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Sakura Tenshi

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Everything posted by Sakura Tenshi

  1. Personally, my other concern about mastermind customization is getting the look right and such. Robotics has some pretty big changes like added missile racks, they have attack animations human players don’t really have, and so on. I don’t want to put all the work into custom robots only for their animations to just not work with the upgrades, nevermind a big joy of leveling MM pets is watching their appearances progress with each upgrade (and why demons, zombies, and beasts honestly suck if you ask me) Speaking of beasts and demons: what do for customizing them? They use unique skeletons (actually so do robots) and for beasts, the selection of quadruped models is limited, you’d have to reanimate the powers to not end up with things psychically smacking enemies while stuck in a t-pose edit: at the end of the day, I feel like the only decent way to customize MM pets would just be having some premade options to select from so you can pick from regular street gang thugs, mobster type thugs, and maybe syndicate/agents. This allows for animations and upgrades to line up, and I guess avoid controversy. That said I wouldn’t mind female pets, I do know a number of female mms who would like to run an actual girl posse. additional edit: actually I do see that merits can outweigh the risks. We have female lore pets we can customize to not look ghostly (shoot, seers are pretty damn scandalous without player input: they’re girls who have been mentally abused and locked into sci-fi bondage gear by a woman who insists everyone calls her mommy and dresses... well we’ve seen how she’s dresses) and with phantom army, you can switch costumes then switch back to make them “different” people.
  2. because I've been playing a lot of Final Fantasy XIV, so my anime levels are dangerously high and anything monstrous that becomes (even more) super powerful must also become handsome.
  3. No argument there, and the second SSA's first part seemed to hint at the beginnings of it, Penelope Yin was able to talk him down for the most part and you could leave things on a peaceable note. Going into some headcanon stuff, it's been noted the police are soft on the clockwork, likely for the reasons you've mentioned: his schemes are nothing worse than a slightly weird rat infestation in Paragon, plus they do are aware of their own responsibility in things. And I'd wager the only reason the clockwork king hasn't gotten a new body is because he'd lash out and escape from custody to give it to him, combined with a likely complication of pushing such a powerful mind into a whole new body (I think he's canonically second only to Penelope Yin who, herself is the strongest psyker in the lore, which even means someone as powerful as Sister Psyche and Aurora are dwarfed by CK) And right into fanfiction territory, I kind of had this idea a bit ago that it'd be a kind of cool incarnate level content where, in order to stop Penelope Mayhem/save her, Metronome basically reached out to our CK and the CK of the Psychic Clockwork world and basically pulled a Dragonball GT Super Seventeen Saga. They fuse into a singular powerful psychic, powerful enough to basically WILL a new flesh and blood body for themselves and confront Penelope Mayhem.
  4. Also, don't forget, part of how we mature is usually having people around to mature with or teach us. I don't think the Clockwork king had much human contact until Penelope Yin.
  5. Actually, the real irony is, if we take the Clockwork king as having been (and is now frozen) around 14-15, it means Penelope Yin is the one "too old" in the relationship, since the devs said even in the old Overbrook arcs she would have been a first semester PCU student, so unless she was grades above normal folks her age (Pretty possible admittedly) she was eighteen when he started seeing her as his clockwork princess. That said, another factor people forget about why Blue Steel went nuts is because the night he killed the Clockwork King, he had (possibly on accident) murdered police officers trying to investigate what was going on with his creations. And I think this was right around the time Blue Steel and BAB disbanded the old Regulators and so they had seen plenty of crime families and street gangs murder cops with no comeuppance. So basically, Blue Steel went full Tumblr TRIGGERED mode. All in all, this does not excuse him, but the clockwork king's past does not entirely excuse him either. But you know who really are not excused? The old live dev lore writers for coming up with a lot of this BS without thinking for five seconds about the implications of the tripe they were writing. By the time they cared about the lore they were doing, it was City of Villains development time, and thus, the villains got... Slightly better writing? Seriously, the @#$% is up with Serafina cursing Scirocco to be evil then being shocked that he's doing evil? Not to mention the clumsy way they handled the fact that Scirocco had already existed in the lore, and Ghost Widow (whose remains originally could be found in Galaxy MAGI office). And of course when they really really started to give a Wretch's booty about the whole thing, we were well into Going Rogue Development, which still meant more clumsy rewriting of Praetorians. (also, where the Eff was Praet Infernal? He was like the only Praetorian who was not even mentioned outside the redone Maria Jenkins arc) Edit: On the note of VileTerror's comments... Just for starters: what character for in-game content? He was used as a deus ex machina redside which is what spurred the chuck norris jokes and the devs played along. The only actual in-game writing he got was in Max's Arc in Dark Astoria. As for the AE arc, it's a worthy cause, but I often find AE is just too damn restricting for most people's concepts and visions, especially in light of the mission tech we see in the main storylines. You don't want to have to load up an enemy on powers, but unfortunately your players will get less rewards without it even if they have the same number of powers as a Hellion or Skulls LT of the same level, and a common street thug now gets a full assault rifle with a grenade launcher and shotgun because EXP distribution is wonky. Or then there's the ability to select the powers you'd like but find either they're not in AE (traps anyone? Or sniper rifle?) or the powers are scattered across too many different sets. And that's just on the powers end. Then there's just the inability to do certain cool tricks like talk to someone within the mission and even have branching options. I guess a lot of this rant is because I had this idea for a simple AE arc for lowbies of natural origin about busting some gang members and finding out a newbie hero you're partnered with is out seeking blood and you have to decide whether to let him pursue revenge, talk him down, or even a middle of the road thing. *I actually made a thread with a list of ideas that, while highly unreasonable and demanding, I think could still be done within the bounds of the programming.
