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Everything posted by Peacemoon

  1. That’s correct. I think if you wanted a speedy character the options we’ve highlighted will go a long way! Also if you want in combat speed as your super power, it makes sense to me that you need to slot for it! (Otherwise what’s the point of all the bonuses you can get)
  2. I use Char on my Rad/AR to keep bosses stuck in a radioactive flame patch of death. Slotted Lingering Radiation can help help too!
  3. My point is you could try slotting for movement speed to make your character faster in combat. Can sprint take the new run enhancements? Also there are quite a few unique IOs that benefit run speed. For example there is one from an endurance mod set if I recall. Also there are set bonuses. Also you could use sets like Kinetics or Super Reflexes to increase your run speed. I wonder how fast you could name your character with the above options?
  4. I’ll test it tomorrow!
  5. Movement suppression only happens on travel powers correct? Powers like Speed Boost, Siphon Speed, etc maintain their speed even in combat?
  6. In most game I play you can move and rotate the camera by holding down the left mouse button. Is there anyway to achieve this in Homecoming? It’s easily the most jarring part of City of Heroes when I return after a break! (The other being not bringing up the menu screen by pressing escape!)
  7. I don’t really use it, partly because I get very discombobulated if I have different versions of the character… like different power choices and thus different quickbinds. My main use for the other builds is to test powers and power pools I don’t usually pick, just so I can see them in action! Actually I really recommend this!
  8. I tend to think of long range teleporter as a perk for characters I really like. I have my own base with portals to almost everywhere, which is easy to get to, plus there are teleport powers you can buy direct to mission doors, etc. Compared to other games, travel on HC is still extremely easy. I don’t want to dismiss your opinion just it’s not something I share really. Maybe if removed everything and only had the two tram lines again…
  9. Don’t worry, most of us have been there!
  10. Not sure I agree with this assessment. True sometimes your tier 1 pets will get slapped dead, but healing them is very viable and rewarding. Speaking for Thugs, they did well for me, and Fortitude on Arsonist is great. Plus you can mule Gang War for extra defences and resistances for your pets, and of course stack leadership with the Enforcers. Of course it depends what enemy levels you’re fighting (as ever), but I found it fun. When you’re on a team you can focus more on your secondary and just let your pets protect you, as your personal bodyguards.
  11. I have one pistol attack, Dual Pistols, just because I like taking pot shots occasionally 😄 If you load it up with super enhancements and procs, then it can be quite a nice little poke attack. Especially if you remove the withdraw!
  12. I mean I really enjoyed my Thugs/Empathy MM. You sort of get to play as a team support character even while solo, by buffing and healing your henchmen. If that sort of thing appeals, then yes you will love it!
  13. My first controller was Grav/Kin and I took dimension shift rather than crushing field because it sounded more powerful. Those early groups I teamed with were in for a surprise! She also had flight, group fly, +kinetic travel powers because it sounded fun and also because it seemed wrong to be a gravity controller and not have the ability to make your teammates fly or bounce around! Not sure if these count as mistakes or not 😅
  14. Sounds like a very old mission. Boomtown is a hazard zone and in the old old days, people would only go there with a full group. The zone is not meant for people soloing.
  15. Support isn't as binary in this game. Teams can function without support, but things are a lot easier with it. Also, yes the upper limit on character power is very high, but that is across the board. Support classes can become extremely powerful themselves and still bring their support tools. As a rule of thumb, at lower levels defensive support is very handy because most characters are at their most vulnerable. As you get higher offensive support really becomes stronger (helping you kill faster, etc.). So full support sets like Empathy and Force Fields are always useful, but particularly great at lower levels, whereas later levels sets like Storm really come into their own. The 'best' support sets are often a hybrid between defense and offense. As for Controllers they often do well with more offensive support sets, as their controls are pretty good at locking things down and acting as a defence. If you want to be 'pure support' Masterminds might be worth a look, as you manage your pets for most of your attacks, and allows you to really solo as an Empathy and others, and have your own little team to buff and heal, which can be fun. Hope this helps 🙂
  16. When it fits and its intuitive than I don't mind too much, but not a fan of complications just for complications sake. The Gravity Control one I quite like. You know you've set up the extra damage by holding them and you don't have to track any icons or buffs.
