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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. Popcorn Ostrich eyes Drama Llama eyeing the thread cautiously...
  2. I like that thing. I don't like that other thing. The rest of the things, I don't think I'll notice, or feel particularly positive or negative if I do notice them.
  3. Nope. I run dangerously low on endurance in tip/scanner missions. It's a combination of rapid animation times (1.056, 1.32, 1.32, 1.716 and 1.584), 150% global +Recharge and 89.92% Recharge in every attack (except Masterful, only 42.4%). Over the course of a full chain, I'm averaging ~1.3s per attack, and my Recovery can't sustain that, especially with /Martial being AoE-heavy (which was exactly why i wanted to play it). In contrast, all of my other characters, even with lower net Recovery, have no trouble maintaining a constant string of attacks for an indefinite period, because I'm spending much more time in animations, typically averaging 2s or more per attack. But in tip/scanner missions, I can mow down a spawn and allow my Recovery, or the next Domination pop, to refill my bar while I'm running to the next spawn. Can't do that with bullet sponges. There is no commercial break, you're in the action for the long haul. It's a great set for visual appeal and pumping out a pile of attacks in rapid succession, but it sucks on that endurance bar like a dying person would a sweaty bandana. Granted, the problem wouldn't be as readily apparent if I were playing this character more traditionally, with pets, but that merely glosses over the issue of heavy endurance use, it doesn't actually make the set consume less endurance when you use the attacks. It could definitely use a balance pass. I'm not going to stop playing it if that never happens, because I really do love it, but it does vex me at times.
  4. I did some Trick or Treating with my Dark/Martial this evening. I was planning to skip it with this character, but I just had to know how it would perform. Safe... but I ran out of endurance so many times, it wasn't funny. Even with all of the +Damage I've piled up, it just doesn't hit hard enough to defeat those new EBs before bottoming out, and that's with 3.71 EPS Recovery (2.91 net). I'll have to remember to grab the +Recovery empowerment buff before I make another run. I love /Martial, but it's a get in, get off, get out set, not a set good for an extended fight.
  5. 50% -Regen for 25s in Discharge (Electrical Affinity), 20s base recharge. 50% -Regen for 20s in Time Stop (Time Manipulation), 16s base recharge. And Kinetics, Nature, Poison, Rad, Thermal and TA also apply -Regen in varying amounts. 11 mastermind secondaries have -Regen, 5 don't (Empathy, Pain, FF, Sonic, Storm).
  6. My voice carries no more weight than anyone else's. They wouldn't do it anyway because there's no way to distinguish between single-target and AoE in this context, and they want the inherent to be restricted to use on a single target. As an automatically applied debuff, it would function in AoEs as well.
  7. I'd get more use from it in that form than I ever will as a click. Or than I did when it was tied to the T1/T2 attacks. If it requires micro-management (something no other inherent expects of the player), and gives so little benefit for the work and time invested that it can be ignored, it's no different from the current version of Opportunity and I'll treat it as such. Frankly, I don't care if it makes hot dogs rain, as long as it does it without my interaction.
  8. Damage. The word you're looking for is damage. It's not bad at 50... with Musculature Radial/Core Paragon, Assault Radial/Core Embodiment, Assault, the chance for +Dam ATO and a pile of +Dam set bonuses. Then it's okay, for casual play.
  9. Thirded. I'm not going to use it at all on minions or lieutenants, which means my use is going to be comparatively infrequent, and a power used infrequently is eventually forgotten, or removed from the tray because I've gotten by without it and just don't need it. The increased damage scalar will be nice. The extra click, I won't bother with. But I'm too casual to solo AVs or GMs now, so my perspective is probably skewed.
  10. Yes. And since that problem is resolved, as we now have a means of obtaining multiple free and cheap attacks, travel powers, buffs/debuffs and utility powers without being locked into pool selections, the old restrictions aren't necessary any more.
  11. Ditto. The powers most responsible for creep are pool powers, like Hasten, Tough/Weave, Maneuvers, Defense powers for LotG global +Rchg slotting. Having access to primary/secondary powers earlier isn't going to make anyone stop taking those pool powers. I say go for it. We don't need mandated pool powers any more, and this is closer to the original vision of the game.
