups etc. If the playerbase does increase in the near future then increase server capacity. Do not add more servers unless the increase in players is insane. The previous version/Live devs did a poor job with all of the servers and then splitting up players by having red, blue and gold sides. An incredible waste which was mitigated when they got around to alignment changes. Anyway, I hope the current group of devs saw this too. In order to increase teaming and play, allow players easy access to other players. ;D
  8. Hello all! So, I am giving TW a go and I am told it pairs awesomely with Bio armour. First off, is this true? I've started a build but not sure which way to go with it. Some feedback and alternate suggestions would be awesome. ;D http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1519&c=735&a=1470&f=HEX&dc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rute_-_Titan_Weapons_BIO_ARMOUR.mxd
  9. Yo @Peanut. It's Machinehead or Terminotaur from Stars of Virtue. I do believe we teamed a lot with Gene and the gang and yapped lots on Teamspeak. Do I have the right guy?
  10. Hey Fellas and Fellettes! So, I want to also do some gold side stuff. I stumbled upon CoH a week ago and used to play it back in the day so I know what the g-side is about (kinda). Anyway, I am down but don't get home until just after 6pm pacific. Secondly, I really don't get why it's so tough to get a team going there. Null the Gull will change your alignment in a click. Easy. Become a Vigilante and run around and do missions on the gold side. If I have to do another DFB....
  11. Great thread. I'm new to stalkers and never got into them but I've gone through all other ATs so it's time for giving stalkers a chance. This combo looks deadly but I am told ELE/SHIELD is the way to go. Can anyone comment? Is broadsword better than electric? I was messing with Pine's but it seems to be buggy for me (I can't move IO slots around with ease right now for some reason). Anyway, thoughts?
  12. I would enjoy seeing most, if not all, of the NPC costume pieces. Why not? 8)
  13. This might be asking too much but how about the ability to change the texture type for some of the pieces. For example, you can get celestial boots but their armour texture doesn't really allow them to match tights etc. Just an idea for ye olde tailor!
  14. Hey, I just learned the game was back and got rolling a day ago. I am still in awe. This is awesome. I understand a lot of people are helping out and I am wondering if I can do the same. Does the DEV team need any writers etc for future content? I would be game to do some work with the team and volunteer my time and effort. Thanks and do let me know! Until then, keep up the great work! :)
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