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Everything posted by kelika2

  1. This is for costume contests and server leagues/raids I just realized my global ignore list is filled with normal people who are annoying for ads
  2. natural/tech/science can blend together depending on how creative or lazy the character maker is
  3. Healing or Debuffs depending on what you have targeted. In Star Wars: Galaxies we had something called a Combat Medic that specialized in aoe healing and poisons with diseases with some light pistol play Tier 1, Medical Scan, single target: For Players: Scans the target for damage and weaknesses. Does a heal over time (not regen) and +resist and +healing taken. the +healing taken can be for all heals or just the Tech Support heals For Enemies: Scans the target for weaknesses. Does -resist and -healing taken Tier 2, Medical Dart, single target: For Players: rapid ticking heal over time (not regen) for a significant amount or a significant duration For Enemies: toxic damage over time and -regen Tier 3, Therapeutic Fumes, reticle AoE pseudo pet: For Players: wide area heal over time and +recovery. unknown duration and cooldown For Enemies: wide area -spd/rech and -recovery, with potential vomiting Tier 4, Booster Shot, single target: For players: +dmg, +spd, +status protection(or resist) and slow resist For enemies: -dmg and -status protection(or resist) Tier 5, Healing drones: Your character gains 5-6 little drones floating around you healing whatever target is hurt, they disappear/burst after healing. said drones will be animation only, or just cut and paste the drone from robots dont matter and no you cant control them no enemy part Tier 6, Asylum Drone, Immobile Deployable For Players: a huge amount of -def/res debuff resist, knock protection and some minor def/resist. Im thinking no more than 2-3% def or 5% resist. I would prefer this to be on a short cooldown for the fast moving nature of this game For Enemies: low mag low chance knock and something that is not redundant. im getting a little bored typing this and i think i ran outta ideas Tier 7, yeah I am outta ideas, oh god, A cone ability that does not need a target to fire: use the disk throwing animation for the player to throw out a spinning object that rapidly fires healing darts in all directions for raw regen or something Tier 8, Fortifying Serum, single target is there such a thing as max hp over time? just an ability that does not give you a flat +500 max health right away but something that takes a few seconds to build up to +500 max health? for enemies it can do the same thing but in reverse Tier 9, ya know what fuck it im done i cant fill the last spot Maybe like a Gate of Babylon from Fate/Stay Night but filled with medical shit firing off whatever and whoever in a large cone doing lots of random small scale effects on friend and foe alike or maybe an Omega Maneuver thats a random grab bag of effects
  4. yeah another pistol for doms thread Tier1 - Pistols. regular lethal damage, no knockback, nothing special Tier2 - Pistol Whip. Melee, smashing, brawl with pistols out animation Tier3 - Supersonic Fan - ranged cone, lethal/energy Tier4 - Cryo Shot. lethal/cold, maybe mag1 hold attached Tier5 - Point Blank Shot. melee, lethal only Tier6 - Burst of Skittles. Name under construction. PBAoE damage using fire/cold/sonic/toxic/lethal in attempts to give the illusion of multiple ammo types in the clip/mag/bullet holders Tier7 - Hot Shot. lethal/fire with guaranteed dot Tier8 - Assassin's Round. minor lethal/extreme toxic dot. Now, if you can use partial animations can you take the second half of Piercing Rounds (skip the flip/flourish) and slow it down for this to simulate.. actually that will look bad nevermind. Tier9 - i dunno what the fuck to put here. maybe use the old thugs empty clips animation and load up spiked beanbags and have lethal/smash upfront with some minor lethal/smash dots? or maybe something new like a buildup you click, turns into a toggle and then auto detoggles after like 15 seconds and goes on cooldown. maybe call it "+P rounds"? im not googling if pistol beanbags are real because im on enough watchlists
  5. i thought about making a snowball fight thread where it takes the mechanics from steel canyons housefires players can pick up snowball temp power boxes fire based people can help directly fighting a GM or something
  6. i didnt read the thread, did anyone suggest this? Just taking the self rez ability grants no detoggle for x time after death
  7. Blaster: Pistol/tactical arrow - absolute beast pistol/fire - pbaoe fun pistol/ice - weak pistol/energy - nice, just pistols and like two utility things pistol/psi - more aoe pistol/martial - is ok Sentinel: Pistol/fire - pbaoe fun, theme stacking, dot stacking Pistol/bio - most toxic damage in the game Corr: Pistol/poison - thought it was ganna be cool but it isnt. nox gas and hail is fun
  8. most of my tankers are fiery aura because the game does not require unkillable walls spamming taunt anymore you will love it when you start mixing fiery embrace and burn in your attack chain. bio armor is also kinda cool i love my energy/bio scrapper but damn i get a little moist knowing i have so much aoe on a tanker that low of a level. burn and spin in posi. little fiery embrace and buildup in synapes You know the chad meme stride here in the real world? you can use that in alternate stances in the costume creator and you can strut the fuck around in frostfire armed to the teeth burning and spinning groups down being a beacon of towering strength for groups at all levels slap the ATOs in burn for maximum recharge as well as some resist or absorbing procs