  12. The streak breaker isn't as reliable as implied, though. Mixing AoE attacks with single-target attacks can, and in my case, very frequently does, result in missing the same target several times in a row, despite being at the hit chance cap. This includes PBAoE toggles with a hit check, so it is entirely within the realm of possibility to have 95% chance to hit a target and miss several times in a row. Ten years ago, I didn't mind missing. But ten years ago, I wasn't playing sets with combo mechanics and stored charge effects, and I'm finding that missing is a much more frustrating problem today. We shouldn't have to use 4-6 attacks to ensure that a 3 attack combo is functional, but we do. Combo/charged mechanics just aren't compatible with miss rate mechanics, that's why HC rejiggered some of the melee sets to guarantee that their special effects are always granted, even on misses. Still waiting for them to do that for Staff Melee (hopefully before i lose my temper one time too many and punch a hole in this laptop's LCD), but revisiting the hit chance mechanic to make Accuracy more relevant than simply pegging a character at a theoretical (but not practical) 95% miss rate would resolve the issue a lot better than more mechanic band-aids.
  13. There's nothing to remove. No Avoid in the attribs. It's the AI, not the power.
  14. The only things which can see you with Stealth active are foes with +Perception and foes who ignore Stealth (Rikti Drones and Nemesis snipers, for example). If you're being spotted and attacked, it's because you're using a PBAoE or in range of one of those types of foes. Stealth is what Invisibility used to be before the Concealment pool was revamped. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/28070-patch-notes-for-april-20th-2021-issue-27-page-2/
  15. If tank are obviated, doesn't that mean it's not trinity? If they try hard? You didn't think this through, did you?
  16. I wanted to play a succubus, but not as a dominator or controller, so I threw together a costume and went back and selected Psi Melee. And then, when I was playing with the costume options after a few levels, I stumbled on the combination of no head and an eye aura, so I started running around with a headless character with flames coming out where the eyes are supposed to be. Then I added the thundercloud path aura so it looked even freakier, and by that point, I wasn't playing a succubus any more, so I redefined the character as a nightmare come to life and renamed her Phantasmagorie. And then I added sharks. Because it's not really weird unless there are sharks. And even though I despise the inane lockout balancer in Insight (same reason i don't play my level 38 Savage/whatever scrapper much), and throwing sharks is sloooooooooooooooooow... I have to say, I like playing this one. It's nothing like what I started with, what I intended, and I'm not the least bit displeased. Don't get stuck on making a concept work, just go with the flow. Step outside the concept zone and see what happens. As long as you're enjoying it, it doesn't really matter whether it's true to the original vision... and you can always make another character to chase that vision later. You have 5000 slots, Snarklebelle, you can afford to explore.
  17. That. Stop worrying about what "fits" and focus on fun. You can always change colors and animations, grab pool powers, use a crowbar to force it to "fit" later.
  18. /screenshotui 1 PrtScrn Alt+Tab to an open file explorer window. Navigate to the game directory, Homecoming/Screenshots.
  19. And did them so powerfully, so evocatively, that they're still lauded by everyone who's played any of the games. His narration is iconic and integral to Fallout. It's what gives the games their emotive depth, what gives their stories weight. The wasteland wasn't just a place to stand, a backdrop for your fights, you heard his voice echoing in the back of your mind as you wandered, reminding you how this landscape became the barren, desolate place that it was, tinging the entire experience with a hint of regret and sorrow and giving you a more somber, meaningful experience. None of the Fallout games would've been anything noteworthy or memorable without that. Without his narration. He made us feel it. That's something special and unique to Fallout that shouldn't be sacrificed, or lost, in the transition to film. If anything, it's even more important to keep it, because story is everything in film. The most beautiful cinematography in the world doesn't save a piece with a bad story, or no story at all. Doing this without Ron Perlman... they might as well just hand it to Uwe Boll, or Tommy Wiseau.
  20. "Low" damage sets, like Kinetic Melee, Psi Melee, Staff, petless masterminds, punchy punchy RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH controller and dominator, melee sentinels. I have some of the harder-hitting stuff, and that's nice in a different way, but when I was going through my characters a couple of weeks ago, I realized I have a clear tendency to play things that a lot of people deride. The "weak" ones are what I play the most, what I keep going back to when I should be working on my next alt. Maybe I'm a sadist. Or a cat. Now that I think about it, cats are sadists, so... eh.
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