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Shred Monkey

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Everything posted by Shred Monkey

  1. I use them heavily in my builds. My attacks often are proc-focused builds, and Hami-O's are the best way to get accuracy and damage in your non-proc slots. I also use them in travel powers to get both speed and endurance reduction. There are some other special case times I use them. I think it's good to consider them any time you're planning to slot an SO or a IO, just in case there's an advantage to getting 2 boosts over 1.
  2. Just use Juant. It's got a longer range and faster animation then combat teleport, and it's up everytime I click it.
  3. Yeah... well... that's how a lot of jokes work. That's what they want you to think.
  4. I subscribe to the theory that Ninja's are not Japanese, Chinese, or even Asian. They're actually everywhere. The ones we know about are technically the ones who are the worst at being Ninjas.
  5. I'm pretty sure I'm a unique player in this way because I never got into the first person shooter, mouse aim technique, so I've been doing something like this for decades on multple games. Right hand does all movement. Numeric Keypad 8 forward, 2 back, 4 and 6 rotate left and right. 7 and 1 move the camera up and down (or aim up/down when flying). Numpad 5 is autofollow my target. Numpad Enter is target nearest. Numpad + is cycle my target forward. There's some other targeting macros also available to my right hand, but probably unique to my keyboard. Left hand... 1-0 is tray 1, Q-P is tray 2. Tray 3 has all my toggles... I can click them with ctrl + 1-0. (attack chain is usually a combination of 2-5... with 1 being an AoE and 6 and 7 being slow charging nukes/attacks, etc) Space bar is jump. Function Keys are insperations and some keybinds. My mouse is just for clicking on the screen when I need to. I frequently play on a laptop with a touchpad and no mouse, so this setup is meant to be able to manage that requirement.
  6. My strategy generally is to use standard SOs until level 22... then I dive into level 25 IOs (level 20 IOs are significantly worse then SOs). I continue to use level 25 IOs until I'm level 47 and can use level 50s. When I do that level 47 respec, I pull all my level 25 IOs out and save them in my base. This way I not only save buying replacement IOs, (or upgrade costs), but I can even reuse my IOs repeatedly for each new toon. I don't bother with the 30, 35, 40, and 45 IOs because that would use up too much storage space in my SG base for very tiny bits of increased power for the short period of time I spend leveling up. I also always use attuned Set IOs where applicable so they level up with you.
  7. Don't forget, at some point, perhaps 3-4 seasons from now, this all leads to a story that sets up Rey's backstory and separation from her parents. It also will probably connect to Snoke and then Palpatine's return. It is clear to me that fixing Star Wars is Filoni's main purpose in life. Truly a noble cause, as impossible as it may seem.
  8. Interesting conversation but the truth is that you should think of zones as set pieces in a movie. Boomtown is a burned out cityscape filled with buildings that are falling and housing hives of scum and villainy. This is the setting for many villains to hatch their schemes and heroes to thwart them. If all those buildings were fixed, then we'd lose that set piece. I could see an update like what was done with Faultline and Dark Astoria, to give the zone more gameplay value. But you wouldn't want to "fix" it. If it was actually fixed, then the heroes wouldn't have a reason to go there anymore.
  9. I find it much easier to badge solo, or on a pre-made SG team specifically focused on badging. On most pick-up teams there's always a few people who aren't really paying close enough attention to team chat to know the team is doing something other then mission completion or kill all. That said, I would encourage everyone to try getting their teams to do badges. I think most people would do it if they are paying attention.
  10. I love our dev's They have great wisdom and insight into this game. But the engineer with 30+ years of root cause corrective action experience can't help but read this and say to myself... "Um... yeah, but maybe we could fix the bug." I know Forum GMs don't fix bugs... but perhaps you could poke someone a little for us and get it moved up in the priority list? It would actually be an extremely significant improvement to the endgame if this didn't happen anymore. Thanks... keep up the good work. We love you.
  11. That said, if they want to go back to something like we had before, I'll be happy to exploit the heck out of it.
  12. I don't know about you all, but I don't trust them. Nope. Not me. First you think, oh, this is just fun and games, nobody will get hurt... then, before you know it, you've given them all your money and you're sitting cross-legged listening to a Portuguese folk singer on a Himalayan goat commune. Well, I'm on to you Mr. Domingator, and I'm keeping my goats to myself.
  13. It's the participation trophies. I knew this is what was going to happen. And now here we are.
  14. Going to go way off normal for me and suggest maybe a dominator.... I'm thinking that lots of the primaries are sort of "tricky" and could be seen as "traps, snares, or potions." The martial combat secondary throws things and does lots of kicking which sounds gremlin like to me. Then for play style I would just constantly be running around to stay out of melee while I'm throwing out controls and ranged attacks. I'd focus my build on ranged defense and recharge.
  15. I like brute for low level stuff because your damage is so strong. I like MA mixed with Air superiority for a quick/easy attack chain and good mitigation. For secondary I like the defense options to layer with storm kick's buff and the +3 defense enhancements x2 for very solid survivability at low levels. I went with ma/shield on my gold sider.
  16. Now that we're all interested, you must tell us the old and new names of SG. If you don't we'll all assume something sinister and/or embarrassing, anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if this thread didn't spit off into giant list of bizarre SG guesses. 🤔
  17. That's two machines isn't it? Do you get as annoyed as I do that the mouse doesn't understand you're trying to drag the window/icon/file from one machine to the other?
  18. I find the best solution to this type of problem is to log into the forums and complain about it. Do that and I'm sure it will go better next time.
  19. I'd estimate I've done this mission 50+ times. I've only seen here on the land a few times. Going straight to the ball and assuming she'll be there is pretty standard.
  20. Does the super reflexes tier 9 still do a backflip? I remember that being a thing, but my rememberer isn't what it used to be. I do think MA is your best bet. It does a spin kick and a leaping kick that turns into a backflip.
  21. My name is Shred Monkey, and I have a laptop that runs Windows 8. Actually, true story. I'm probably one of those in the stats. Last month I pulled one of my old laptops out of storage to try to get my son interested in playing with me. I didn't bother to upgrade windows when I saw it wasn't going to be free (or easy, anyway). It ran the game just fine. Not as well as it runs on my machine, but.... <dad voice> Nobody touches Daddy's laptop.
  22. My number one take away is that I need to take another look at heavy mallet.
  23. Oh, you're probably right. I was making a tongue in cheek remark that was often used on forums back on live in reference to the fact that the gun has a design resembling the highly marketed (at the time) line of water guns produced by Nerf.
  24. What does it mean that immediately after reading this, I pulled up mid's to see if there's any synergy there. (there's not on a synapse... but if you wait until everyone has nova... what? nova counts as melee, right?)
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