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Dungeoness Eloora

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Everything posted by Dungeoness Eloora

  1. Where are you seeing a psi res bonus on Quantum Shield, the beta server? Edit: just respec'd a copied PB onto the beta server and Quantum shield still has no psi res like always. Would be great if it did. Is there a particular reason psi resistance wasn't added to any part of the Luminous Aura set?
  2. Toggle suppression for a hard 8 seconds after a mez wears off, no matter the character or power sets, is just arbitrarily harsh and punishing. Why can't the suppression fit the number of offensive toggles the character was actually using? The game should know this value if it's applying the suppression mechanic. Something like 2 seconds per toggle suppressed would still be in the ballpark of a reasonable tradeoff, IMHO, without punishing the vast majority of characters running only 1 or 2 at most.
  3. Persistent effects that aren't toggles, like all the ones you mentioned, do persist in the different forms. Base buffs fall off, though.
  4. They are certainly counted in my build, and the resist value adjusted correctly when I unslotted and reslotted one of them.
  5. If you want to use Unleash Potential because it is a solid defense buff that could increase your survival as an oh shit button, it's perfectly fine to work it into your build. It isn't going to be off cooldown for the majority of your LF crashes, though, and I wouldn't spec into it with that express concern. The better recourse against the LF crash, IMO, is to already have LF back up and active a few seconds prior to the crash, and be ready to slap Essence Boost immediately after.
  6. I have been experiencing a bug that is quickly killing my desire to play several of my favorite ground-walking, close range playing characters. Without fail, on certain characters, when I initiate combat with a mob, this happens (short video, no sound): Combat stance bugs to neutral stance In that video clip, you can see that my character never even entered combat stance upon attacking enemies, and immediately after an attack animates (and sometimes that bugs out too) the character reverts back to neutral, out of combat stance. She's still both being using attacks and being attacked, therefore combat stance should still be engaged, but she's just standing there. Once this bug occurs, only relogging resets it, and even then, it can reappear in the first combat I enter. For comparison, this is what your character should look like while in combat and not bugged (short video, no sound): Normal combat stance Reaction animations to being hit play, and you remain in the wide-legged, slightly hunched combat stance after using attacks, and for a few seconds after combat ends. This bug is not just visible to me and everyone else sees my character like normal. My SO can see the bug on his screen as well, and has also experienced it firsthand with his own characters. It is most easily reproduced by firing off attacks in quick succession, and moving while using skills. Oddly, I encounter it most often with characters that have Electric Melee attacks. I have all but abandoned my Elec melee Stalker, and my /Elec Manip Blaster is quickly heading to the shelf if this bug persists. It may seem like a minor issue to some, but visual differentiation between in-combat and out of combat character animations exist for a reason. They are instantly recognizable cues for events happening during gameplay, and create a more meaningful experience for the player. I'm begging that this issue be expedited to a GM, dev or whoever can get to the bottom of it. I'm willing to go more in-depth about the issue, upload diagnostic files, whatever it takes, PLEASE!
  7. I think the choice to use IS over CP is very much a personal preference thing, and tied to what kind of build you're playing. Yes, IS does massive damage and looks kinda cool animating, but that cool animation time is nearly double that of CP, and the recharge is still difficult to reduce enough to where it fits smoothly in a ST rotation that's only 3 different abilities. And if you're on a team, you WILL see your targets melt while you're still in the air. Feels bad man =\. That said, I don't have as much of an issue with it in a full tri-form build, where you leverage a larger variety of skills, and are less reliant on it to fill a chain. It can be a nice bonus attack to bust out on bosses and AVs, and melee attacks are good sources of IO bonuses, so the slots wouldn't be wasted even if it isn't used in every fight. For a build that intends to play in human form at least 75% of the time, which also means that defensive toggles are taken and used, CP is the obvious winner. Assuming you want Weave, it's the same amount of power picks to take IS + whatever 2 + Weave than it is to take Boxing + Kick + Weave + CP. Tough is superfluous with Light Form, and we have our pick of other resist armor mules in our secondary. CP animates fast, feels crunchy, does solid damage, occasionally hits 2 targets, boosts your global recharge and acc a little and also takes a FF proc. It makes for a smooth and tight attack chain with Radiant and Gleaming. I'd never even consider IS in my human form build. YMMV of course, but these sentiments are reflected by most of the players that post builds and discuss the AT often.
  8. I will be trying this too! Would you say that this story leads the player down a heroic/good path in terms of their involvement in it?
