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Everything posted by VileTerror

  1. Oh, the complaints are generally in regard to ensuring that the Henchpets are all balanced appropriate for DPS and Controls/(De)Buffs/Utilities. That sort of thing. Just making the new graphical assets isn't (according to legend) the "really hard part." I'm of the mind; make 'em and scale 'em all to underperform out of the gate. The people who want to play them for concept will play them regardless. If they're really underperforming severely enough, then go ahead and do a pass to upgrade them. But given the state of this game and the concepts of "balance" and "challenge," I'd sooner want interesting content getting banged out rather than withering on the vine for the sake of perfection.
  2. Base Raids are disabled, and unlikely to ever be a thing on Homecoming. There are other servers out there which are trying to stabilize the Base Raid code, but I don't think any of them have been successful yet. Additionally, thanks to (I want to saaaaaaay) Codewalker (?) the Base Editor is now way more robust and you -can- do exteriors! There are some truly amazing bases worth seeing out there. I recommend Everlasting and https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nw-npzUY2NGc6SFoHa1ByWw202gI8DlT0ZDTQwoR7YM/edit#gid=0
  3. I got a weird error on Pineapple last night. "Invalid method for login" or something like that. I tried a second time, and it worked. The hamster for the authserver for Pineapple may be drunk right now. If the problem persists, definitely get in touch with a GM.
  4. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Apparition. It's appreciated! ... also LONG LIVE REDSIDE!
  5. My spouse has been opening Super Packs and just dropping everything in the market at 1 Inf, earning about 1/3 to 1/2 the value back, buying more Super packs, and rinsing and repeating until broke, then apparently farming back up the Inf to do it all again. While none of that directly accounts for Decimations, Call to Armses, or Basilisk's Eyes . . . maybe the spirit of giving is contagious and others are doing similarly with Inventions?
  6. Tipsy's Lore for Croatoa: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TDS6jZdCByLc_9ErP9CH-vFzOpNAgmjV6hYSwSeMb3o/edit
  7. If there were maybe a Temp Power with limited charges to negate Phase on Targets, but could be purchased with refills, that could be good.
  8. I mean, just getting rid of the date info would be the most efficient thing for the people who don't want it, but there are people who do want it. So, proposed compromise (which is less likely to be implemented, but I just want to gauge people's feelings on it): Each player gets two new options: First Tab to Open and First Tab to Show First Tab to Open: - Target's Choice (Default): consults the Default Tab to Show of the Target - Description (including First Appearance) - Powers - Alignment - Badges - PvP - Arena First Tab to Show: - Description (Default) (including First Appearance) - Powers - Alignment - Badges - PvP - Arena (honestly, why are PvP and Arena separate tabs?) First Tab to Open supersedes First Tab to Show, naturally, but since the Default for First Tab to Open checks First Tab to Show, for most players there would be absolutely no change at all compared to what's currently happening. For the players who care, though, they can change the default Tab they Show, and most other players will see that Tab first. And then those players who really want to see a particular Tab first get their choice. So, yeah. Complex and probably not worth the time of such a small development team . . . but _if_ this came to pass, would any of you be upset with such a compromise?
  9. Perhaps an in-game GMotD would be a good place to repeat the announcement. Perhaps as a second, separate pop-up with a 5 second timer before it can be closed, since I imagine most people have grown use to the monthly GMotDs and just close them right away now.
  10. I posted a "little" something-something over in https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/12631-packrat-at-17/ Be sure to scroll down to the bottom to see the update, please.
  11. I'd like to thank everyone who assisted me and everyone who provided contributions toward this effort. Especially my spouse. I should sleep now. That would be the smart thing to do.
  12. Questing at 17 (plus Temp Power List)
  13. The moment of my "Critical Hit" was when I heard the Mission Complete fanfares for blueside and then redside. I had been listening to the game music for the past seven years, so that didn't get to me. I had played around in Icon and Paragon Chat, so exploring the maps was an experience I had not long before. But those sound effects for a job well done . . . that hit me right in "the feels."
  14. I can't recall how canon it was, but I distinctly recall someone (a Dev, I believe) stating that Paragon City was meant to be Primal Earth's "New York City." What are the ethnic and cultural diversity stats for that town in real life? I think those should be the numbers we aim to simulate in Paragon City.
  15. Was someone asking about https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Exemplar_Effects_on_Enhancements ?
  16. Freedom, you say? https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/19-freedom-forever/ Maybe someone you know is there.
  17. I haven't had any of mine ragequit, but I do the same thing, Shred Monkey. I even host roleplay events where I essentially operate the "NPCs" with my multiboxing, while the other players get to play their various roles as the "stars" of the events.
  18. I, for one (it seems), like the date. It provides information, and I'm of the mindset that more info is good info. I'm not against it becoming optional, but I'd rather not lose it.
  19. I'm afraid I can't help you with this, but I did just want to thank you for including the G in your scream. Too many people forget that crucial G. Thank you.
  20. Officially worried now.
  21. Is roleplaying something you think you might want to try to explore in the future? There are some excellent resources online for how to "break in" to roleplay. http://RPG.net has a great deal available.
  22. The old difference between sustainable business, and growth-as-the-only-path business. The latter makes more money (until it collapses), while the former is something which the games industry is especially bad at. Saying "that's life" feels particularly defeatist about it. Life is change; so let's work together to make that change positive by calling out evil when we see it, and striving to make tangible solutions. Never give up. Never surrender.
  23. I may be wrong, but I believe Galaxy was speaking about: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/11876-new-difficulty-mechanic-advanced-enemies/
  24. Pirate has been changed to just Defeat 100 Ghosts. Spectral is the Capture 100 Ghosts Badge as before, though, but isn't necessary for anything (other than the Red Hand Gladiator).
  25. Thanks again, 24601. I knew the Canada (specifically Quebec) thing would have potential significance. I just didn't realize it would be in the opposite direction of what I was imagining, heh.
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