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From a storytelling perspective, Statesman had to go. It's hard to ever make anyone else feel like the star of the show when you've got a nigh-omnipotent face of the franchise who absolutely everyone (readers and characters alike) knows will come swooping in to overpower the situation if it truly becomes dire. I feel like part of the advantage Marvel has over DC is that they don't have to constantly wrangle with the "What about Superman?" question for every story that reaches a certain scale. Yes, Marvel has some truly heavy hitters but none of them are as central to the universe as Superman is in the DC space. Personally, I didn't like the way Statesman was portrayed. He was basically Superman without the humanizing influences of the Kent family and ironically ended up more removed from humanity than the character who was born on another planet. The only way I'd want to see Marcus Cole revived would be with a fraction of his original power. See how he adjusts to having to genuinely lead others rather than being an unstoppable force of nature and law unto himself.
The real question is whether the Everton EATs are going to be left out this time or just barely make the cut again.
Focused Feedback: Role Diversity Bonus
Yoru-hime replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
I agree that the CoV ATs were deliberately designed to straddle the lines between these boxes. Trying to shove them into one feels clumsy and forced. Controllers as well. Overall, I feel like this is a solution looking for a problem. Giving more PAPs to players is fine, I don't really care about or object to the rewards, it's more a question of do we really want/need to incentivize this particular behavior? Becoming a good CoH player means embracing how fluid our ATs and powersets are and all the innovative ways they can work together. The team composition being rewarded here is "Training Wheels CoH" to me. Teams that are safe, functional, and generally make for a pretty dull evening of gameplay. Encouraging players to stay in that little box of "good teams" inhibits their learning and growth. Does the data mining suggest a problem with failed TFs due to bad team composition? Personally, I've always seen plenty of players who were both aware of the team composition and willing to change in the rare case a team was truly unsuited to a task. -
Rikti Invasions & Shard-Specific XP Boosts! (Update: Jan 16th)
Yoru-hime replied to Widower's topic in Announcements
Ahh, I see, all this awesomeness is another devious way to sneak math into my life. Lord Nemesis would be proud. -
You did it. You bunch of mad, relentless, beautiful people really went and did it. No more asterisks, no more legal or moral ambiguities hanging over our heads. Let it be shouted far and wide: City of Heroes lives again.
Stand - The public was dumbfounded when it was discovered that Walk was, in fact, a superpower, but it set the superhuman sciences community on a crusade to discover what other powers we might have been missing all this time. After years of incredibly tedious research, they've proven that simply standing there is a superpower all its own. Efforts to slot this power with enhancements ended in tragic, yet amusing, disaster. Studies into the possible Sit, Sleep, Breathe In and Breathe Out powers are ongoing.
A lot of the souvenirs in game are little more than bland wiki-style plot summaries but I distinctly remember the Brother Hammond souvenir as worthwhile. Even immediately after finishing the arc, it's a fun and satisfying read that not only reminds you about the story in an amusing fashion but does something that CoV often struggles with mightily: It makes you feel like the star of the show. It drives home how everyone else was your patsy or goon and you were the one walking away a winner.
I supported CoT knowing it was a long-shot but willing to take a risk and wanting to show support for the idea of superhero games as a whole. My expectations were low not because I felt it was somehow shady or the people involved wouldn't do the best job they reasonably could but because a piece of software like this is just such a vast undertaking. Developing an MMO is a major challenge even for an established, well-funded game studio, but for a dispersed group of moonlighters and volunteers, many of whom had never worked on a project anywhere near this scale? I'm impressed that they're still functioning and have gotten as far as they have. I'm still skeptical they'll reach a full release, of course, much less the sort of sustained post-release development that an MMO audience expects, but I wish them the best in their efforts. IIRC, I think Golden Girl's project was called Heroes & Villains. If there's any evidence of it left online, I can't find it.
Even the more positive responses here reflect much of the problem with these wishes. There's the initial poster who would just remove a few things, one who wants Issue 17, one who wants Issue 3 and so on and so on. Everyone with this "roll it back" mindset will find that their rose-colored glasses are going to focus on a different point in time when they consider the game to have been "perfect". Which content is pivotal to the game being what it is to them, which bugs and game design flaws they have either forgotten or are willing to overlook. It's always going to be a different answer. That's just how our memories work. It'd be impossible to satisfy this desire at a meaningful scale with just one throwback server. Anything that isn't that one person's "perfect" game is going to just inspire continued grumbling and demands that they have a way back to those ideal days. As for me, I'm not a big fan of living in the past. Homecoming CoH feels different than Original CoH to me not just because it's different but because I'M different. I'm older, hopefully a little wiser and I've already seen everything this game has to offer. Even if someone gave me an old server, I'll still never be able do Hamidon or STF for the first time again. That's just not how life works. I'm grateful for what we have and hopeful for what tomorrow* might bring. For this and all the various reasons described by others in this thread, this is a hard pass for me. *Not literally tomorrow. I hope the devs are all enjoying a nice relaxing holiday.