  6. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Vanessa_DeVore Maaaybe the devs told you something different but it seems to me Vanessa didn’t even let the law have a chance, nor did the law likely know what she had done to the gang until well after the fact. and then there’s the soul eating thing. You know, eating the souls of who knows how many soldiers in the Rikti War, then eating the soul of Rachel Morris in her moment of death, as well as the souls of possibly every Carnie we defeat? On a moral level there’s the fact that she says she’s sheltering young women from abuse but only picks the wealthiest and most beautiful ones and probably supplies the decadent lifestyles by psychically persuading them to hand over their money in what seems to likely be a pyramid scheme. And the strong implication she mentally controls/dominates all her “playmates” in a sort of hive mind. Do we want to go into what Giovanna Scaldi used to do? Because at the end of the end of the day, Vanessa seems to be guilty of plenty of her own crimes and kind of withdrew from legitimate society on her own accord.
  7. Given how many villains are resistant if not immune to fire (including a common street gang) I’ve never thought longbow flamethrowers were really in violation of jack. plus, look at how many heroes have fire powers, why does no one give them grief?
  8. I’ve thought about this stuff since before shutdown and your own idea for SR is a lot like mine, that said I think for invul, rather than get rid of the crash, the crash should feel worth it. My own idea went something like: Unstoppable: +90% resistance to all damage types (even psionic) +50% Defense to all damage types +500% Max HP +500% absorb +100 points of protection vs all mezzes +200% endurance recovery +1000% resistance to all forms of debuff, mezzes, taunt, and placate +100% damage +30% ToHit (all of the above lasts for 2 minutes) -1000 Endurance after 2 minute delay -1000% recovery after 2 minute delay for 15 seconds -90% HP after 2 minute delay (irresistible) >Recharges in 15 mins, unenhanceable. the idea is that when you become unstoppable, you are unstoppable. It’s 2 minutes of Godmode and anything trying to hurt you would be better off just running. Naturally there’s still the nasty crash at the end, but hopefully someone would instead be feeling like it was completely worth it. i should also note such stats would be PvE only.
  9. Blue Steel would need a lot of adjustment. For one thing he only goes up to EB, and thank God for that. I'd need to check the specifics, but the dude has Willpower and Shield Defense, which might not sound too bad, but I think he's got true grit and high pain tolerance which means he has a whopping +40% HP and he definitely has Against All Odds AND Rise to the Challenge. AAO and RttC in the hands of even an EB is a pretty decent combined Debuff towards ToHit and Damage (stacking with good resists and defense) but RttC's Regen bonus scaled to AV plus possibly having +40% max HP would make him damn near unkillable unless you're playing a range-damage heavy team and packing a lot of regen debuffs. So, long story short: just bumping Blue Steel up to AV would mean he would be insanely durable.
  10. You could run them in ouroboros or something? Plenty of badges also require you to be a villain. Heck, I've had to take my heroes villain side for three days to get smokebomb day job powers. Just, why are the badges so important to you if aiding malta is so repulsive? I hate to toss out sayings but this really feels like a case of 'I want to have my cake and eat it too'.
