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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Welcome home! And yes, the HC Devs seem dedicated to reducing the game's pain points. I certainly hope they don't get sued by the KY Jelly people!
  2. The angels (they are far too pretty for harpies) are a great use of any Confuse powers, since they usually help you take down the Super-Bull. (I've never seen them decide to take each other out, but YMMV.)
  3. Sounds like a lot of work, but a most excellent idea! OTOH, "testing" a work PC by seeing how well it handles 3D graphics and color fidelity might make this easier. Not technically "playing" the game on company time. Just making sure the hardware repair was successful. Honest.
  4. I'm definitely no proc expert, but IIRC there are some that go off whether you use the power or not. And not all technically procs, but there are things like these that give a benefit all on their own.
  5. Oh, so much this! I hope it wouldn't be hard to code, but opt-in PVP Mayhem missions would absolutely make my day! It could be something announced in chat like zone invasions, or come up as a an alert for Radio missions. Would feel very much like comic book heroics to respond to that! And imagine being a villain in mid-robbery and seeing "Alert! Captain Justice has entered the zone!" Sweet! Speaking of "make my day," you know how some PVP zones have a running tally and announcement of which side controls the zone? How about something similar that lets you influence the weather in the Isles? A little sunshine might actually help with some dastardly plans...
  6. Very cool that you are not only generous, but conscientious about the results of your generosity! (I hope IRL you are a billionaire, we need more billionaires like you!) Yomo's 20 mill seems to hit a sweet spot. Since you seem to be cognizant of their builds and such, perhaps focus on one-time gifts of particular enhancements or salvage? I imagine Hero/Villain/Winter packs are less likely to demotivate players than are sheer gifts of influence. Whatever you do, thanks for your generosity. And for being conscious of its effects!
  7. I'm far from the first to propose it, but recent posts have reminded me how dearly I would love this set. Please think about it! From what I know this wouldn't be a lot of work in art or animation, although there might be an increased chance of mimes. I'm willing to take the risk if y'all are.
  8. Oh, so much this! BRB -- "To the Suggestion Poll, chum!"
  9. LOL! Kudos to you for a great concept! (Hope he has a nice bio, too!) Not nearly as dedicated, but I have No Millionaire (because he blew it all on gadgets and training) on Torch that would love to team up with you! My suggestion would be to max out Targeting Drone (and look into muting the Drone sound -- see Solarverse's threads) and Field Operative. LOtG is brilliant in the Drone (I 5-slot it and add a Performance Shifter END proc.) In fact, I think maybe Procs will be your friends in powers you intend not to use. And run as many Mayhem or Bank missions as you like, for all those sweet temp powers. Hit Striga for Peeples' ring, too. That concept sounds like such a blast, I hope you have entirely too much fun with it, and don't be afraid to team. (A heads-up to the leader, if you aren't leading, might be nice, though.) But be sure to reveal it to the team afterwards! (A la "I am not left-handed either!") Enjoy!
  10. The nice thing about the Gull is that you can switch directly to Vigilante. If that salvages your conscience. (And helps fix the problem, I hope!) Anyway, it's fun to run the gamut of alignments with Null, just to grab all those badges. And a week later you get a nifty power for whatever alignment you stopped on, which I love.
  11. Or a Thugs Mastermind! Actually this is why we really need a Carnie MM set. I want my Clown Car!
  12. I try to remember, once I've gathered all the Exploration and History badges in a zone, to hit P2W Reveal, so the zone (to that character) appears clear and I know they've done it. But: Doesn't always stick. Never seen the wrong character's fog pattern AFAIK, though.
  13. "This is a stupid idea." Everyone happy now? OK, on to suggestions: What you need is a charismatic team leader who knows Redside backwards and forwards. Advertise the event well in advance, and in LFG on the day. Offer to buy temp powers or P2W travel powers for anyone lacking, so there's always a quick path to the next mish. Depart from Pocket D so Null is handy. Then at the end of a great arc, or TF, or whatever, come back here and rave about how much fun it was (if it was...). Bring pictures! This is not original with me. This is the formula RoboTechMaster used to use to run the infamous Doctor Q TF in the Shadow Shard. On Live, this was an arduous 8-to-10 hour slogfest. (It got ever slower as folks bailed.) The way he ran it, it was a 2-hour freewheeling mayhem party. On WTF week, you grabbed 288 merits for running the damn thing. Amazing. All the worlds lost a great talent and a great person with his passing. But we can learn from him! (And his damn cat pun characters!)
  14. DFB is soloable now. Not that you'd know it from the LFG spam.
  15. And here, sir, is your 19,999,998 change. Thanks for shopping S-Mart!
  16. Oh, folks use it all the time. Solo, it's the quickest way to Cimerora! I use it also, but only once I've got my team together, to launch the TF. I've never had any success with the automatic "Join random/selected TF" function. (I suspect because HC's population is ~10% of NC's version.)* The LFG channel is well worth breaking out into its own tab. That's where most recruiting happens these days. * plus or minus 9.99999% error bar.
  17. There are some oft-heard phrases from live I certainly don't miss! Does anyone wax nostalgic for: $$$Big SALE$$$ inf!! 19,99 US DULLOR$ plz send bank info to [email protected]!
  18. By my WAG, 70% of team issues could be solved with this inherent power. Great advice!
  19. If the database of old characters had been restored, I'd go for a snap! Since it wasn't, I assume the universe is new, and because they devoted much of their energy to anti-gravity, sorcery, mad science and the like, their cellphones are a bit bulkier, their monitors are CRT, and their elevators only serve one person at a time.
  20. Brief experience with it, but the idea of "It's always night in Gotham and always day in Metropolis" thing sticks with me. Cute reflection of the comics. OTOH, it seems it's always gloomy in the Rogue Isles, and that doesn't add to my fun. Go figure.
  21. Was that the crack you could TP through? I thought they plugged that, couldn't find it last time I tried.
  22. I left a character parked in the Arena construction area back on Live. When next I logged in, the Arena patch had dropped, and he was stuck under the floor. Close as I got. Everybody is familiar with Egg Hunter, the TARDIS on top of Pocket D, and the Dev Lounge in Faultline, though, right? And the Paragon Dance Party is still there for those who remember it.
  23. Generally, anything with "wiki" in the name is intended to be user-editable.
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