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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. As of this posting's time, at least on Everlasting, Maroon Knight, Rouge Knight, and Vermillion Knight are confirmed available.
  2. Ms. Liberty giving TV time? She would most likely do something similar to what Recluse does in GV. "Freedom Corps, serving the citizens of Paragon. See your recruiter today." "A steadfast bastion against the tyranny of evil. The Freedom Phalanx fights for you." "A bright future awaits you. Stand proud, Paragon City!" And other propaganda like that.
  3. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Travel_Powers#Suppression Provided for reference. And I agree. Mobs should be affected by suppression just like players are. (Edit: The reason for suppression existing makes sense. The fact it only affects players however, doesn't make anywhere near as much sense. Especially on a defeat all or a rescue where a needed mob runs off and players lacking immobs, holds, or a ranged attack to drop the fleeing target are just SoL.)
  4. Then every MM player would be herded to Dark (and maybe Storm) to slot the pet procs into the support pets so they can free up the slots on the primary pets. (Edit: Not every MM player would do so, but any new MM players would be told they had to do so to maximize their pets while a not insignificant number of current players would immediately reroll their character to do so.) (Edit again: And probably demand every other MM secondary get rebuilt to include a support pet they can use to slot pet procs into.)
  5. Masterminds don't get Voltaic Sentinel. The OP is about Dark Servants? Which MMs do get? Edit: Oh, right. The Voltaic Sentinel was used as an added reference. Sorry.
  6. Was it the one that can fly? Search the sky above the prison. If it was one that can't fly, you'll have to search all the nooks and crannies of the prison to find him. (I remember most often finding one that can't fly hiding between a sewer access grate and the prison perimeter wall.)
  7. Here's another thing about this comment specifically. If the character is flying, teleporting, or super jumping, the likelihood of them still missing the explore enroute to their mission, assuming it even is in their path of travel, is still extremely high. So in the course of normal game play, anyone using a travel power that isn't Super Speed or Speed of Sound is still going to miss that patrol xp reward and then have to go back after they are done teaming or playing through normal game play to get it. So you are still missing the mark. (Edit: This is why everyone I know that hunts explore and history badges does so either at the start of their play session or at the end of their play session. The times when the patrol xp reward is meaningless.)
  8. If all anyone wants to do is have arcane beacon signs with their tech teleporters or tech beacon signs with their arcane teleporters, all they have to do is hide the linked beacons that have the function either in the floor, the ceiling, or an object, and place the desired beacons at the teleporter where others can see them. If they want to use a tech teleporter field on an arcane object? They can do that as you demonstrate. If they want to use an arcane teleporter with a tech effect? They can mix, match, and even merge objects to their heart's content. If anyone wants a tech version of the fire and ice crystal? They can use tech objects to build a housing that hides most of the fire and ice crystal object to give it a tech appearance. Everything else either has both a tech and a magic version or you can just use available objects together freely to make what you want.
  9. Or the Mastermind version. My guess is that if the AT already has permanent pets, the support pets remain on timer.
  10. I disagree, but I don't think anyone is surprised by that.
  11. The player can also just open the contacts window. The contact with the completed mission is at the top of the list. (Edit: And if for some reason they aren't? You can just quickly scroll through your active contacts list and stop on the one(s) that have the white mission text.)
  12. There is an 8 character account maximum? I should tell the players with longer names they need to change their names then....
  13. I don't understand why it's a problem either. The reference thread talks about grinding fighting enemies and leveling, and selling salvage (and large inspirations). It makes no mention in the OP about making use of being able to turn off XP to grind for inf', makes no mention of using the AH, makes no mention of utilizing awarded reward merits, or using any other method to attempt to have sufficient inf' to buy the desired SOs. It is a 'I'm not getting enough inf' from just leveling' post. And that is the point. You will not get enough inf' just leveling to keep yourself fully slotted with SOs. Players have to use the other means available to them to do so. And this is a very helpful community. Any new player can just ask in the Help channel and get the information on how to get more inf'. Or they can ask in Broadcast in Atlas Park. Or they can ask their teammates. Or they can just open the options menu and see what is there for them to leverage getting more inf' before the next level.
  14. Voltaic Sentinel is a toggle now?! https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=dominator_assault.electricity_manipulation.shocking_grasp&at=dominator
  15. Good question. My best guess is no. It did attempt to transport you to your mission. However, you were at your mission and that mission lacked a door to transport to.
