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Everything posted by ZorkNemesis

  1. Ninja Run cannot be slotted, same with Beast and Athletic Run. They are prestige powers that, originally, had to be purchased to get access to and would give an early level pay-to-win advantage before taking a proper Travel Power. In the current state of the game they still cannot be slotted as they can be exchanged and removed from your character; this could have potential major problems if you invested slots into a power that you no longer have access to. This is why the four Prestige Sprint effects can't be returned once you buy them since they can be slotted. My understanding is that Hurdle should add jump height/speed to Ninja Run, but the bonus is so negligible you won't get meaningful gains from it. If you want a similar power that you can slot, Infiltration in the Stealth pool is a slightly better version of Athletic Run (10% faster/higher jumps) that is able to be slotted like any travel power and has the added bonus of providing some stealth and defense. You can also make it look like Ninja Run by changing your stance in the tailor. Fiery Embrace is specifically part of the Fiery Aura set. Due to the mechanics of that power, every damaging power available to ATs that have access to Fiery Embrace have to have that extra number which adds the damage for the 15 seconds or so Fiery Embrace would be active. It used to be a damage bonus specifically for Fire damage (the Dominator variant in Fiery Assault still does this) but it was changed so that Fiery Aura users weren't shoehorned into using Fiery Melee to take advantage of it. If you don't have Fiery Aura as your armor set, don't worry about that extra damage.
  2. I play primarily on Indomitible which, until further notice, has double exp active. This isn't usually a problem, I run the 100% xp boost most of the time anyway, but one thing I did notice is that Praetorian content doesn't agree with exp boosts too well. If you like to play through the story arcs naturally anything that increases your exp gains can mess that up and lock you out of missions if you're not careful (I won't even increase mission difficulty other than solo bosses in Praetoria for this reason). This has also shown to be a possible issue with Villains as well as it can easily lock one out of the Atlas Park Mayhem Mission if you want Invader organically as well. Now i'm aware there's an option to shut exp off entirely already but that's a bit of a hassle to have to manually toggle when I get too close to leveling just from normal progression. What if, on shards with passive exp boosts active, S.T.A.R.T. had an option to disable that bonus so you would earn the base exp values instead? This way if one wanted to they could play through Praetoria or other content without fear of becoming locked out from leveling too quickly, especially in the 1-15 ranges. It would be convienent to not have to worry about going to fast for level-sensitive content. And for people who still want to go fast, you don't have to take it and still benefit from the double, or triple, boosts if desired.
  3. I'm subbed to the HC discord but I don't use it. Only pop in to check for dev/GM updates when things are on fire serverside.
  4. Hit or miss for me. Sometimes it updates quickly, but more often then not it seems like it doesn't want to show me the history no matter what I do. And a lot of times it shows the history for two seconds before going blank.
  5. Does this count as a geometry error? It's more of a model error but might have something to do with the see-through windows. Independence Port [-2021.0 220.0 -7101.4] - Inside the AE Building second floor This guy standing on the balcony on his phone has a completely transparent torso when looking at him from inside the building. If you go outside he looks fine. The shirt/torso doesn't seem to render when viewed through a window. His own reflection in the window from the outside is also fine.
  6. Most escorts will not follow you if you have a degree of stealth active and you'll have to turn it off if you want them to follow. Generally any NPCs that can't attack are the ones who won't follow if you have stealth but combat NPCs usually have no trouble.
  7. Don't sleep on /Nin's stealth. It has the extra effect of giving you a buff to crit rate if you're "hidden" (in this case, 8 seconds without attacking or being attacked). It can make for a big opener when you engage. Stack it with a +Stealth in Sprint for full invisibility so you can position better.
  8. Do I have to? I'm pretty much a career redsider anyway. In fact my current project that I started three days ago is a redside Blaster.
  9. Dark/Bio hits like a truck. Soul Drain plus Bio buffs can do so much damage on the heavy hitters plus the -ToHit and Siphon Life help out with survival when Offense is active. I should revisit this Scrapper of mine but I last played it two years ago and completely forgot what I was doing with it.
  10. Lately my top Scrapper is an Spines/Ice/Leviathan. Needles flying in all directions and excessive slow stacking, as long as Frostwork is active and I can get a good Energy Absorption I can typically survive most things solo and I have Icy Bastion and Hibernate for emergencies and most groups die quickly. Also being virtually immune to slows myself is really nice. I also enjoy my Mace/Shield Scrapper. A lot more straightforward but Mace is the de-facto crunchy powerset IMO. Clobber criticals are hillariously strong, sometimes landing for over 2k on even level targets. Can be a little sluggish though but a good number of Mace powers can use Force Feedbacks to help with that.