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What are Blue Spectrum's power sets?
Yoru-hime replied to BastionWalls's topic in General Discussion
The guy needs a rez every time I see him, so it's just a matter of figuring out what flavor of Blaster he is. 😄 -
What are the worst powers in the game?
Yoru-hime replied to Bionic_Flea's topic in General Discussion
Black Hole is probably my pick for absolute bottom of the barrel. Bad attacks are still attacks, you just have much better options available for doing damage. This is a power that even if it was the only thing ready on your tray, you wouldn't want to use it. It's an AoE Intangible with none of the good aspects of Dimension Shift. The only use I can imagine is as a solo emergency button and it's in a set that doesn't really need one. The one good thing about it is that it's so painless to skip. -
Who's there? Come on, someone had to do it... Thank you for the look under the hood. I'm excited by all the possibilities that this new tech opens up.
I've had a few video game Kickstarters make good. Bloodstained in particular comes to mind. I'm really picky about who I'll back, though. The team usually has to have a track record of getting the job done before I'll invest. I made an exception for CoT, but I did it knowing it was a long-shot from the beginning. At the time it seemed the most promising of the successor projects and I wanted to show that there was still support for a superhero MMO.
When did you started playing CoX? Was it before or after the game shut down? Tell me a little about how you met the game. I started playing shortly after launch and played off and on throughout the lifespan of the game. I'd go through bursts of intense play, then maybe 6 months where I hardly touched it before cycling back. A friend from another MMO turned me on to it. Have you played the game before the shut down in 2012? If the answer is yes, tell me about how you feel about the game’s “Death”. What was that experience like? The sunset announcement was a kick in the chest. I had a lot invested in the game and my characters, particularly those I played side-by-side with my spouse. I both wanted to play more while I still could and at the same time felt like "What's the point, it's all getting erased next month anyway". And when the game returned in 2019? What did you felt? Was it like a “Homecoming”? There was this sense of joy mixed with reservations. I'd missed the game, but the sketchy legalities of this place made me uncomfortable. I also didn't want to dive in and start trying to rebuild only to have it all wiped away again. What was the first thing you did after playing the game for the first time in years? I remade my namesake, ran up a few levels and took to the sky the first chance I got, soaring around AP. What are your thoughts on the return of the servers? Did you brought something with you from the original server? (Avatars, builds, things like that) I've remade several characters, though they aren't necessarily the ones that get the most play time. Builds are obviously different now with some items being far more accessible than on Live. Do you like to play with a specific character? (can be more than one) If yes, what makes it so special to you? I tend to rotate through main characters. When I'm in the mood to play, usually one character has my attention, but after a while, when I've done everything I wanted to with them or some new concept has caught my attention, I'll move on to a new one.
Is farming an imbalanced method of earning ingame rewards?
Yoru-hime replied to macskull's topic in General Discussion
Title question doesn't mean much. Farming is almost by definition the most imbalanced way of gaining rewards. It's the natural confluence of human desires and human ingenuity. Remove one farm and whatever the community decides is the next best way to easily achieve their goals becomes the new farm, people start complaining and we start the process all over again. Gameplay mechanics are almost incidental to this discussion. Unless someone has a "fix" for the human desire to get what they want with minimal time and effort, farming is going to be a thing. We can debate the rate of rewards in AE farms vs the rest of the game, but the generic anti-farming crusade is really just raging against human nature. The HC devs are amazingly awesome, but they're not going to recode that for us. -
I rezzed myself with Howling Twilight
Yoru-hime replied to fitzsimmons's topic in General Discussion
I think this thread title makes HT sound like a hangover cure. "I woke up with the worst headache ever but I stumbled to the fridge, found some soy sauce and Gatorade, mixed up some Howling Twilight and rezzed myself in no time!" I approve. 😄 I've pulled this trick off a time or two. Howling Twilight is always awesome, but when it pulls back a full team wipe, yourself included, that's a moment worth savoring. -
Let 5th Column count for Council Hunt missions
Yoru-hime replied to Arbegla's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
GVT has the right idea, I think. I don't mind hunt missions in general, but trying to do one where pretty much every spawn you need is a race to get there in the three seconds before your target gets stomped flat by NPCs gets old real fast. A slightly more even conflict with some some spawns holding the advantage for either side would make these much less irritating. -
It's supposed to be one week in-game time or level 22 for DfB. Can't remember the level limit for DiB off the top of my head. Whatever timer it has is definitely in-game. I've had a character parked for most of a year that still has the to-hit buff from when I created her. As for testing the duration, I couldn't say. I can't imagine that I've ever taken anywhere near 168 hours in-game to get to 22.