  16. Even at mid level or high level play, no one needs to be fully slotted. It helps and is definitely nice, but they just need to be slotted enough. And they can do that if they use the resources at their disposal even without having to work the market or any other inf' gathering method. With the addition of reward merits and the fact that SOs can drop as early as level 1 from enemies now (with an increasing likelihood as they get higher in level), getting enhancements in this game has never been easier. Nothing in this game is so difficult that it can't be beaten even if you don't have any enhancements slotted while leveling up, if you figure out how to fight them or have friends to team with to face the more difficult foes with. Nothing in this game even remotely needs a character to be fully slotted while leveling. No one needs to be fully slotted until they start tackling some of the end game content. And if they want to be anyway? They can play the market. They can use their reward merits. They can hunt grey mobs to gather drops and sell them to buy the enhancements they want. They can turn off XP and hunt more difficult foes to buy the enhancements they want. They have options in other words.
  17. Well, to start, TOs don't really exist any more. New players can get free enhancements from START as well. And enhancements don't start being critical until about the mid-game. Players get access to reward merits for completing arcs that they can use to buy things to sell on the AH or just flat out buy some enhancements like the expensive winter IOs. And they get DO drops and SO drops from enemies they can slot as they go or sell on the AH or to a vendor for extra inf'. So buying SOs at early levels isn't really a good idea. (Neither is buying DOs at early levels for that matter.)
  18. As has already been stated, you can mix and match magic and tech in your bases. I have a base that overtly uses both elements, another base that has a technology front and a hidden magic back, and others. Use whatever elements you want in your SG base creations. Edit: I have to ask. Did you even try to use both magic and tech items in your base or did you just assume you couldn't, pop over to the forums, and request what could already be done?
  19. Your Dark Servant can be killed. If it dies before the power recharges, you have to wait for it to recharge. So not actually perma unless it survives until the power times back in. (Edit: So conditionally perma?)
  20. Interrupt reduction enhancements don't do that though. The wind up animation on a long form snipe is not reduced at all by having interrupt reduction enhancements slotted. What is reduced is the window in which the animation/attack can be interrupted by an enemy. (Edit: So a long form snipe with a 3 second cast and 10 second interrupt window has a 13 second animation between the actual cast time and the added wind up time. I'm just using made up numbers here. Now if you slot enough interrupt reduction enhancements to reduce the interrupt by 50%, that long form snipe still has its 3 second cast time and 10 second wind up prior, but only the first 5 seconds of that wind up are now susceptible to being interrupted by an enemy.)
  21. Except it isn't an intuitive adjustment. Having an enhancement speed up the execution of a power requires it speed up the animation of the power. Which as far as I know, would require an alternate speed animation for every power that can slot interrupt reductions. And since you can slot multiple interrupt reductions in any given power that can slot those enhancements, you would then need multiple versions of those powers animated to run at each of the possible speeds you could achieve with enhancements. I may be wrong, but what little experience I have trying to do any animations required me to sit down and rework the animation for the different speeds I wanted it to go at. (And I sucked at it, so I gave up. I am most definitely not an animator.)
  22. In Champions Online, your global chat handle is part of your character name, so as long as you don't try to have the same name on 2 or more of your own characters, you will never run into a name taken situation. (However, you can run into situations where everyone on your 5-person team has the same name, though I've only seen up to triplicated names there.) In City of Heroes, your global chat handle is not part of your character name. This makes it much simpler to send each other messages, but it also means only 1 character per server can have a specific name version.
  23. Fire Breath doesn't take interrupt reduction enhancements though. Those only show up in snipe enhancement sets.
  24. Because Dr. Pierce, now Piecemeal, is a recognized criminal in Paragon City would be my guess.
  25. You are comparing a Controller's primary power set pet to a support set pet. All the support pets have a limited duration before they despawn. Whether you are a Controller, Corruptor, Defender, or Mastermind; your support set pet has a limited duration. (And Controllers, Corruptors, Defenders, and Masterminds all get access to the same Dark Servant.) Edit: Perhaps the best way to view it is the same as the rest of the support set buffs. The support sets include debuffs, buffs, heals, and some also include mobile objects that can also apply additional buffs, debuffs, and heals for you for a limited time. And like any other support power like the force fields, it has a limited duration after which it needs to be renewed.
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