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Everybody hates knockback/knockdowns against them. It's one of the only effects that actually removes control and prevents you from acting in any capacity and I actually had a case where I died by being stuck in KB animations not allowing me to pop a Respite a couple days ago. To counter this, nearly every build has some kind of KB protection, usually either the armor set's status toggle or an enhancment that adds protection. It occurs to me though: after I take that power or slot the Blessing of the Zepyhr or Steadfast Protection nothing ever knocks me again from that point save for Diabolique and Fake Nemeses. Even doing incarnate stuff I seldom get knocked with just that four points of KB protection. Now i'm not trying to suggest more KB, you become a pinball without that four points in short order, but does it sometimes feel like that one enhancement is a little overkill seeing that it stops 99% of all non-PvP knock effects? Just trying to make some discussion is all.
I decided to roll up a Symphony/Throns because I needed to try something new to get me back into the game. It's working so far, just hit level 22, but i'm not sure where I'm going with build ideas and power choices. I skipped the T1 range power in Thorns and opted to try to stay in melee range but the ranged cone focused nature of Symphony makes that difficult; i'm constantly having to jump in and out of range to hit as much as I can. A couple quick searches and I don't even see a build for this combo anywhere, though i'm aware Symphony is still one of the newest sets. And the Symphony/<X> builds i'm finding don't seem to agree on slotting for control or damage. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do with this combo to get the most out of it? I'm really just looking for suggestions and i'm a slow leveler so I don't need end-game level builds yet but an idea of what direction to build it as I go would be greatly helpful. I do want to do big damage and I see the stun cone is the best bang for the buck there, and I want to fit Fighting toggles in there somewhere, plus i'm using Infiltration for my travel at the moment.
If the stories are to be believed, he was apparantly massive. Large enough that he used his hands to put out a building fire by clapping them together.
I usually just stick to the standard story arcs. Blue i'll run the Atlas Park series then usually go into Kings for Shauna and Eagle Eye or sometimes The Hollows, followed with Montague, Laura and Grahm in Steel. Red follows a similar path with kicking Longbow out of Mercy Island, then usually Graves or paper missions, then Ruben and Hammond in Cap. After 20 I like the I17 arcs with Keith or Dean, but I also follow up with alignment tips to set my preferred alignment and get that nice merit bonus. Gold I usually don't pick up an exp booster so I can follow a path to completion. I'll pick what alignment I want to do at the start and just play the missions in order until it's time to go. If i'm feeling adventurous sometimes I stay and go through First Ward but usually i'll pick a Primal side at 20. Generally I refrain from farming, and i'll pick up a TF if i'm in the mood but i'll usually solo my way though it all instead (playing on the former ghost town of Indom is a factor there). I do usually send money around level 22 though to start getting a build together, especially when LotGs become an option.
I've ended up taking quite a long break from the game, burned myself out a while ago and stepped away. I decided to pop back in after hearing the news of the official license but it's been so long since the last time I played I have outright forgotten what i'm doing in a lot of instances. Many of my characters have been offline for over 400 days and when I log one in I can't remember what I was doing with that character. How was I building them? What missions was I running? In some cases I don't even remember my attack chains. I'm considering a fresh new character but I have so many unresolved characters it feels wrong to ignore some of them. What do the rest of you do after a long break to get yourself back into the swing?
I'm still lurking. I burned myself out over the summer I think so I've stepped back. I still have ideas and concepts every so often though and sometimes I look to see if they'll work but for now i'm just doing other stuff. My free time is limited so I gotta put it where I want to put it, you know?
What else are you watching/reading/listening to right now?
ZorkNemesis replied to ThaOGDreamWeaver's topic in Off-Topic
When i'm not playing games I find myself watching anime as of late. Usually vanilla slice-of-life stuff (recent examples include Non Non Biyori, Bocchi the Rock, and K-on!) unless something else catches my eye (which is the case right now). I'm currently watching Pokemon Horizons and the new Konosuba Megumin spinoff as they're airing. Both good though it's quite a difference in humor and style going immediately from one to the other. -
Slot Machine's Random Challenge (the limited edition 2023)
ZorkNemesis replied to Troo's topic in General Discussion
I need an excuse to play again, so why not? Roll 1: 29 - 14 - 39 Corrupter - Beam Rifle/Nature Affinity Curious, let me see what else I get first. Roll 2: 45 - 23 - 61 Dominator - Earth Control/Martial Assault Also interesting, let me roll one more time and then make a call. Roll 3: 97 - 30 - 60 Tanker - Fiery Aura/Radiation Melee That sounds great, but I feel like I already did something like that on a Brute with Rad/Dark. And after much deliberation, I went with the Fire/Rad Tank. A prize fighter who goes by the name Turbo Blaze, known for leaving his opponents with radiation burns after their bouts. Although undefeated in the ring, his career was short lived due to numerous health concerns from the other combatants who fought against him. -
I scale up as I level. Usually starting at the default settings then upping the challenge as I get more capable. I'll usually turn on solo bosses before or around level 10 and almost always have x2 team size a few levels later. It's AT dependent but my fast killers usually have higher team size settings sooner. I'm pretty sure i'm usually at x4 or higher by level 40, and at level 50 i'm generally at x6 until Incarnate stuff puts me into x8 territory. I usually won't increase levels until I get level shifts from Incarnates unless I level so quickly that my current arc is falling behing between missions (Laura Lockheart is a prime offender, not uncommon to get two levels between the final three missions and there's no checking in with her during that time). When leveling in Praetoria, I never go above x1 unless I've finished my current storyline and can't move into the next part of the city yet, but once I can go to the next area I turn it back down.. I will usually enable solo bosses at some point though.
