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Everything posted by VileTerror

  1. Ship has sailed. Cat's out of the bag. Horses are out of the barn. Ice cream is a puddle. Whichever turn of phrase you want to slap on it . . . I have an idea, but I think it's too late to implement it, so it's not necessarily a "serious" idea . . . but hear me out anyway? Incarnate Powers should require a resource to use. You collect that resource performing various activities, with some activities giving greater returns by posing greater challenges. And then you use up this resource to activate and/or maintain the Incarnate Powers. From a gameplay standpoint; yeah, it's a hassle. But it would make the Incarnate stuff feel more -special-. Not just something you unlocked, but something you have to actively manage and choose to use. Like the Shivan Shards or the Warburg Nukes, albeit with no cap, or an EXTREMELY HIGH cap on that resource AND you can go to multiple sources to collect it, rather than just one place. I know. I know. It's not going to be a popular idea, nor one which I honestly think should be retroactively applied to existing Incarnate Powers. . . . but maybe we should consider it for future content?
  2. In -that- case, you'd probably want to post this in the Mods section. Maybe a fan out there can make your dream a reality as a client-side experience.
  3. Proc-tologist. They only have one attack, but it's 6-slotted with Damage and Effect Procs.
  4. To respond to the loading screen hints idea: Please no? Not until we have some other way to view those hints in-game, anyway. My game loads so fast that I never have a chance to read any of those. Not trying to do one of those "weird flexes" here either; I -want- to be able to read the hints (some are funny, and despite playing since 2004, some still provide information I didn't have before).
  5. One thing I -will- say regarding feedback; please! For the love (or hate, whichever suits you better) of all things, Cipher: Make sure this thing works in all browsers. I mean, I didn't realize that these forums were actually supposed to have a background image until I viewed them on a family member's computer using a browser I don't personally have. I mean, I'm not complaining; I prefer the background to be pure black, as it renders for me in my current browser. But . . . yeah. Please. Pretty please. All the cherries that ever were, are, and will be on top: Use code which will unambiguously render the same way in all browsers. Please avoid any "short cut" code which only works for certain proprietary brands. Thank you for your consideration.
  6. I'm a fan of the good ol' "regular person is fed up with all these damnable metas zipping about." a.k.a.: Natural characters, with powersets that are decidedly NOT super, but still manage to hold their own against people with magic, mutations, scientific, or technological advantages. But statistically speaking? That only accounts for roughly 39% of my characters. And one might argue that some of those Naturals should be Technologies, since . . . technically speaking, a wrench is a piece of Technology. The other 61% are mainly Science and Tech, with the rare Mutant or Magic.
  7. I mean, if someone is playing City of Heroes with DPS optimization on the mind, and they've hit that ceiling . . . Congratulations? You won? You "beat" City of Heroes. What's the point, at that point? If someone is playing the game strictly for the combat, and that's no longer fulfilling, why would they want to stick around? What purpose is there to doing and redoing the same content for a person like that?
  8. And Fog of War for public zones. That'll get reset on a different Shard.
  9. As a Level 25 Tanker Exemplared to Level 15, my chat log looks like this right now: [22:58:40] You cannot use Gauntlet when you are fighting at level 15. [22:58:50] You cannot use Gauntlet when you are fighting at level 15. [22:59:00] You cannot use Gauntlet when you are fighting at level 15. [22:59:10] You cannot use Gauntlet when you are fighting at level 15.
  10. I've seen them ride the elevator. . . . not sure how they're violating physics so brazenly, mind you. But I've seen it!
  11. . . . WELL! Sounds like my main villainess, Commandant Nongratis, has a new life goal. Shut off all magic in Oranbega: Two-for-one!
  12. That's all awesome to hear, Cipher! Thank you!
  13. Nah nah nah, see, it's all good. They'll hear the Harley coming and think "must be a Brute! Get ready!" But then the sound just stops abruptly, and they're just standing around . . . waiting . . . "Must not have been us that they were after, eh Bob? . . . Bob? BOB!" But it's too late. Bob's been Assassin Arrest'd!
  14. Motorcycles would be awesome (and the asset does already exist in-game; so some of the work is done). But yeah; how could I forget scooters?! One of my players for my tabletop City of Heroes roleplaying campaign actually had her teenage heroine zipping around Paragon on a little vespa. Make it so!
  15. Thanks, 'lynne. Exactly what I (and I imagine a lot of other folks) has on the mind. And if it goes well, maybe future ventures could use such a model as well.
  16. I know, right? So dastardly! I'm still trying to figure out how DEEP all of this goes, though. Like . . . if someone were to map out all the underground facilities, bearing in mind that there are unclickable doors in nearly every room tile that imply rooms beyond them . . . AND the underground sewer networks, AND cave tunnels and ancient mines, AND the Rikti facilities . . . how deep would it all go to be able to fit?
  17. Because most of these are secret underground lairs, I imagine. The lack of windows supports this.
  18. Don't give up entirely, Knight! Two immediate options spring to mind: - Negotiate with Cipher to enhance your work by bringing it together. - Pivot your existing efforts and assets in to a new project; after all, you had quite a list of ideas in that poll of yours. Maybe the work you've done could somehow enhance one of those?
  19. I see your original Zepp, and raise you an emo-rock version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljEzSRQn4eM
  20. I'll never understand this mindset of treating City of Heroes like "Damage Farmsville." If you wanna play Farmsville, I think there are a few variations out there to try. Snark aside; I would like to offer to this player the same advice I've offered to other players making similar concerns apparent: If the difficulty curve of this game is not satisfying to you, I encourage you to branch out and take part in the myriad OTHER ways to enjoy this massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. Because it does have quite a bit to offer outside of DPS, and the Homecoming Team isn't going to magic-wand away the feeling that things are "too easy."
  21. Another night complete! We had a BIG WINNER on the final match of the night. She put in 100,000 Inf, and walked away with 3,100,000 AND both of the Door Prizes for coming early, and staying late! Next time, that person could be YOU!
  22. But now's your chance! Please. Join us!
  23. um, uh . . . is . . . is this related to https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/15210-pks-build-planner/ at all?
  24. Thanks, Denarii! And thanks for being the first to show! I hope you liked the double-door prizes!
  25. Sorry about that! Pinned at the top of this Roleplay board: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/1104-rp-and-ooc-global-channels-code-of-conduct/ And copy-pasting this from another thread in the Everlasting Board section, but: In-game, type these two commands: /chanjoin OOC /chanjoin RP This will allow you to chat with a bunch of other roleplayers in Out-of-Character and In-Character contexts. Chances are good that if none of the roleplay groups listed here in the forums ( https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/1346-sgvg-recruitment-board/ ) strike your fancy, then someone on the OOC channel can point you toward a roleplay group which would be a good fit for your character. Just remember that Global Channels use your account-specific Global Handle rather than your current character's name. Any time you start a new character, or switch to an existing character after joining a Global Channel, you'll just need to update your Chat Tabs, lest the channel not show up. This can be done quickly by typing this first command when you've configured your Chat Tabs to your liking, and then the second command once per character thereafter. /chatsave /chatload
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