  9. Dump the following: Taunt, the chances of you being a super ultra end game trial backbone or hami squad dude are small, and even then not sustainable, meaning you wont do that forever or longterm. taunt only hits 5 targets. Grant Cover, this gives you nothing Jacobs Ladder with tankers aoe increase might be cool but chain induction will be better Combat Teleport, yeah sure theme but holy crap is it redundant and overslotted. yeah 2.5% def to all but damn thats a lot of slot dedication Lightning Clap, it just does no damage and when you take it that late in the game thats where people melt +4 maps no problem and wont do much good leadership is not needed and you dont have the slots for it anyways, if dead set with what you might as well bust out the money for cyto hamis oh god do you only have one single target attack? the Touch of Death set is a little light on acc but if you take phalanx fighting and slap a kismet proc in there it will help oh god your slotting between red fortune in defense toggles thats a nice handful of ranged defense you can 4/6 unbreakable guard and 2 health in true grit for some solid melee defense from sets, resists and so on. or just 4/6 unbreakable guard if the build is tight same thing with Tough, 4/6 unbreakable guard and 2 procs and if you are dead set on 3 slotting weave you might as well get 3 cytos or 2 cytos and 1 lotg proc i very rarely slot my travel powers for melee alts because of how tight things are
  10. Level 32, it is now using foot stomp in missions. exemped for a few minutes using Yin and didnt see it stomp a few groups in, didnt test it as long.
  11. and now im wondering if it kicks in when exemplared
  12. dunno but if thats the case i wonder what else doesnt work in that small window
  13. Alright, two thug mastermind alts. one is level 31. I noticed my Bruiser was not using Foot Stomp at all. resummoned, letting it fight alone, giving it upgrades at different times, etc. zero foot stomps after 10 minutes of really watching it. Then before making this post I logged on my level 50 thugs, it used Foot Stomp right away. Will post later when i hit 32 if it starts using it
  14. I like to keep it short most of the time. if you do not want to then i dunno what to read
  15. defense/-tohit combos or stacking tends to be more fun. kinetics is highly overrated, damage capped pets sounds super awesome and super leet and super sweet but at the same time when you have 7ish other fulcrum'd humans in the same team your pets will not have time to aoe for various reasons: 1.) its on cooldown and your speedboost wont do shit 2.) their AI will refuse to use it for whatever reason 3.) they use it too early or too late 4.) 300% per pet isnt as huge as you think it is since enhancements take up 100~ of that anyways so go /time
  16. fossilized sperm?
  17. this has been talked about to death others had the idea short version will be "its doable but brute is just more damage oh god locked thread more warnings on my account for the love of god whats going on im sorry you thought you deserved an apology" and then people go back to their spine/fire brutes when claw/fire and rad/fire brutes do it better and we wait a month or so to do this again because no one, not even me checks catalogs
  18. im not into procs and stuff. but fire blast is good on a defender.
  19. Fire is my answer to everything as a defender. But if you want to be 'le heeler fase' your best pet will probably be mastermind. at a certain point most folks just dont need healing, pets on the other hand will. demon/thermal to stack resistances necro/thermal to fill their fire gap beast/thermal to also stack resistances ranged pets will have an easier time staying alive
  20. too many attacks? drop some in a respec. im doing a petless crab with melee abilities and found out that the single shot and suppression slow things down for myself so i dumped them have hasten and a permahasten build? might be too much. IO for ranged defense or something /bind key powexecname "power name" to free up some crap. i use z c and v for travel powers, tilde for stuff like energize
  21. change all playable abilities down to like .50 mag knockback, from ninjas crane kick to storm summoning .67mag knockback is the threshold now where things labelled knockback actually knocks down outside of two enemy groups of the same level or higher. .50 mag x 50%(or higher) should be .75 mag which should knockback most targets after some enhancement slotting, with sets(and more with bonuses) this wont be an issue introduce more knockback sets, and set bonuses the devs did an amazing job with the end mod sets, i have faith that this would help everyone any complaints about "required" IOs will be instantly and brutally dismissed because of the knockback tax we pay now
  22. If you are not playing on excelsior i can see that happening
  23. 1 person with group fly with 7 potential pissed off people the numbers are there
  24. Yeah no one is going to do that
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