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Everything posted by KingofMonkeys

  1. My plant/dark's build curiously found a way to skip the Dom ATOs entirely, too many dmg procs needed elsewhere, other purple sets that could easily fill the gap when you take Ice Armor and are going for S/L def anyway. I'd definitely take it on a build that needs ranged defense though.
  2. Ho boy, if the base lovin is a comin, here goes: New base items •More static creatures / wildlife - farm animals like chickens, horses, sheep, birds that can fly or animate, maybe a sleeping cat? •More rustic structures and building blocks for buildings etc, more in house decorations are always nice. •More natural ground textures like the grass hills and grass planes, but for sand, snow, stone, gravel, bark, etc •Lava flat plane texture similiar to water, the lava rivers we see in the Who will die arc? •Rain/Snow/Ash that wont go through ceilings of buildings (if this possible) and will be active across an entire base •More skies, maybe night only and day only option? QoL / Base editor •Fix the indoor/outdoor lighting dilemma •Infinite water and maybe a way to put up boundaries so players can't go to the edge. •Maybe a way to place things further away from rooms on the plot grid? •Customizeable NPC / Vendor / Tailor / Nurse names and costumes. Maybe an emote or static pose to select for their default? •More in base teleport beacons, 10 tp points can go quick •The ability to name a teleport beacon - such as Living Room, Dining Room, Upper deck, observatory, etc etc Just for Fun if its possible •Clickeable plaques/base items that can lore and text boxes •Maybe doors/switches/triggers that can open? Or at the very least openeable doors that can act like teleport points, could open up the potential for puzzle bases and mini games. •The ability to use a teleport to link 2 bases using a passcode. •Destructable base items similiar to mayhem missions •Rikti Training dummies we can test our powers on, or maybe even a way to spawn npcs that give no reward? Like a training simulation •PVP in base, like an On/Off switch? Just a few ideas off the top of my head of things I would very much enjoy having down the road maybe.. if its possible.
  3. Wish I could use ultimatepower as the default animation for Frenzy on my Dom instead of the silly chest pounding animation tbh. A bind is just fickle and doesnt always work when paired with a power execution.
  4. Or you could go /dark which would also be melee centric and would pair well with a high defense build, ontop of having Gather Shadow's +Special.
  5. Is there a way to make the base transporter power take me straight to my base without the extra click menu with enter base and enter passcode? The way i have my bind set up now: "enterbasefrompasscode lazy-1234$$powexecname Base Transporter", only grievance is it requires 2 button presses to achieve the same affect the /enterbasefrompasscode did with only 1. Just curious is all 🙂
  6. As in I can have the floating skull head with a helmet, a baseball cap, a hood (grim reaper?) Floating Skull >>>>> Skull option in masks. Just sayin'
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  7. I'd be okay if they brought it up from 95% to 99% Your superpowered entity will still miss the occasional punch/shot, but it would also be less of "Oh, hi RNG"
  8. No worries. I wouldn't expect anything more, you guys have done a great job. Major props and thanks to you guys for fixing the stuck in base portal bug. Looking forward to more base pieces in the future 🙂
  9. Any chance... you can give us base editors some winter stuff plz? Like maybe throw us a bone and dummy up a flat plane with a snow texture?
  10. I always found it amusing that CoH came back to life right around the time Avengers Endgame came out, It was almost like Homecoming reversing NCSoft's snap. 2019 was a good year.
  11. Bio/TW for... reasons lol
  12. Titan Weapons/Bio/Time characters in shambles rn lol
  13. Why not, just for fun... Character: Wuigly Squigly Global: @KingofMonkeys SG: Anti Unwise Council Shard: Torchbearer Passcode: Pizza-2544 Builder: @KingofMonkeys Nightcastle An enchanted medieval island. Includes: Castle * Moat * Great Keep * Guard Walls / 4 Guard Turrets * Crystal Dungeon * Secret Chamber * Cellar of Fire Town * Storage * Blacksmith * Market * Drunk Dragon Pub * Arena * Graveyard / Crypt Grounds * North / South docks * Hedgemaze * Pumpkin Patch * Witch Hut * Sword in the stone * 4 Magic orbs: Strength (Red) , Courage (Yellow), Wisdom (Green) and Spirit (Purple) * Numbers 1-9 scattered in the same way badges might be scattered on a map, can you find them all? * Doors work a certain way due to limited access to in-base teleport points and there are a few that are one-way. The front doors to the keep are locked, how does one go about getting inside? Try jumping through a window, or you can take the secret entrance through the dungeon, which is to the left of the keep entrance. All doors that go anywhere should have a small glow and be clickable. You will have to explore and see where they go. There are a few ways to get inside the castle walls, and one or two ways to get out. * The first 2 griffin statues near the entrance can be clicked on for buying/selling/leveling up, and the 2 on the other side of the front gate can be used as tailor/nurse as well for convenience. * The stonehedge portals right next to the entrance are organized by Hero/Villain/Other, other being co-op zones and some of the other more commonly accessed places. * Local legend speaks of a slumbering dragon in a cave somewhere beneath the island, but this is unconfirmed.. /visscale 7 recommended!
  14. So don't cheat and have fun? That sounds really hard /s
  15. That tends to happen if you put the grass plane directly on another surface such as the top of said room. I've seen this happen when moving and looking at flat planes from a bit of a distance. One thing you could do is shift the grass up a little bit (Say 1/4 or 1/2 above the surface you originally placed it) and that should help the texture flickering. As for stairs from inside-room to outside-base, it can sorta be done but you have to use teleport points. Even if you use "open sky" a character will not be able to pass to and from unfortunately. A lot of bases tend to use doors with teleport points that take you from the inside to out and vice versa.