  9. Welcome to our dusty little corner of the forums! I'm sure someone might be kicking around that wouldn't mind their brain being picked in relation to all things Peacebringer (I don't have a ton of time atm, myself). You might want to head over to the Homecoming Discord server for more conversation-style engagement from other players. The PB channel is down in the archetypes & builds section. If you're looking for a strong build based on more of a bi-form playstyle, where Nova is skipped entirely but Dwarf is taken and slotted for non-gimp usage, check out this thread. Good luck! Edit: While I realize the link I shared pertained to a Warshade build, the two ATs are pretty similar in terms of what basic types of skills they each get, so a fair amount of the slotting would still be on par for Peacebringers. That said, there aren't a lot of bi-form builds floating around for PB, so one that's thrown together might end up looking like a cross between one of the more popular bi-form WS builds, and a Human form PB build.
  10. I will list a few things that pop out to me as holding this build back from where it could be. You have too many attacks slotted in a way that looks like you plan to use them all, rather than being set mules. Tri-form builds are slot hungry and you will need to maximize your slotting across powers you will consistently use. Shadow Bolt is not worth taking. Dark Nova Bolt is not worth slotting. Keep slots in Ebon Eye only if you plan to use it in Nova form, where it reaches a decent damage potential. Don't use it in human form. Take Shadow Blast instead if you really want a decent ranged attack in human form. I've had good performance with it, and slotting 1-3 procs and no recharge means the procs will fire off over 50% of the time. Gravity Well is massively underslotted and will be your hardest hitting ST attack in human form. I recommend 5 piece Hecatomb with the proc, minus the damage IO, and the Unbreakable Restraint damage proc. If that's too rich for your blood, load it with some combination of cheaper hold/melee set procs, but don't skimp on slotting it for acc/dam either. Stygian circle can generally be left at one slot of any end mod IO you like (I like endmod/endurance from Efficacy Adaptor since it requires a not insignificant amount of endurance to use and I've been screwed before). Put those slots in Gravity Well. You skipped Quasar, the best nuke we have. I don't know why anyone would do this. Take and 6 slot it as soon as you can, and convert KB to KD. You'll get more mileage out of Gravitic Emanation than Unchain Essence. GE is a good power to slot a Force Feedback proc, a few damage procs, and convert the KB to KD. Some prefer to keep the KB for some breathing room, but I do not. Unchain does good damage but the cooldown is prohibitively long, it's clunky to use, and does massive KB that requires conversion to avoid scattering mobs everywhere. Dwarf Strike is rarely worth using/slotting unless you spend a ton of time tanking in dwarf. Move those slots to the drain heal. It does less damage overall but takes procs well, but keeping 2-3 Touch of the Nictus set in there to boost accuracy and healing is a good move also. The Performance Shifter end proc is generally the better performing choice to slot Stamina with. Keep the heal proc there if you want. Move Panacea out of the rez. It's the single best performing IO to slot in Health where it will proc continuously in the background, rather than only when you use the rez. Preventive Medicine is the usual choice there instead, as it is global and will work slotted anywhere, but I see you have it in Experimental Injection. If you enjoy the Experimentation pool, it's your choice to use, but it isn't popular around here. More damage, accuracy and recharge might seem like something Warshades want, but achieving a solid global recharge target isn't that difficult to achieve with slotting and LotG, our damage can become capped fairly often with enough mobs and Mire usage, which also shores up our accuracy nicely. Add the ridiculously long recharge on Adrenal Booster, and you can start to see it for the sparsely available, dubiously useful skill that it is. If you're just into the long cooldown "oh sh*t" button thing, taking Unleash Potential in the Force of Will pool may serve you better overall, since we struggle with a lack of defense and survivability when things get hairy, and you didn't build for noticeable defense to start. Fixing most of these issues is a good place to start. These are, of course, my opinion and no two players build their WS the same. Conversely, you can download one of @Doomrider's builds from his thread right below yours, and customize to your taste from there. His builds are solid and work to the strengths of the class, while shoring up its weaknesses in many ways. Good luck.
  11. Interesting build, Bill. While it is not one I would enjoy using, it's always good to see a broad perspective when it comes to how folks build their Kheldians. I do admit to wanting to take Glowing Touch before, since it's sometimes fun to throw a surprise heal on a teammate in need. One little extra I've been enjoying on my dark/dark controller is putting the Panacea unique in Soul Absorption, which is an aoe heal. Panacea is the only heal proc that will hit other players besides you, if the power you put it in targets others. I've seen the extra heal fly over the heads of almost everyone in range on many occasions, and the endurance boost is a nice bonus as well. Of course, this means you must sacrifice using it for yourself in Health, and replace it with Miracle, but that's not the end of the world. If you wanted, you could slot 5 Panacea, including the unique, in Glowing Touch, giving almost as much recharge as the PM 6 set, and either freeing up a slot to go elsewhere, or leaving the PM absorb proc in the 6th slot. It's better in an aoe heal, but just throwing it out there.