Getting back to the original topic. I think it's a neat idea, but it honestly wouldn't inspire me to take rez powers. As others have noted, debt is so minor as to generally be a non-issue for me. The nuisance of getting back from the hospital is far more of an irritant than accrued debt is. The reason I avoid them isn't that people get debt anyway, it's that there are so many other options for easy rezzing. P2W, Day Job powers (some of the few worth having), Awaken inspirations, combining other inspirations, and maybe others I'm missing. Devoting valuable power slots to something I can easily achieve via other means is hard to justify. I like where TheZag was going. Howling Twilight is the one "rez" that's a no-brainer for me because it's a power that has good utility even when no one is down. Sure, it'll rez my cannon fodd... err, teammates, if needed, but more importantly, it shuts down a hard target's regen. And that part works whether my teammates are alive or dead or even if I'm soloing. If other rez powers offered some form of secondary effects that worked even when no one was staring at the floor tiles, I think they'd be a lot more attractive. Powers that require a dead teammate (or worse being dead yourself) before they can do anything at all are a hard sell for me.
"Power animation and rooting update" 11/10 finally!
Yoru-hime replied to ZeeHero's topic in General Discussion
√3/π would get irrational over it again. -
redside Why is it so hard for me to play Red Side?
Yoru-hime replied to Dusty Longshot's topic in General Discussion
This always bugged me. The whole setting of CoV does, really. Why am I trying to make a living in a picked-over ruin that's already under a tyrant's thumb when there's a nice clean City over yonder full of ripe targets and easily corrupted public officials? If imbeciles like Frostfire and Castillo can survive there, I'd be running the place in a year. But nooo, every time I visit I have to get in the submarine and go back to the scrap heap. As to the OP, I look at CoV like a dark roast of coffee. Some people swear by it and find everything else weak and unsatisfying, others never really develop a taste for it at all. It's not a matter or better or worse, but simple personal preference. As for me, I can do it now and then, but it's usually not what I'm in the mood for when I log in. -
I'd go for the double-hit if you think you're regularly going to be at or near the damage cap without it. Any +DMG above the cap is just lost.
If you have Patrol XP saved up, that'd be it. Blue bars get eaten before you see debt accrue (which I think does count for the badge).
Answer to number 1: Your veteran level has nothing directly to do with Incarnate power. In and of itself, it's just a number that gives you an idea how long you've been playing your level 50. However, your Veteran level is linked to Veteran badges. You get one badge every 3 Veteran levels up to 99. These come with rewards in the form of Incarnate threads or Empyrean merits. They start off big, then taper down. So you don't need vet levels at all to get your Incarnate powers to max, but the added bonus from the badges definitely doesn't hurt in getting your powers crafted. Number 2: I don't know of a way to see what level shifting you yourself have directly, short of checking the relevant Incarnate powers. Number 3: You don't have to do any specific content for the other two shifts, however those level shifts only APPLY in specific content. Here's the general breakdown: Having your Alpha slot filled with a Tier 3 or higher power gets you a level shift. This works anywhere the Alpha slot does, so it counts for ITF, Lady Grey and the like. Having your Lore or Destiny slots filled with Tier 3 or higher powers gets you an Incarnate shift for each. These are like a level shift but ONLY apply in Incarnate content. iTrials, Dark Astoria, Vertrano's arc, etc. There's no level shift for Judgment, Interface or Hybrid. So the max you can have in most content is +1, but for Incarnate content, it can go to +3. You'll only see +1 in Cimerora, but go to Dark Astoria and you'll see the full +3. These level shifts are predicated on having the ability equipped. Remove it or shift to a lower level power and you lose it.