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Lens Perchance

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  1. If YouTube counts, I've been making CoH vids for a few months now, and I make a point to find other channels that are also playing CoH and like, sub and comment on the vids, even the ones that are unedited 2 hour sessions. OP is right, growing the community takes all of us. I make videos because I can show what makes the game fun for me.
  2. Reminds me of the launch days, trying to grind between contacts in Independence Port with my triple slotted Super Speed kat/Regen scrapper. I may have been part of the reason they added suppression 😂
  3. I'm surprised this thread wasn't moved or locked lol FWIW I did make part 2 of the review
  4. I have roughly 50 toons, probably 35 that would be considered inactive. I spend a fair amount of time coming up with a name and concept for each of them however, and if someone really wanted their name I'd be impressed.
  5. I just used your lighting guide to refresh my memory on a few things, much appreciated. I subscribed to your channel while I was there, good stuff 👍
  6. I don't know how this got into the badge forum... should probably be in Arts
  7. I made a video on YT about public transit bases recently: and I have received a couple requests to cover more of them, so if you know of any public transport bases to be mentioned, partiulary on Reunion since I skipped them in my last video, please post the sever + code and I'll do my best to include them. I'm still a novice at videos, and if you're looking for gorgeous reviews of gorgeous bases I recommend this channel, from : D on YT https://youtube.com/channel/UCEHIdEAEtIcGc_JYiKJ7Tkw Cheers and thank you heroes & villains. 😃
  8. Wow, you guys just made my day with this post. I've been making CoH content on YouTube for a few weeks now, but I haven't mentioned it here because I thought self-promotion wasn't allowed. It started with a pair of videos I made for fun on my music playlists channel: Radiation Defender VS Nemesis https://youtu.be/TIowrzd5NtE Regen Scrapper VS Extreme Endurance Drain https://youtu.be/nC-LmuOq7go Unlike most of my YT vids at the time, they actually got some views, so I reactivated my gaming channel (https://youtube.com/channel/UCQfzeiQr02bZ2B73QEXZOvg) and have been busy testing out my editing skills. My favorite CoH vid so far is this one, where my main faces off with his arch rival in a custom mission I made for AE I am very much a novice when it comes to making videos, and my computer can barely run the editor, but I hope to make entertaining content for awhile.
  9. Kraken is the easiest GM, getting a team next time should be easy. If you're into hunting GMs make a separate chat tab for Zone Event notices.
  10. I gift usually between 1 to 5 mil in an email containing notes on how to start earning more quickly. They've all been appreciative of the help, but it's hard to say how much it influences their decision to keep playing. I've made probably close to 20 such donations over the last 2 yrs and none of them are still around as far as I can tell. Most I never see again actually, but it could just be new players who roll one toon up to the mid 20's when the difficulty increases a bit and decide it's not for them. They all note however, how overwhelmingly friendly and supportive our playerbase is. Perhaps it comes across as a burden, like they are then expected to perform for the money.
  11. ++ meant the enhancement couldn't be combined any further with lower levels. Statistically the same output.
  12. How do you set the team size higher than 8?
  13. Spring Attack, hands down for the fun factor. An epic leap and dive and an entire mob group knocked down. Great way to mitigate alpha strikes, too.
  14. Red Bane is pretty good IMO
  15. Off the top of my head, I'm not sure, but one way to tell would be to monitor the relevant stats via the Powers tab. My most decorated hero has AM, maybe I'll conduct the research when I get back in game.
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