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Super Atom

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Everything posted by Super Atom

  1. I agree with you a straight port of the exact mechanics probably wouldn't be best, but i more mean the general spirit of the mechanic. It's passive and does beneficial stuff. What exactly those things are, would need to be tested/adjusted/debated. It's safe to assume HC devs would do that part first before revealing anything until they find they have a healthy balance if they go that route. I get why people don't want it, I just want EM to be back on the board and i'm not terribly picky on how. My preference is just a mechanic because i enjoy those.
  2. Nothing competes with TW right now. Just saying. Thats why it's getting nerfed. Also, the mechanic making the set something that it isn't is an opinion. Also also EF isn't something you track (again) it's just something that happens. Just for clarification (again)
  3. What i said was, reverting ET won't fix it, not that it won't help. Whirling Hands under preforming is what i was saying is a big issue so just an ET revert wouldn't be the end of the problem probably coulda been a little more clear about it i guess 😛
  4. Idk if you misread or misquoted? I have no issues with ET revert, we were talking about whirling hands base damage. Specifically around an 18% increase
  5. That would be attacking people, you're welcome to go back through the thread and make your own judgements on if this occurred or not. If you feel it hasn't and I'm wrong, then so be it.
  6. Thats what i mean by misinformation though, it was implied that multiple sets mechanics do things they do not and that the purposed mechanic would do things it would not and even after it was explained, it was continued to be spread they would do those things. That is misinformation and there is nothing else to call it. It's ok not to like it, it's an opinion on flavor and everyone is allowed theirs.
  7. Then we agree! 😄 The misinformation is mostly about how mechanics do or do not work and how they would/wouldn't change a set and yes obviously directly attacking someone/s would get you barked at.
  8. You've said multiple times you don't want any aoe increase because you don't care about aoe but ok
  9. I don't think anyone has mentioned it being good for farming and even if you give whiriling hands the 18% damage suggested by the guy above, it wouldn't be good for farming. Thats why it's a ridiculous sentiment. I don't even like farming, I like to do the DA arcs on +4/x8 (with friends) and TF's, gets me more than enough for any alt i make.
  10. Look at you trying to get a GM to bark at me! Not you, at the very least you just want to balance it one step a time and while people already know what changing it will fix and what it won't i can appreciate the willingness to advance past revert if needed.
  11. This thread in a nut shell. If It's not people who just don't care about balance it's people afraid of change so bad they make stuff up and refuse to listen to anyone about how anything works and continue to spread misinformation to scare others.
  12. What a ridiculous sentiment. You're just assuming bad things about people to dismiss their points of view because you don't care. Thankfully the under performance evidence isn't in your favor.
  13. These are purely opinion, right? 1. Stone Armor 2. Energy Melee 3. Armor t9 4. Kheldian toggle suppression 5. Regen 6. Force Field 7. Rage (-def is dumb sorry not sorry) 8. Traps 9. Assault Rifle 10. Stone Armor Honorable Mention Paladin Event
  14. I'm sure you can, because spinning strike does more than 20 base damage than whirling hands, though i'm glad you've mentioned that because thats exactly what people are looking for. A small increase so it's capable of being your only option, you'll still be ST focused but your AoE won't be literally bottom tier. It also won't out pace AoE sets because they have more than 1 option, so they don't get left behind by EM. Balance is wonderful isn't it? 😄
  15. edit: Actually don't If you don't know enough to know about the aoe meta then it's not really even a discussion in the first place. You've stated your opinion and thats good enough.
  16. I don't think you're quite understanding. It's not about anyone wanting anything, the way the game has gone AOE has become priority and sets that didn't quite do it well fell behind. EM has some of the worst AOE of any melee set which is why the general urge is to increase whirling hands / make stun cone. It has -nothing- to do with personal feelings or opinion. It's entirely numbers based. The mechanic thing is opinion based. ET being reverted is also relatively opinion based but most people agree it'd be better off with the old animation which was changed for PVP reasons in the first place. That's why the "only reverting the animation won't fix the problem" is important, because just increasing your general DPS in ST isn't going to fix the numerical disadvantage EM is facing in current CoH. Also before its even said; This isn't about making EM OP or anything. Nobody is saying make whirling hands an aoe TF. It's not even really that -big- of an increase in damage either.
  17. Yeah, It'd need to be dialed back a bit but if you're going for the idea that Regen is suppose to be the out absorb/regen the damage to stay in the fight then i think working it around the idea that IH is directly working behind your absorption to keep you going when your absorb is down then it could make for a cool unique mix. plus the dream could be real again, IH is a toggle lol
  18. I like your general changes, I feel like regen would need a little more but It's hard to really change it up without making it too much or too little. I really like the self rez change and the new toggle. Edit: If you re-work IH so it works as a toggle, I think Regen could be pretty cool.
  19. Rules? Edit: nvm i see what you mean
  20. Like it or not, being only good at Single Target isn't a viable strategy for modern City of Heroes. AoE is front and center and a large part of the game. If the set has no AoE strength whatsoever it's going to under preform. Only reverting ET -will not fix the issue- of whirling hands and stun being bad. If you want to argue they should revert ET and increase whirling hands damage to supplement it's lack of additional cones/aoe then sure but just blindly going "muh pre-nerf EMs" Isn't gonna fix anything. It's also not -for me- it's for everyone because spoilers, even if you enjoy it and like it as is you'll still be under preforming compared to the other sets.
  21. Depends on the AT but the disorient on lightning clap is pretty intense and out paces all of EM by itself due to IO's. edit: For clarification i mean due to IO sets, it's recharge/stun mag/accuracy is really high and reliably stuns a lot of foes immediately around you. I agree honestly, I could live -without- an ET animation revert and just Stun being AoE and whirling getting an increase to not be dog. However, I think EF is more fun and would like to see it more 🙂
  22. Calling it the -main- problem was probably a stretch, but it's apart of the main problem. Whirling hands is not skipped no. (I skip stun) and im offended you would suggest such sir. GOOD DAY. jk Electric Melee doesn't come close to EM's ST ability nor should it. What it absolutely demolishes it in, is it's ability to do disorient (EM's primary utility) AoE, with the added benefit of ST not being too shabby. It also does -end +end sleep knockback/up. Electric Melee trades strong ST for superior everything else while also having good ST. That is the reason i think a fault of EM is utility and aoe. The same set of comparisons can be done with Rad Melee and Kinetic melee. (We use these three because they also do energy damage. One big energy family)
  23. Well it's a funny story actually. You see i was an Archery but i swapped to Ice. When i did so, my brain for some reason kept the mentality of "Oh my thing recharges faster" but that wasn't actually the case and until the guy mentioned it, I forgot entirely that it was no longer the case for my nuke. Crazy right? I'm not really a blaster guy in the first place.
  24. I wasn't trying to come at you or anything, I just wanted you to see the suggestion for the suggestion not any scenarios that haven't happened or weren't mentioned is all. Cause you can pretty much run wild with what if's about most changes and it can muddy things up.
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