Does Vanguard have better portal tech than Portal Corp?
ZorkNemesis replied to biostem's topic in General Discussion
I think it's mentioned at one point that Vanguard is using Portal Corp's tech, specifically during Serpent Drummer's arc after Portal Corp is attacked by the Rikti is when Vanguard and Portal Corp work together to get something up and running. Presumably as the narrative progressed past the Second Rikti War the tech was likely improved and was also fitted with some Praetorian goodies too. It's also possible there's a difference in funding, Portal Corp probably gets research grants from the US but Vanguard is funded by the UN and might have a bit more to work with in the event that the world falls into peril for the fifth time this week. -
It does stack with the P2W EXP modifier (it's additive, so you get 115% extra EXP with the 2x mod and this power), and interestingly the Inf bonus also works, allowing you to earn some Inf even while you're not supposed to get any.
Sharkhead linked mission badge of whatever????
ZorkNemesis replied to Snarky's topic in General Discussion
As an addenum. Diviner Maros is not an option for this unless you've already completed his Cult of the Shaper story arc as Maros' and Ross' arcs have some story connections. Additionally while each mission will tell you to check in with your contact before entering, the mission to defend the Blood Coral near the end of the arc will not. Make sure to check in with them anyway and if done correctly they will offer their personal assistance during the mission. -
How do you organize your in-game tabs ?
ZorkNemesis replied to rprandi's topic in General Discussion
Top Window General: NPC Dialouge, nearly all combat text and hit rolls (pet stuff excluded), Broadcast, Request, all zone events Rewards NPC Dialouge Zone Messages: Broadcast, Request, all Zone Events Bottom Window Chat: Local, Team, League, Supergroup, Emotes, /Tells LFG: Looking for Group, /Tells (/Tells on both tabs so I don't miss anything) Side Window Consignment House Help General (chat channel) Probably forgetting something, I can confirm my setup in a little bit when I get home from work. -
Officially Unofficial Weekly Discussion #10: Alt-itis
ZorkNemesis replied to SeraphimKensai's topic in General Discussion
26 level 50s on Indom and about 90 more characters of various levels and concepts, many abandoned for the next big idea I have (along with late game burnout, there needs to be more content for 30-34 and 45-49). I'm actually reminded of the Dexter's Labratory episode where Dexter finds himself in an older section of the lab surrounded by works that at one point he deemed his "greatest creation" before immediately moving on to his next "greatest creation." Alt-itis feels like that sometimes. -
I have a general winter themed outfit that I run as opposed to a Santa suit. I wanted something different then the 20+ santa clones I was surrounded by when we were testing the ski chalet back in the live days and it certainly stood out among the crowd.
Spines for me isn't a good themed set. Part of the issue is simply the poison aspect of it which works fine for a venoumous creature theme but doesn't work as well if you're aiming for something like iron, stone or ice barbs. I have a Spines/Ice Scrapper and the poison just comes across as an anomally when I was going for ice shards.
Anti-Matter's Personal Story at the end of Number Six's arc, there's an interesting caveat with the fact that for whatever reason the Coyote/Panther transformations aren't disabled. Even better, they don't lock you out of Anti-Matter's powers while enabled giving you a major speed boost to reach the end quicker. Additionally if you auto-fire a power there's a brief window where detoggling Coyote/Panther lets you activate a normal power, like Hasten or Siphon Speed or something. Sadly Coyote/Panther doesn't work in Tyrant's story, it's not necessary for Deadlock's story, and is no real help elsewhere (though I think it speeds up Heather Nash and Praetor Duncan's stories a bit since they have to do some legwork). I haven't tested to see if this works during Infiltrate the Skulls. Everyone hates the mission from Roy Cooling where you rescue Lucas Zanella from a burning building within five minutes. I've had a couple instances where sometimes leading Zanella to one of the upper level on-fire elevators will clear the mission without having to go all the way back to the entrance. It's inconsistent but a nice time save when it happens. If you're soloing Manticore's TF, it's a good trick to lure Countess Crey away from Hopkins. If you're far enough away he won't aggro when he stands back up allowing you to focus on Crey without having to fight a second AV at the same time. Good for squishy builds.
My understanding: The KB>KD enhancements set the power's KB Magnitude to 0.67 when slotted, below the knockdown threshold and regardless of any other Knockback enhancements the power has slotted. It does seem wasted that the rest of the Sudden Acceleration set is basically annuled by the last enhancement but I've never used any other parts of the set anyway so it doesn't bother me.
Zone: Peregrine Island Location: [787.8 4.6 -1969.1] These doors were built on top of a couple of windows it seems.
I've skipped it on both my DB Tanker and Scrapper. While it's a strong attack that also happens to be a melee cone it has such a long animation time that I'd rather just focus on using other attacks, mainly Typhoon and Sweeping. I also skipped Power Slice on both builds so the Sweep combo isn't an option anyway if combos mattered enough.
Cardiac Alpha helps a lot, but it comes so late it's not something that should be relied on. The best thing I do to help mitigate endurance troubles before then is to take full advantage of Recovery Serums fron P2W and occasionally grab a recovery buff from a base empowerment station. Blues help, and frequent Resting between fights if needed.