  11. As a general Dominator question, where is this proc the most effective? That stacking damage bonus can do wonders but since it's limited to Control powers I can never figure out just where it should go. I've usually been putting it in the ST hold but I tend to forget to use that in my rotation proper and the generally faster recharge ruins the proc rate. Meanwhile most controls feel too slow to put it in limiting to just one stack at a time. The only power I found a good spot for was Arctic Air which usually stacks 2 or 3 times as long as i'm in a group (easy enough on an Ice/Savage) but I feel like i'm wasting it's potential most other times. What are the best powers to use this proc in? And on a more specific case, where should I put it for an Illusion/Arsenal Dom? I considered putting it in Buttstroke on it's own but I'm not always in range to grope things.
  12. Only crafted enhancements get any special attention to pricing. Everything else I unload for cheap. When I quicksell salvage i'll generally list for 11 inf; the minimum fee combined is 10 inf so selling for 11 makes sure I don't lose inf if someone does somehow buy the item for just 1. When I sell crafted enhancements, I'll check the recent sales and i'll typically list for about 200k less than asking price in an effort to sell sooner. I won't list valuables for 1 or similar low numbers as there's always a bunch of lowball bids trying to prey on people doing that. Sometimes I list for 200k more than the lowest price if the enhancements looks like it's trending up. I'll do the same for other high-ticket items i'd consider selling too. Recipies are generally sold to vendors unless they'd be more valuable to craft. Always vendor normal enhancements, no market for them. Typically don't sell inspirations but i'll vendor them at the Hospitals to fill up on greens and purples if necessary. I hardly ever get Super Inspires to put on AH either. I use converters and catalysts so they don't get sold. I have not yet sold any Aether though I assume prices might fall on that soon with GMs giving bits of Aether now.
  13. Meanwhile on Indom, we still have tumbleweeds rolling down the road on Sharkhead.
  14. There's an idea, the Gambler Day Job since (presumably) you'd be spending your time wagering on monkey fights (unless DJ Zero forbid that, then nevermind). Give it a bonus reward roll of an enhancement, salvage, or recipie at the end of a mission. Just an extra anything on top of what we already get access to.
  15. I'm often parking characters in the Arenas when possible. Max End increase plus if you have the PvP zone badge you also get a +Def toggle that can come in handy.
  16. Only around two hours again, ridiculous how supportive this community is.
  17. I know i've seen one of the Homecoming GMs appear as a Spirit Shark projectile, they can be a lot of things if they so choose.
  18. Each proc has an independent chance of firing and they can all fire at once. Multiples of the same damage type can proc applying damage for each one.
  19. Usually just Sprint given how a lot of maps are too cramped for anything more. If my character flies i'll probably have Hover up instead. Combat Jumping is usually on too considering how much extra mobility and flight control it provides (it gets rid of the momentum drift for more precise flying).
  20. Praetoria Mission "Arrest Resistance in Holon Technologies" from Investigator Whitworth: named boss Tire Iron has the "BOSS_DISPLAYINFO" placeholder for a description.
  21. Lethal is pretty resisted by most everything late game but it's not gamebreakingly resisted. I have two Archery Blasters at 50 and neither of them have much trouble knocking down bad guys and good guys alike. The two Archery Blasters I built, one is /Energy, the other is /Plant. /Energy is nice for Boost Range and the fairly fast animations of Archery let me shoot things from another time zone. /Plant gives me a strong control option with Vines to prevent things from escaping Rain of Arrows, plus Toxins helps the Lethal damage issue by adding Toxic damage (however the bonus damage can't be boosted giving more power to Build Up in general and due to how RoA works Toxins does nothing for RoA). I hear /TacArrow is a strong secondary for Archery and I imagine /Devices is pretty good too if you want to keep your distance.
  22. Rookie was never there. Rookie wasn't an exploration badge at all before at least Score; it was the first badge you got for spending a token in the Paragon Rewards program.
  23. And hookers! You know what, forget about Oranbega and the Blackjack. Eh, screw the whole thing...
  24. The "Apply Now" button was altered so that it only pops up if something actually has to be applied and isn't occuring automatically as you adjust it. Is that slider changing something as you move it?
  25. That's news to me, which probably shows how much I care about PvP to not notice when that happened.
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