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Everything posted by SaintD

  1. As a teacher who has taught literally over a thousand students in every single age range from three to seventy seven.... .....anyone who thinks there shouldn't be hard lines for rules with children, AND EVEN ADULTS, can feel free to conduct a class of 30 while I laugh in the corner.
  2. Inv/Inv Simply unkillable. Otherwise completely useless. FA/FA Burn - Burn is the only attack chain I need. For everything. Claws/Claws ....and then take Eviscerate twice. Use them as your only attacks. Maximum hatred. Fire Blast/Fire Blast/Fire Take them on an archetype that gets Fireball as an epic. Use only three Fireballs as your attack chain. Wear a wizard hat. Die of 1D4 harsh glare damage. DM/DM Take Flurry in the speed pool, and the Sands of Mu temp power. Two Shadow Mauls. Flail like an idiot at everything.
  3. If you're wanting to 'chill', then Tanks should easily have enough damage. When debating damage, people who solved the game eons ago will note a huge difference between slotted out this and that and whatever. Bottom line for everyone else....Tanks still murder enemies extremely dead, extremely easily. While not dying. Chilling is easier when you're not running on a knife edge and need some actual focus to murder before you're murdered. As a Tank, murder is something that happens to everyone who isn't you.
  4. Fire Melee is weird, because I'm wondering what different game you're all playing every single time there's a thread like this. For all the numbers and analysis people like to throw around, in actual gameplay FM always absolutely f**ks like a tiger on cocaine. Fire Breath is garbage though. The activation time is absurd. It's a pause button to go make tea or a sandwich.
  5. You're assuming I 'build a character'. Bold.
  6. Josh Strife Hayes has an entire series of trying to find and play the worst MMO possible, and people are still playing every single one. People are still posting about masks and Ivermectin as they literally choke to death on reality. "Why are people doing it then, huh?" is the dumbest, most utterly simpleton nonsense take anyone can possibly make. ....but that makes sense from someone trying to defend a guy who's bad at his job because you met him and he's nice. I have evaluated only a single bad teacher who wasn't nice. They were all still bad teachers. And the cherry on top being to point out CO is still basically the same after twelve years as if that's great, and not because it instantly flopped into maintenance mode and fossilized. I'm not wasting my time typing on a phone to all your points, because there would be no point. Reality is the point. Emmert hasn't delivered a major project that didn't flop (including an entire major development studio with multiple high profile IPs) since CoX, and realistically that wasn't even overly successful for the hype of being the first ever superhero MMO when people would eat their family for one. Maybe you can send some thoughts and prayers to his project history. Buy it some Hydroxychloroquine. Meanwhile, everyone is gonna watch another very mediocre at best game happen and be entirely unsurprised.
  7. It's so hilariously awesome because murdering everything in sight before they kill you like you're a 1st level D&D wizard with 1d4 harsh glare damage, is pretty much the actual damage mitigation of the set. If they ain't all dead immediately, you are.
  8. For some reason Jack Emmert gets cred for City of Heroes, when really the only thing he did right was say, "Let's make a superhero MMO." He then proceeded to try and nail us down to 'three minions and a lieutenant is a one hero fight, and a Boss can probably beat you'. You know the Rest power? It had a ten minute cooldown. Because Jack Emmert, and Jack Emmert doesn't know what fun is. Or what superheroes are either, apparently. CoX pretty much only became a good game because he got flushed. He then went off and once again had total control over Champions Online, which proceeded to inhale buttholes, and make Cryptic into a kind of messed up puppy mill of an MMO company dedicated to pooping out as many properties as possible with as much of the same assets in the same engine as it could. Hearing 'Jack Emmert' attached to a project immediately makes me think 'so it's going to be terrible then'. EDIT: Now that I think about it, Jack Emmert is the Chris Roberts of superhero MMO's. See, Chris Roberts has spent his whole life trying to make this giant space sim he's dreamed about forever, with the small problem of being possibly one of the worst project leaders the game industry has ever known - he's an utterly boneheaded moron who got thrown out of his projects by any publisher he managed to sell a space sim idea to, because he's utterly incapable of running and delivering a project. And now, since publishers consider him to be made entirely of radioactive incompetence, he got himself funded by the only people stupid enough to not have any pattern recognition.....the general public. That's Jack Emmert. He keeps trying to make a Marvel superhero MMO, with the small problem being that he's simply terrible at it. At least King Midas turned things to gold. Jack turns them to poop. He wanted to make a Marvel superhero MMO and ended up with City of Heroes because Marvel wouldn't go for it, and left because everyone else on the team wanted to make a game that was actually good. Then he left, founded Cryptic, wanted to make a Marvel superhero MMO, and ended up with Champions Online because Marvel wouldn't go for it, then left Cryptic because weirdly enough, no-one seemed to care about trying very hard except the Star Trek team, and it's the Marvel superhero MMO that he cares about. Now he's actually GOT A MARVEL MMO and it's going to be terrible because we know he's really bad at this.
  9. And if Conan Exiles taught us anything, it's not even the girl's jiggles we truly care about.
  10. Homecoming torches the plans of the successors simply based on the fact the successors suck. That's the honest reality. All they had going for them was being some kind of hopefully 'close enough' pastiche of CoX, and in the harsh light of actually being able to just play CoX itself again, they look terrible because they're not even as good as the now-ancient OG. And to continue being brutally honest, if they look the way they do now after all this time, and still basically not even in a feature complete state being filled out with content, they weren't coming out, or they're going to be terrible.
  11. I think the given line on that was that those dresses are pinned to the legs and don't have physics. They work for an NPC because you can strictly control the animations they use. For players, that dress turns into an eldritch horrorshow of stretched textures and a black, unknowable void between the legs when you get in any way acrobatic.
  12. I get the impression that making a new body model isn't necessarily difficult. Hell, probably effortless, almost a couple hour job for a professional, considering improvements in programs and talent over the past couple of decades. The issue isn't making a new body model. It's adjusting and properly pinning every single costume part in the entire game to it. One by one. And testing them. One by one. And together. With every animation. In as many permutations as is possible. Couple hours to throw together a model that matches the rest of the game. Endless toil inserting it into the game.
  13. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! What is level 50!? What's this Incarnate thing people argue about!? I hit level 30 amidst a graveyard of twenty other deleted heroes, and park that poor bastard alone and forgotten in Bricktown while I make another fifty more!
  14. I don't even have a single toon above level 31 due to idly alting my way through life, and I STILL have enough money from literally nothing more than selling the 35 merits from the second half of Faultline to start throwing some 'good enough' attuned sets in the attacks. There's being lazy, and there's not knowing how the game works. Even just playing the game and not giving a damn, you get valuable s*** to sell. Even rare mats can build up surprising cash over time if you're looking to just lazily buy attuned stuff off the AH without ever crafting.
  15. For whatever sins you might want to level at the Homecoming development branch (there are other City of Heroes servers out there), it certainly can't be said that development isn't active. Another aspect of current development is the lack of 'profeshunal garms develoopmnt!' handwringing about various quality of life changes and fixes players always wanted but Live development never even took a first look at. CoH is less roadblocky and more "Meh, I guess if that's how you like it" than the For-Profit Live version EVER was. EDIT: Also, these guys seem to easily be 'professional standard' in their understanding and use of the game engine/programming. They seem to be habitually doing stuff the Live team couldn't or wouldn't, and pulling their hair out trying to untangle clumps of insane, kludged together code made by the 'professionals' to fix obscure and weird bugs buried in there like ticks.
  16. Sexual harassment on an industrial scale so large it took a federal investigation two years to collate it all. I mean, I could try flirting badly at any women currently present, but I don't think it'll quite make up the head start they have on us. We might have to accept defeat on that front. Clear superiority.
  17. You probably shouldn't bother with Katana when you're so strong in the ways of necromancy. You'll need to go talk to the people in the Mastermind forum.
  18. SaintD

