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Everything posted by EmmySky

  1. Ok....problem solving time....for all those dumb as a box of rocks escorts who lose us 3 feet away....let us slap them....then they won't have issues with accidental celerity or just your average sprint. May even help Amy (?) learn to avoid imbedding herself in rock walls!
  2. Also check through options in-game...I dont remember the names but you can futz with the reflections and stuff to make water less laggy.
  3. Of someone is abusive or harrassing...gignore and move on. Now, there may be a limit on how many people you can put on that list, someone recently told me there is a limit to how many global friends you can have, so it stands to reason. Anyway, if you bump up against that limit and need more, perhaps it is time for some self reflection to see if you can determine why everyone else is an <enter bad person word choice here>, and if perhaps, just by sheer chance, you may be a contributing factor.
  4. I am so glad you got one of the diamond beeboos for Rich! 😂
  5. Friend: a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations. In my experience, a friend is someone who needs your attention, and who's attention you need, and you feed each others needs and build each other up with understanding and common interests, making you each excited to see the other next time. If you are a drain on someone's emotional reserves, or if they are a drain on your emotional reserves, that is not friendship. Merely reaching out your hand in an offer of friendship does not mean you will automatically be accepted by any- and everyone you meet. The best approach, when your friendship is rejected, is to move on. Accept that you will not be friends with everyone on the planet and go find other people who may find you exactly their cup of tea. Telling someone why they are wrong for not wanting you as a friend is, inadvisable. Also, PK has an excellent point, nobody has the power. There is a LFG channel you can use to join and create teams. Knock yourself out! 'Leaving the game' every month or so comes across as a very 'boy who cried wolf' move, so I would advise a change in that tactic. Happy Hunting!
  6. Bat your eyelashes and act like a poor defenseless woman who doesnt know any better, then ya get the good deals VT! 😉
  7. That last map just wanted me to fall down over and over. Next time...jetpack! Had a ton of fun...really missed ageless but from that last ambush (when we were posing with toggles off) I realized I could have done the whole thing with no toggles and fixed my end issues lmao!
  8. October 4, the Rikti ship day! That is kinda freaky.
  9. I think those are CoH2 type ideas....I think such major shifts in the current game would be too difficult or impossible to implement (actual code breakage) and I think the playerbase would revolt because a lot of the ideas are...controversial. Mostly, I think the current code for this game, lovingly called spaghetti code, cannot be unraveled enough to make this deep of changes. Excellent thoughts though, keep thinking!
  10. My go to test for my fresh 50s is to have them slotted with common IOs and solo Posi 1. This lets me see what they need out of set bonuses and incarnates. Posi 1 can be solo'd on any AT, any powerset combo, but the most difficult for me was my time/psy defender...simply because the shadow doppelganger was a beast...so hard to beat! (Had to get the taser from p2w to knock her down and keep her down) I like solo, I like small teams, I like large teams. What i dont like is people not reading chat and screwing up the ambushes so we all die. That makes me sad.
  11. FYI for anyone trying to get a toon up to the right level for the next theme team...my farming time is Sunday morning...if ya see me on (look at friend list..the theme team option and it will tell you who is online) on Sunday mornings (central time zone), I would be happy to have people secure the door and get a few levels 😀
  12. I would call that a flowing loincloth. Panty cape makes me think of a drunk frat boy wearing his latest conquests panties around his neck.
  13. Okay, on the VEAT run put me down as GoldenSky, one of my favorite widows 😄
  14. My PB is a combination of the names of my favorite roles my favorite actor portrayed. In her bio, she mentions him as a revered teacher from the instructional learning tech of the planet but that she doesnt understand his constantly shifting call-signs. Her sister, my WS, is younger, and doesnt understand why more humans dont have wings like all the instuctors she saw on the instructional learning tech (she watched childrens fairy shows). Good luck finding your inspiration!
  15. Nope my bad...meant whiskey.
  16. Texas Teas She lives on every server but only alpha'd on Indom. Texas tea is like a long island ice tea but add tequila 😁 (and yes, her bio is the recipe lol)
  17. I suspect Rich is the one cracking up! 😛 lol
  18. I knew it was something like that!
  19. So yesterday, I was working on getting my patriotic toon (state named adult beverage) up to the appropriate level to run apex/tin when it comes up for my theme team. It was kinda boring. Had a couple global friends along for the ride. An hour or so before bedtime I announced I was done with that for the day and I was gonna go grab my baby lvl 1, sweep atlas til 5 then hit the hollows and go to bed after Frostfire. Both friends joined me, we ran around atlas like chickens with our heads cut off til lvl 5. We headed to hollows and decimated stuff til frostie! Halfway through Frostfire, another friend popped online and brought a lvl 36 to the party. Much fun was had by all, many trolls and outcasts WERE harmed in the having of this fun. Sometimes you just gotta roll.
  20. That's Ouro, @Lunchmoney We just had this convo on gen in game last week....I think someone figured they are white=hero or villain and yellow=vigilante or rogue Honestly I didn't pay enough attention to remember it. Sorry!
  21. Maths = ebil
  22. Maths = ebil
  23. Indomitable, unofficial PvP server (also seems to have a high population of *cough* older adults) Everlasting, unofficial RP server Reunion, physically located in Germany so more stable for EU players Excelsior, highest overall population usually Torchbearer, first HC server
  24. Chat is your salvation! Crack jokes, tell entertaining tales of heroism or villainy. Add to the team in any way possible! Even on support toons, I am throwing out buffs and debuffs and whathaveyou. I have no idea if that tank actually NEEDS fortitude but I'm going to give it to him anyway! I am of the opinion that how you feel is on you. If I am walking through a TF decimating everything left and right, it is on you to make yourself feel useful. As someone who also usually plays support (or at least less powerful toons like my loldamage sents), I make myself feel useful by casting buffs or entertaining teammates. I understand what you are saying, that many of those tools you can contribute are less than necessary, but you gotta work on your head cannon. Tell yourself that you are making the difference! Just once, throw a mass immob before the tank gathers them up and see what a difference it makes! Now....never do that again, use that power for good and get in there and save that team from certain hospitalization! But seriously, it is what you make of it. In a world where <insert your idea of weakest AT powerset combo here> can solo pretty much all content, you have to make yourself feel like you are integral to the success of the team.
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