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Everything posted by DougGraves

  1. I just watched one episode. It is made for Japan and is really about 3 anime heroes with the Avengers as side characters. All of the Avengers look and sound great. It has Hydra. It looks like it should be a great show. But it is all about 3 new anime characters. They don't look like the rest of the characters, they just look photoshopped in. They call out their powers every time they use them. It really feels like they just added an anime show to a backdrop of the avengers.
  2. Anyone downloaded this and verified it is safe? That isn't the sort of link I click on.
  3. for people who don't know, Loki and the other comic book shows and movies are discussed on https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/68-comic-hero-villain-culture/
  4. Dr Who doesn't strike me as a good subject for an RPG. The Dr is so much more knowledgeable and powerful than the companions. How do they make the game work so it isn't just the Dr doing everything?
  5. an entrenching tool would probably work better as pick or axe than warhammer, but given 5e weapon stats it makes no real difference. the calculations would be better as a battlemaster fighter though or a kensai monk
  6. The game is too easy if people are not almost getting defeated every other spawn. And someone gets defeated every mission.
  7. A dark/sonic defender is amazing. You have the control that dark/ gives, plus healing and debuffs. Then sonic gives you great single target damage (including the -res). With the -regen in dark and the -res in sonic you are fantastic at taking out AVs and GMs.
  8. Right, but Thanos just appeared in teasers. They did not confront him in Avengers or GotG or the other movies he appeared. Loki would be lame if they revealed who was behind the TVA and then did not resolve the storyline.
  9. Whereas the Thin Man movies hold up very well
  10. We had 3 cats for years and lost them in 6 months. Aly was very old and got thin and did not drink water. We kept her alive for a few months by giving her water injections. She spent all of that time just hiding in our closet. We finally realized we should stop keeping her alive and took her to the vet to be put down. We regret keeping her alive for so long when she had no quality of life left. Felicity was about 2 years younger than Aly. A few months after Aly died, Felicity was diagnosed with cancer. We had her put down. Zhivago was much younger. He had developed weird sores every year or so that needed surgery to fix. It was some chronic disease. A few months after Felicity died, Zhivago disappeared. He could go outdoors and just went out and did not return. We looked for him for weeks. We believe his disease just got bad and he went off to die. I miss Aly the most. She was my cat. She slept on my pillow with her forehead pressed against my forehead. My daughter misses Zhivago the most. He was her cat. The biggest pain is not knowing what happened to Zhivago. Being with Aly and Felicity at the end meant a lot. We had no closure with Zhivago. As a weird thing, we have a Wii we used. In one Wii exercise game we had created the cats as characters who could show up in the neighborhood. So we would see the cats sometimes on the Wii. I have no good advice except that closure really helped. Saying goodbye really helped. But it took a long time to stop thinking I was going to see Aly when I went into a room.
  11. I enjoyed episode 3, it was entertaining and reasonably fast paced. But when it ended I felt like very little had happened and was surprised it was over. So I don't know if that is because it is so good the time flew by or because very little of substance actually happened.
  12. We went to the zoo to see the dinosaurs on Father's Day
  13. so there is a far side site https://www.thefarside.com/
  14. The market never made sense. Large reds would go for 50k some days and 10k other days. You could buy 3 yellows for 2k and then combine them and sell them as a red for 50k. But prices seems to have just crashed in the past month and now all of the large inspirations seem to be 500 to 2k in price. Did something better come out that caused large inspirations to lose their value?
  15. I just finished up my online Wed D&D using Zoom. It is not the best for it.
  16. Starlink is set up in low Earth orbit so its speed is fine. Normal communication satelites are much, much further away.
  17. I ran this with a lvl 19 rad/dark tanker at +0/x1. I had no trouble with the difficulty. I played it without solo bosses. I liked the arc. The missions were uneven with a variety of villain groups, so each felt fairly different. Each felt like its own story and not just another excuse to beat up enemies. A lot of text in the opening mission intro, but it spelled out clearly what was going on. And then the amount text varied, so it felt right. The 3rd mission was great, very different feel to it. I would have liked more details in some of the missions. There were a lot of standard spawns of foes to grind through. A few bosses that talked or other things to break it up would have been nice. I would have also liked more variety of villains in the missions. Through in some regular paragon police, or mooks, or whatever. While between missions there was diversity, within a mission it tended to just be the same fight over and over again.
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