    Stone melee/?

    This is actually a pretty nice build because of how bonkers Fault is as a mitigation tool. It really lets /Fire survive way more easily when you can just knock everything over before you use Burn and kill absolutely everything. Especially Bosses. Remarkably few bosses can do anything about you constantly smacking them over as soon as they get up. Fault has a twenty second recharge. With a couple of slots it can be part of your rotation. Oh no, I lose some DPS.....I only have enough DPS left to kill the enemies in seconds instead of....in seconds....oh. Right. Because /Fire.
  19. Are you seriously telling me that large numbers of people are playing this game without a WASD setup with their mouse? They must be moving around like a Mark I tank in a swamp. Completely ignoring anyone complaining about cones ever again in 5...4...3...2...1. Aaaaand they're gone.
  20. Just imagine.....you get snapped out of existence by Thanos. You watch yourself turn to dust and disappear. Your loved ones looking on in horror. The black void of oblivion is upon you. BOOM! You're back! Life! You feel the wind on your face, it carries the smell of the trees, you see the sun in the beautiful blue sky..... .....then you walk through a portal and get instantly smooshed by a massive ogre-thing.
  21. Internet neckbeards who have played a game completely inside and out for thousands, possibly even tens of thousands, of hours, complain that the game is too easy for them - The Thread You know how World of Warcraft is basically a hollowed out whale carcass that's been iterated and expanded with the same raids, warmed over criminally bad writing, and 'endgame' content endlessly over almost two decades to retain an ever shrinking group of 'fans' who actually pay money to shred something new in about four seconds because they've played WoW so much they can pretty much see the code like an operator watching the Matrix? This thread is that, except no-one is making any money so why in the actual hell is anyone giving the whales even so much as their breath? Boredom, I suppose. Is the game too easy? ....no. No it isn't. It's no easier than any other game I play. It's harder than Minecraft, the best selling game of all time. Don't see how it's any easier than GTAV, a sandbox of utter idiocy, second bestselling game of all time. List kinda goes on like that. CoX isn't too easy. It's actually really difficult if you stupidly smash all the sliders to max. Is the game too easy for you? You can't get anything out of playing anymore because you've thrashed every last pixel the game will render? Is it getting you down? You're done with the game. Congratulations. Grow up and accept the journey ended. The mountain doesn't just keep going up endlessly. You reach the top and when you're done with the view from there the only thing left is to go find another damn mountain.
  22. It has an absolutely massive 20% -ToHit debuff, so it's a ludicrously powerful mitigation tool that effectively adds 20% defense to you on top of all your other Dark attacks (which are usually about 5%).....and on top of the resists you'd have. Except this kind of defense can't be stripped away by enemy debuffs. They just take it and have to live with it. Basically, imagine a Claws scrapper tearing their hair out fighting one of those massive hordes of CoT ToHit debuffing, lethal resisting ghosts.....except you're the ghosts and it's hilarious.
  23. I got a Steel Series 650 six months ago and it arrived already broken with a shit mouse wheel sensor, and upon checking online, it turns out this is common for them. Replaced it with a Razer, which just Todd Howards. Anyone claiming so-and-so company is better quality can eat my entire ass, every time I don't get a Razer, they break, regardless of price point.
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