  16. Savage/Energy. More fun than I ever thought I would have on a stalker. Deliciously fun. Survivable, sustainable. A plethora of AoE carnage. BL > Leap > AS > Flurry. Tons of AoE. Lots of bloody proccing goodness. Zapp is nice to have to for the cowards that run away.
  17. Full on Raids might be a bit of a stretch at this point, but a PVP "On/Off" switch for the most basic form of PVP should be possible in theory. The main issue would be teleport like powers and AI on pets walking on surfaces outside of the rooms. If you've ever summoned pets in ATB style bases you probably know what I mean.
  18. No idea how balanced these are but what the hey just for fun: Revenge 10-50 Univeral Debuff Set (ToHit Debuff, Slow, Defense Debuff) ToHit Debuff/Slow/Defense Debuff ToHit Debuff/Slow/Defense Debuff/Accuracy ToHit Debuff/Slow/Defense Debuff/Endurance Recharge/Accuracy Endurance/Recharge ToHit Debuff/Slow/Defense Debuff/Chance for Cold Damage (2) Max Endurance 1.8% (3) Smash/Lethal Resist 2.25% (4) Ranged Defense 2.5% (5) Recharge 7.5% (6) Hold/Stun/Sleep Protection (Mag 2) Redemption 10-50 Universal Buff Set (ToHit / Defense / Resistance) ToHit / Defense / Resistance ToHit / Defense / Resistance / Endurance Reduction ToHit / Defense / Resistance / Recharge ToHit / Defense / Resistance / Endurance Reduction / Recharge Endurance/Recharge Recharge / Unresisted Damage Bonus (Unique / Global) (Adds a 10% Damage bonus to all attacks, this bonus damage ignores enemy resistance) (2) Endurance Discount 2.5% (3) Range 5% (4) Recharge 5% (5) 3% HP (6) All Positional Defense 3%
  19. KingofMonkeys


    Ball to my Lightning Savage to my Leap Rending Flurry Remains
  20. Another option is deleting whatever is in the way until you can select the desired floor, and then just ctrl+z whatever you had to delete.
  21. It is an incredibly fun, active and chaotic combo that's for sure. My main uses this combo and it can rip through +4/8 mobs pretty confidently. Here is my plant/dark's current build A few things- while having soft capped S/L/E/N and ranged is nice on paper, I don't feel it is necessary. You have to invest quite a bit in your slotting to get there. I'd recommend just going for soft capped S/L and relying on your vast amount of mez / barrier to protect you. Roots is great if you want the extra AoE damage and crowd control, but ur ED will be up every 5 seconds and Creepers/Seeds will be helping with AoE as well so I don't think its required tbh. Creepers deserves all the damage procs you can get in it, and in doing so it will vastly outperform any build slotting it with regular damage enhancements. Creepers is a perfect example of a "proc monster". LIfe Drain is a good example of this as well, you can slot it for Healing to help you in combat while still dishing out more damage from procs then it would slotted for damage. The ideal Creepers slotting imo is all the TAoE dmg procs, as well as the Immob dmg proc and annihilation's -res proc. In the final slot maybe a Ragnarok: acc/rech to perma Creepers and make sure they can hit. Midnight grasp is skippable (Which I admit can be fun for stacking the Chance for BU ATO), and has a long animation time. Moonbeam, Gloom, Life Drain, and Smite should be an effective attack chain. Spirit Tree is immobile and not needed either, you can cycle Life Drain into your attack chain and Gather Shadows will make it work even better. In the above build you'll notice it rolls with Ice Mastery. Unless you have a strong thing against Ice Armor- I'd recommend Ice simply for the utility Hoarfrost and Sleet bring. Hoarfrost will give you an emergency heal and cap your HP for all but 30 seconds. Sleet will help you kill even faster, and is another pseudo crowd control AoE. I'd also recommend Muscle over Agility alpha in this case, you will have more than enough Recharge in this build. The build is definitely an endurance hog, but Domination will be refilling your endurance every 72 seconds, and Life drain is slotted with a +End proc for good measure. Just a few suggestions! Hope it helps. I've played the heck out of this build and still consider it to be one of the most fun character's i've made.
  22. I re-read what you meant and changed my reply, but u beat me to it lol. Yes, indeed you can, but this would definitely be a welcome change if re-using the power simply refreshed its duration and didnt mess with any of the current buffs.
  23. This is true, but I'm lazy.
  24. 1) The AI on some ranged based pets is still wonky. For example; Mu Guardian and Phantasm have a plethora of ranged damage attacks but insist on making runs into melee. This just seems silly imo. If a pet doesn't have melee attacks it doesn't make sense for them to charge into melee. I understand that some pet's AI has been fixed recently, but for the two mentioned above it still should be addressed. 2) For recharge based pets- such as Mu Guardian and other patron pets, re-activating the power while said pet is still active should refresh the pet's duration. It kind of sucks having to wait for a pet to de-spawn and then re-summon when you have enough recharge to keep it up permanently. I've caught myself re-summoning a patron pet proactively only to have the duration of the previous summon cancel out the new one and kill the pet, quite an inconvenience. It would be nice if the previous summon kept all of its current buffs as well.
  25. Furthermore, I think it might be worth looking at the recharge based pets. Would it be broken to make Spider pets last forever and or reduce the recharge a bit? I could see the argument for a duration on the essences, but even those come with a cost in requiring a defeated foe to summon.
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