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Everything posted by BurtHutt

  1. Awesome. I shy away from Doms due to how expensive it is for high recharge (builds). I want to try Arse so I may give it a go...
  2. Thanks for the build. So, you cast spirit ward on the cannon? How effective is that? Cool idea.
  3. Any chance you can post this build?
  4. Hey all! I haven't really gone to this AT. I am wondering if there is a combo that works well or plays well. What do you all like/prefer? Is there a powerset(s) that is much better or uber when a stalker uses it? I'd like to give it a go. Posting the build would be much appreciated!
  5. I kinda agree with this...and kinda don't. HC made an epic mistake in giving 1,000 slots per shard. Ridiculous. They still refuse to reduce that number. I think enough warnings went out and if people didn't log in to save their names etc, then maybe they don't care to play anymore.
  6. Does anyone have a pic for a bear themed toon? I was thinking a tank....INV/SS. Have that whole 'bear' look and all...
  7. It seems these builds are no longer opening?
  8. So, do we need to update our client before tonight's name event? The suspense...it is palatable...
  9. I am looking for new stuff to try. How do you find AR? Where does it rank in the damage tiers? Secondary? I have a Fire/Dark CORR and he is pretty amazing. Durable with solid DPS.
  10. As noted above, Red side is not that populated. However, if you form teams, they will come. It isn't too tough to get a team rolling and there is a new accolade associated with completing certain SFs so that is another draw. Homecoming has a high quality product and they've added content. I'll admit I do not like what they've added but there is some new stuff via HC. Now, which AT....hmmmm...what do you like playing now? It's a tough question without more info. For me, I like a sturdy character and don't want to make hospital runs all the time. So, I often go Brute and also Tank (the tanker improvements make them far more viable for all types of play). With IOs and a solid build, any AT works. It's all about preference.
  11. This is great. I know there are a ton of talented players - have the ability to make cool content. It really is too bad the Dev team has refused to allow players to make content for the game via my AE 2.0 idea. Le sigh...
  12. Fair comment. I just feel there needs to be a serious revamp in the way these missions are put together. I know some people are really into the lore and story. I enjoy a bit of that too. However, for me, it isn't as important as game play. If I had to pick, I'd take fun game play over story. I'm here to play a game. Again, I'm really liking what the HC team has done for the most part. The quality is on par with the Live team (if not better) but it could be better. I think HC has a chance to really revitalize this game.
  13. Then why bother playing the game? It's an MMO with a TEAM of players - not always but most people team. There are a lot of these new arcs that are just not fun to play and do not lend to other players in the team. I, for one, have no desire to Wiki the mission I just ran to get clued in as to what's going on. The mechanics and missions are not too sophisticated and can be accomplished without knowing the plot. It's too bad HC seems to want to not allow all to read or understand what's happening. Often the dialogue is also limited to the team leader or the dialogue boxes fire off too quickly and even overlap making reading them a bit tough. My friends and I have run a number of these arcs and the consensus is the same for the most part: not fun. Just my 2 cents.
  14. It's sad to see things like this. But it is also amazing to see the support and the community coming together to pay respect. Rest in peace, GE.
  15. Ok, so I've been running around with my toon for a while. Pretty fun but is absolutely not able to handle multiple groups in Cimerora. The big mobs on the rooftops usually do a number on my toon and I land in ye olde hospital. It's kinda sad since I have DEFs and CORRs that can wreck these mobs lol (as well as tanks and brutes). It is kinda odd how some of the toughest enemies in CoX are ancient warriors. Makes zero sense. Ah well. Back to the funny pages!
  16. BurtHutt

    Tough as nails

    What's the best Brute set to get mostly softcap on RES and high DEF as well? I have a Rad/Stone Brute that is pretty good for this. But is there... better?!
  17. Yeah, I will say I would not recommend BIO on a scrapper. It works well on my Brute because he has a lot of high resists so he can survive the Cim mobs. I knew BIO didn't have that much in regards to debuff resist etc but wow this is just savage lol My poor scrapper.
  18. Ok, so, I never really dabbled with Bio and I have one Titan Weapons brute. So, I made the old classic TW/Bio scrapper. Got to 50 and the toon is a beast. I went to do my usual and sweep the walls and base in Cimerora....and I get mutilated. They drop my DEF by 48 or more and then just knock me silly. I guess Broadsword is a debuff and Bio armour does not have any mitigation for that? Is that true? I had no idea it was THAT bad.
  19. I'm not a scrapper guy but I have been leveling my TW/Bio scrapper. It's been a blast. Pretty pricey build but softcapped in most DEF categories and it hits hard. It's also versatile with Bio, Sorcery and the Soul epic pool. I guess TW got a 'nerf' but it still causes a lot of hurt.
  20. Glad you see my point. I team and they're usually full teams. I don't like to solo - I'm playing an MMO for a reason.
  21. You also have Liberty and War Witch in two places at the same time. Why not replace one of them with Brawler? Sometimes I just wonder what some Devs were thinking ...lol
  22. Reading the material is fine. It just isn't fun. Do you solo these missions or do you play in a team? If you team then you know not all dialogue is available to the entire team. That alone is poor design...and it goes on from there.
  23. In regards to name release, I'd suggest doing the purge on accounts that have not been active for a year then go from there. A while ago I suggested not giving each account 1000 slots but a HC Dev just dismissed the idea. I play mostly on Excelsior and have been ok with getting names. I also don't play a ton lately so it might be easier. Sure, there are some names I'd really like but I'll live without them.
  24. Well said. These new arcs are just awful. And then the story....come on...give me a break. Am I reading a book or playing a game here?! I really am kinda done with these types of adds to the game content. Please stop....just stop...
  25. Ver, I usually play on Excelsior and it's kinda too bad. Folks like you are an asset to the game. I hope you stick around in some capacity and remain a part of the community. I'll also echo some of your noted frustrations with HC's direction. This is the game I play the most (I don't game much but when I do, it's CoX!). So, it is tough to see it going in the direction it is but I will keep hope alive! They finally tried something a bit different but...yeah...at least Marine Affinity is fun! 🙂 Anyway, all the best!
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