  17. Thank you @Number Six, what an interesting read! I am also so impressed by this and everything the HC team are doing, and I don’t impress easily! This seems to have great potential application for Telekinesis and Gravity Control. As well as other sets potentially, such as Energy Blast. Cheers!
  18. I may be wrong but Controllers have superior Control numbers to Dominators, unless Dominators have Dominate on in which case their controls are superior. I’m talking about duration primarily. Dominators are not useless of course, I just consider them a bit below par is all, and not very newbie friendly.
  19. I doubt it. I think the danger is they would probably be a bit crazy and change the game too much if implemented in the way the later incarnates were (like Judgement and Lore). If they were just unlocked as extra alpha slots after a lot of playtime, that might be pretty nifty as a perk.
  20. I think Dominators could use some more love. And I don’t necessarily just mean in pure +damage. I think their inherent and ‘Perma Dom’ could be more user friendly. At the moment it’s too binary and not easy for newcomers. I’d rather the control benefits were made baseline and the endurance refill and other bonuses were kept on a recharge, perhaps? Their AoE and attack skills are more muted compared to traditional Blast sets. My Defender’s get nukes and my Dominators have to contend with quite watered down attacks. I think Corruptors inherent could scale from 100% rather than only starting at 50%. As often the extra damage is only overkill in normal fights. Masterminds I agree with the other feedback. Controllers/Defenders are in a good place as ATs, but some powersets could really use a look at.
  21. Procs are problematic but there are some trade offs to using too many of them already. I personally usually prefer the set bonuses and the built in end redux you often get from them. Procs were changed once to guarantee that they fire on long cool-down abilities, so that’s probably the only bit worth looking at. Having said that I think the devs would be better off focusing on the underloved powersets and ATs in the game, and other feedback we’ve given before back when we had weekly discussion posts on different topics. They generated some great ideas.
  22. Should long animation times be a factor for whether you use a debuff or not though? For sure there is an argument that in some fights you only need Enervating Field (-res, -dmg), and that Radiation Infection (-def, -acc) is unnecessary, and sometimes I do follow that line of thought. But there is also a difference between ‘you shouldn’t have to use every power for every enemy group’ and ‘I try not to use this power because it takes 3 seconds to animate and they’ll be dead before it works…’
  23. Some, yes. Others, not so much. Not very helpful I know! I would say Radiation Infection and Darkest Night are possibly the worst offenders. Powers like Enervating Field and Lingering Radiation are fine. As are Sleet and Freezing Rain.
  24. Nice. In game this could be a Defender who just never blasts, but 100% support Defenders are a bit of a meme and you’re going against the synergy of the AT, so I would avoid personally. Too much of a performance hit. Arguably Controller of Mastermind can let you play closer to this style without hampering performance so drastically. I think a pacifist Mastermind who focuses on supporting their team, but has guardians who defend them if they get personally attacked, is probably the route I would personally take. The pets can go into bodyguard mode which actually is very effective and making your character tougher whilst still sticking with the concept. Controller pets are actually pretty aggressive and ‘off the leash’ so to speak. Also Mind Control involves a lot of psychic domination, which I don’t consider too pacifist!
  25. Also don’t mix pacifist with bystander. If you are a bystander you are not a hero (and sometimes quite villainous!). if you play in groups and play as a MM that focuses on their secondary while keeping your pets in bodyguard mode always (so they only attack if you’ve been directly struck) that’s probably the best way to go. Of all the pets robotics is probably the best way to go, because you can say they’ve been programmed to attack only to defend you (their master), they are all ranged so there is no problem with them hanging back with you, and 2 of the bots are even called protectors and will cast force fields on you and each other. Radiation would be a great secondary as it’s fairly active with applying debuff toggles to every fight, has very potent debuffs and buffs, and because it drains a lot of endurance it actually can benefit somewhat from a character that prefers not to be actively engaging… so to speak.
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