  11. So, not to say there wouldn’t be heroes or villains who think that way. You are presently racing to stop Mot from nomming the world and are trying to stop the Talons and Knives from hurrying that process along. So why would you spend the time and effort to go to those side missions if you’re so confident to not need malta’s help why take the extra who knows how long to go to those, tarnish your reputation with the PPD (in the case of a hero), all just to murder a bunch of guys who up front told you they can’t handle incarnate level threats like you anymore? In otherwords: why are you going out of your way to kick a problem down the line when there is a very immediate problem already chewing your leg.
  12. I think the big trick with an underwater area is that it'd need to be less than half the map makeup, long enough for players to go "oh, that's interesting" short enough to avoid getting too annoying, visibility would need to not be obstructed very much no matter how unrealistic (as I recall, that was an issue in CO and made it more disortienting) and keep the area somewhat small and with plenty of notable features to avoid disorientation. But, that's all a bit besides the point.
  13. Mostly because the moment you kill one of the major higher ups of Malta Max IS NOT going to help you anymore, probably, and he's the one who knows where the KoA monastery is, is sane enough to articulate it, and willing to trust you to any degree. I mean I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice but within the story, it wouldn't make much sense. At best, killing one operative will lead him to just remove the option for the other missions and send you to the KoA monastery. Better idea though could be to make an 'extended' arc where you tag each of the Malta higher ups and then murder them later.
  14. could coincide with that idea I had for a submarine map set above. Trick would just be making a zone of water around the sub you're supposed to enter. Oh, and now making an outer shell of said submarine.
  15. Well, usually passing train scenery in any videogame is handled via a looping skybox, the train itself is actually still and occasionally you'll have transition points which after the player makes a certain amount of progress. Falling off could be easily handled via 'instant kill zone' if you went beyond a certain point. Now, in City of, you can fly, but even that could still be managed by making the train's passing scenery include a lot of overhanging objects and off-to-the-side elements that the train 'swiftly passes by', so the implication behind that even for fliers, stray too far from the train carelessly and you're smashing into a tree or metal signage. Not sure it could be done, but staying with the train on the outside could just have fly powers gain a back trail regardless of the direct they're facing to imply you're always putting in an effort to keep up with the train. Edit: I apologize for necroing this thread, but I remember reading this and had a bit of an 'aha!' moment.
  16. this one might not be popular since it would call for an alignment shift but: Pankratos (Defeat: requires defeating all Praetorians either through trial or arcs, all of the Freedom Phalanx, and all of Arachnos' inner circle) - No matter who they are, what world they're from, or what powers they wield, you have proven mightier still, forcing even the strongest beneath your feet.
  17. Amen to that. A soloable incarnate storyline was cool and it resolved an old plot while making use of a sadly underused zone, but I loved the “Creepypasta” feel of old DA and if I had been asked to revamp it I would have probably made it a lower level zone filled with stuff like your police radio getting strange signals, low combat/puzzle centric missions, even hallucination event triggers.
  18. Well, seeing as I’m of like mind with a lot of people here, I’ll post mostly what I know they won’t as an unrepentant weaboo: better Japanese pants for men and women (like, just take the Shorts 3 model women have, make it ankle length: boom! Hakama Haori and Happi coats in Jackets (with samurai armor and martial arts robes as chest details) martial arts robes with no overhang so they can look tucked in Sarashi body wraps for males and females (basically bandage wraps, often around the chest for women, around the waist for men) a normal katana that uses reflective surface mapping on the blade Katana to be visible again Tsoo glowing yakuza tattoos for men mustachioed samurai menpo mask kanabo/Tetsubo club customization for titan weapons (I want to “WAGA SUCHINI ARI!” some black knights) more hairstyles for men, preferrably covering the ears.
  19. If I recall, the reason was a technical issue on live. I think it was something weird like procs on taunt auras hitting the user instead of the targets. Not 100%on the validity though, no source, and that may have been fixed since and they just haven’t gotten to it.