  12. Does the program just not open at all, or is it opening but not displaying the UI window properly? If it's the former, I'm not sure what is causing that, but if you can Alt + tab to Mids yet just not see anything, it's a display issue that Golden Azrael mentioned a fix for above.
  13. @FlammeFatale Hey, just wondering if you've continued to play your shade with this spec since posting the build. I decided to spec into my own version of it, and have enjoyed the build after getting used to some new tactics.
  14. Hey @Carnifax, don't wanna derail this thread too much with parser stuff, but I was wondering about the mez tracking. The parser says I successfully landed Dark Grasp 17 times, which is my ST hold. Surely most of those just did their damage and procs, without actually applying the mez part itself, as he is an AV after all? With every successful activation of any of my or my pets' holds, the log always says "You hold Clockwork King with your (Dark Grasp/Petrifying Gaze/Seismic Smash) etc.". Am I right in assuming that the log doesn't differentiate between what we'd consider noticeable applications of a mez and just a power hitting and not missing?
  15. In that case, let's go over some priorities. First, Eclipse should be perma, with a few seconds overlap if you can, as well as its resists enhanced so that it takes fewer mobs hit to cap your resists. That skill is more important to keep on cooldown than any shield toggle. Second, you need to give yourself time to recast Eclipse and Hasten before they fall off, so you aren't stuck in the time wasting few seconds between toggling a form off and firing off a human-only skill. Pay close attention to their cooldowns.
  16. You can create a macro or bind to toggle on several powers with a single key, but you will need to slap that key as many times as there are powers to toggle on, as there is no means to activate more than one power at a time. As an example, paste this in your chat window: /macro Shields powexectoggleon gravity shield$$powexectoggleon shadow cloak And you'll have a new button. Click or hit its shortcut once for cloak, and again for shield. You can probably fit 5 different powers in there before the character limit kicks in, maybe more. You could add Sprint to it as well. Just know that trying to use any toggles in combat, while also using any of the Warshade forms, is usually an exercise in frustration and futility. Is your shade below level 38?
  17. I tried this for funsies on my Dark/Dark/Stone Controller, who is kitted out with several purple sets and T4 incarnates. I had to do it the Ouro route so she was 45, but I did turn incarnates off in the mission settings, and had no mutation or fortune buffs on. I'm not one to take on AVs solo very often, as I find it incredibly boring, but... It was laughably easy to a shocking degree, though that should probably be no surprise. The already mentioned combo of every debuff Darkness Affinity has, combined with the damage output of the dark pets was pretty devastating. Dark Grasp combined with Shadow Field cast twice, plus the purple hold proc in Dark Servant, held the CK fast several times. His regen was never in danger of outpacing our combined DPS. My blue bar felt some pain without more bodies to Soul Siphon, so I did eat one blue in the fight, but if I had just untoggled all of my needless defenses, I might not have had to bother. My pup was hit maybe once for a noticeable amount of damage that was easily healed 2 seconds later. Some notable things from looking at my parse, uploaded to Carni's online log parser are: Umbra Beast did the most damage by a large margin, doing almost 8,900 damage, followed by both Haunts. Interestingly, one haunt (I have them named) out-damaged the other 3,400 to 2,900. I don't have the BU proc from Soulbound in them skewing things, though Cloud Senses proc is slotted in them. The dearth between their respective Shadow Punch damage is only about 300, which leads me to wonder whether haunt 1 is proccing CS significantly more than haunt 2. And on the subject of the CS proc... I have Cloud Senses slotted into 6 different powers, and its damage totaled nearly 2,000! That's almost as much as my Dark Servant's total damage which, not including procs, was about 2,300. This proc is absolutely beastly when taken full advantage of. The only power that would accept it that it isn't slotted into is Soul Absorption. It's unfortunately impossible at this time to easily track uptimes of debuff procs with the parser, like the chance for -Res from Annihilation, which I have slotted into Howling Twilight, but HT's average recharge was 69 seconds, so it's safe to assume that the Res debuff hit him every activation, of which there were 3. My time in the screenshot can probably be shaved by about 25 seconds, as I flew to him somewhat leisurely, summoned pets and hit Fade before engaging. God, I love this toon 😄
  18. Totally fair about Gladiator vs. Gaussian's. I sometimes forget its abysmal proc rate and probably have an unrealistic expectation of its value in a build. And that's a shame what you mentioned about Spiritual Alpha having a DPS loss too noticeable to use over Musculature. My mind definitely went to Spiritual Radial automatically when considering the stun saturation in this build, as almost everything in it is useful to a WS in some capacity, including the recharge, right up to the point where it starts inhibiting procs. Bummer! I'll keep cruising with Intuition Radial for now, but might work my way toward Musc in the future. You seem to have an affection and awareness about shades that is great to see. I've never been sold on the value of running Inky , nor the un-converted Gravitic shotgun usage, but I'd be willing to give it a try to shake things up a bit. I'm still not convinced 15 seconds of an 11% resistance buff on a pack or boss, on a stupid long refresh, beats 60 seconds of 18% more defense plus extra regen and recovery, on a stupider long refresh. It's taken some time to get used to using it, but I'm a total Unleash Potential fangirl now, so I'd keep that in my build, as personal preference.