  20. Not as pretty as others but I had some rough ideas for some APPs for Arachnos soldiers so you don't have powers conceptually tied to being a patron's lapdog. Telepathic Mastery: (You've honed the mental training Arachnos taught you to levels they could have foreseen) -Psionic Dart (kind of iffy these days because of Force of Will, also because Mental blast is better and available to Widows and Fortunata, also this is weaker than other PPP attacks, so it might need a damage buff) -Mass Hypnosis alternatively Neuralmotor Override (basically a PBAoE version of Subdual) -Horrify (Mind Control's Terrify, changed to only a mag 2 chance for fear but a decent tohit and recharge debuff, possibly no damage. Alternatively ditch the fear component completely for the debuffs and better damage.) -Empathic Soothing (basically Time Manipulations Temporal Mending, small upfront heal with a DoT) -Confusion (very iffy with this one, but I didn't want to give the psionic nexus pet NPCs have because that seemed too strong.) Technology Mastery (Without Arachnos breathing down your neck, you were free to pick up some new toys) -Sidearm (basically the revolver power with a customizable single pistol model with a longer range and 'high damage') -Caltrops (should work for a tier 2 as it does a lot of what the PPP tier 2s do) -Satchel Charge (Locational AoE pet summon, sort of like trip mine but you detonate it by attacking it, alternatively have a temp power popup tray for detonation) -Insulating Sheathe (+res v. Cold, Fire, Eng, Neg, -Rec, and -End. Passive. I do understand this strays pretty far from other tier 4s) -Call Drone (Thinking basically the minion-tier Robotic Drone lorepet ally. Gun drone might be either too weak and/or step on devices too much) Survival Mastery (You've pushed yourself harder than any other operative before) (This one is gonna get kind of weird I think) -Rushing Strike (Single Target 'teleport to' attack that deals moderate damage, probably use burst of speed animation to look like a lunging punch. Crane kick to look like a lunging side kick) -No idea, maybe Caltrops -Dragon's Tail -Physical Perfection -also no idea. So, as you can see the ideas are pretty sloppy and could be refined, a lot, but those are the rough ideas I have: three APPs for SoAs based on training, tech, and psionics. Anyone got some better ideas? I'd be all for it.
  21. There's a lot of thematic powersets missing for epic pools that Tyrannical and a few others have worked out ideas for. I know I'd also like to see Kheldians get some APPs, possibly a thematic pair that involve dipping into nictus methods or higher kheldian ideas. Similarly I'd like to see Arachnos soldiers get some that are not tied to patrons. As for powers that underwhelm, probably laser beam eyes, if I could 'fix it' my own idea would be to turn it into a snipe power. Stronger, long range, but longer recharge and such. It's not unprecidented for at least scrappers and stalkers to have snipes as Patron pools show, and I can't see why this couldn't extend to tanks and brutes too. In the end though, the suggestion is not rooted in any balancing besides just 'laser beam eyes are normally pretty powerful attacks in comics'.
  22. I mean, personally, if I had written the SSA, I actually would have had Statesman live, just be depowered. Blah blah blah, stuff I've said a million times... Statesman dies holding off swarms of incarnate powered Praetorian invaders with an SMG, hotblood, and the power of God and Anime on his side and found on his feet when dead like Cu Chulainn. That said, if I had been the one in charge of the SSA it might have been a copout with only Miss Liberty dying (then)
  23. Funny thing about that, mythologically, the reason Zeus ate Athena's mother was because Athena was predicted to one day to one day overthrow him. Least as I recall. But no later myths had her try to take over.
  24. Ehhh, not quite. Damage Type-centered Defense is the idea that something hits you and deflects off harmlessly like a stone's hard surface or being invulnerable. Positional defense is based around avoiding attacks. You can actually see this still in game, when you dodge an attack through Damage-Typed defenses, you get a little notice that says "deflected", if you avoid through positional it says "dodged" (or "Avoided" don't quite remember)
  25. I mean, on the note of the car, phone, and computer aesthetics, I kind of always just accepted it as a mix of two things: 1. This game might be played in 2020, but was originally developed back in 2001, prop assets might have been originally designed by a third party developer even earlier or just recycled from something older (remember: flatscreens kind of came into vogue in the latter half of the 2000's and early 2010s) 2. The newest technologies tend to have copyrights on their appearances. So trying to make a modern car (or a closer to early 2000's cellphone) without infringing on copyrights of modern car company just led to us getting automobiles that look like they're from the 70's or 80's. Admittedly, they're meta-reasons and I REALLY wish they had gone through the new car designs they considered for Praetoria in the concept arts, but what can you do? More important stuff to develop. They did seem to get a little better about this as time went on, notice how the police cars seem significantly more modern and actually big enough to fit a person. (So, anyone want to volunteer modeling up new motor vehicles to submit to the devs? Bonus points if preexisting textures are used. I could really use a Camper RV for one of my characters.)
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