  19. I like this build and your flexible thinking in regards to what a non-triform WS can and should do. There are a few suggestions I'd make to the as-is build, and also some changes I'd make, were I to respec into something similar. Some questions as well would be: How much have you played this build already? Do you use Shadow Cloak, Combat Jumping or any of the other defense toggles while in combat? I see that your ST attack chain is purely human form, but you mention doing double mires for AoE, and dwarf mire's buff having such a short duration, I couldn't imagine you'd be retoggling defenses. You do you, but the extra slot in Shadow Cloak might be a waste. I'm curious what your actual play results are using Inky Aspect as well. For simple adjustments, I'd recommend slotting the Perception bonus IO from the new Warp set into whichever form of teleport you either use semi regularly, or can remember to start using, as the proc is dependent on activation. The extra perception is useful against enemies like Arachnos. My current tri-form goes the Maneuvers/Tactics/Vengeance route for 2/5 LotG IOs, with the perception IO from Rectified Reticle in Tactics. It's superior to the Warp version, as it doesn't require activation and is always on. They do actually stack as well. Having no Nova form usage would have me missing Gaussian's BU proc for sure. I'd toy with the idea of replacing the res debuff in Sunless Mire with it. Gravitic Emanation is up more often anyway, and judicious use of that will serve the same purpose. I have other thoughts, but I'll leave it there for now! Thanks for posting your build and explaining your flex on this class 🙂
  20. I love your work Solarverse, and have many of your mods installed already! Could I humbly request a mod that either mutes the sounds that play when your Warshade shifts into either dwarf or nova forms, or swaps them for something short and QUIET? It's a cacophony for me when I play a fast shifting build. Thanks!
  21. Always love seeing updates to solid build guide threads! I see your latest build leans into the defensive side quite a bit. I don't think I could willingly spec out of juicy double Assault! Also heretofore haven't ever spec'd into Tough/Weave, mostly out of stubborn refusal at the obligation to pick those up on literally every character in order to be viable. I do run RoP, though. What was your impetus for this current build?
  22. I'm not sure how often the main contributors to this thread still lurk here, but I'll leave you with my opinions as a long time off and on player of both PB and WS. First I will say that I've heavily favored a human-only build on my PB, though I play tri-form as well, but as such, I could never fathom why someone wouldn't both take and at least 5 slot Radiant Strike. It's such a brutal, fast, satisfying attack, and one of the hallmarks of why PB is so good in melee range. It's also ripe for slotting with procs like FF, Hecatomb, Achilles', etc.. I've never seen a need for the t1 ranged attack as Dwarf. Its damage is laughable in any form but Nova so I can't see the justification based on that. Use your taunt, high jump or make a macro that teleports you to your target if you need to reach a distant foe. You should never not be bringing the pounding to your enemies in person, if at all possible. In that same vein, I always 5/6 slot Solar Flare, and use it frequently. The damage and radius are moderate, but it's a fantastic spot for a FF proc, as well as OF knockback to knockdown, and serves as valuable "breathing room" tool with its reliable knock chance. I suppose to just take advantage of that last benefit, rather than making it part of your AoE rotation, you could leave it with the single slot, but I personally wouldn't. If you're looking for a build and playstyle mentality that embraces the strengths of the tri-form PB, and has a slightly more up-to-date/meta? build to work with, might I suggest Harakh's Peacebomber thread here. You don't even have to bother with all the extra macros and blink-of-an-eye form switching, it's just a solid build with the right focus, IMO. Hope that helps! These are just my opinions, and everyone has a different idea of how their Kheldian should play and feel. The Homecoming Discord channel is also a great resource for questions and advice!
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