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Super Atom

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Everything posted by Super Atom

  1. In Energy Assault, Bonesmasher can trigger Energy Focus, as do other abilities outside of TF. anyone who played it would know that. 😉
  2. Question for you as i haven't yet, how well is the bonus recharge from radiation armor working with TF/ET in combat? I imagine Beta Decay is making it crazy quick to chain PF abilities. Was thinking SR would be a good fit since the +HP from ET crits would be a good fit and the bonus recharge would be cool
  3. You'll never make all parties happy, Its the curse of game development and i do not envy but very much support the homecoming devs in their quest to fix bad sets.
  4. Nope, It absolutely does. Which is why It's a benefit of a proc and not the baseline. ET didn't change too much from current outside of being your #2 in rotation to achieve that damage. It's not a big ask, it's not a big difference and i personally think people inflating this to be a big problem are just pouting. Optimal rotations are a thing on every set, if you're not doing them already you already have a problem from your perspective.
  5. Which is a difference in opinion. It feels the same for me, but plays better. Asking me to use TF first to get an instant ET is not too much in my opinion. As you said before, there has always been an optimal rotation and all that PF has done for me is change that optimal rotation.
  6. That makes no sense. It's not a literal combo system where the damage is scaled based on it. the default non PF is the baseline, with PF giving it increases in specific areas.
  7. They aren't gimped though, do you feel gimped when BU wears off? Do you just stop attacking until its back up? PF increases those powers to limits that aren't suppose to be normal, the normal is without PF. situational buffs, as it were.
  8. Understatement of the year. Controlled vacuum =/= actual game play performance with varying enemies/situations.
  9. TF doesn't just buff ET with PF, it's a three prong choice you can go down. As to your earlier comment, Its not all EM players, it's a small vocal minority of people who both like and dislike it speaking up.
  10. I think most posts have been on topic of the changes and if people do or do not like them, though getting a little heated might need to dial it back. Fair enough on the first part. Flavor opinion i respect it. That ET is so long ago it might as well be a different game. The game has evolved tremendously since then and reverting ET to always be instant brings a whole host of balancing issues that will now make it not pre-nerf ET again recreating this entire issue but with different words. The cone was a good thing and it will be different but for the better? I'm confused. I get you don't like current EM but it seems like at the end of the day, your largest complaint is combo-based and again, fair enough.
  11. How? How is just not using EF while still enjoying the other buffs any different from your current EM experience in which you may or may not have ET and TF currently, is what im asking. I understand you think other buffs might have been better, i'm not contesting your opinion on that. I'm asking you, your current EM's right now how would it be any different if you just ignored the mechanic to what is there currently + the additional buffs.
  12. Nope. I've repeatedly told people their criticism of an added mechanic is a valid complaint. My issue is when people (like you again) use imaginary people to fluff their argument. Your strawmans don't interest me about drastic changes nobody made. As is, EF is an optional mechanic when compared to live HC EM. If you ignore it, it plays -exactly- the same but with added buffs and faster recharges and on occasion you may get an instant ET instead of a normal duration one. Stun was a terrible power, i won't argue it with you.
  13. Question, on your current EM users do you not have ET or TF? Ignoring EF Total Focus Cast time reduced from 3.3 seconds to 2.53 seconds ET Energy Transfer self damage is now 10% of base max HP for all ATs, and no longer costs any endurance Damage is now 100% energy (Stalker / Scrapper only) When this power crits it will now not only avoid the self-damage, but actually heals the caster for 10% of base Max HP. Recharge lowered from 20s to 10s This is the only difference other than it being instant if used with EF. Are you gonna sit here and with a straight face tell me EF completely changes those abilities to be unusable compared to EM pre-change?
  14. @ThunderCAP You not liking mechanics is a flavor thing. Roleplay wise? It's exactly the same. Those sets being bad was not the statement you made. You said, and i qoute "There are no more none mechanic sets left in the game" which is just absolutely false. If you had made that claim, I might have agreed with you that older sets like Stone Melee, Martial arts (Havent tested cone eagles claw), Claws, and Dark Melee could use some love however and (spoilers) EM was bottom tier before the changes. So this would have invalidated your entire argument as clearly you don't see bad sets as being a viable option.
  15. I don't miss that point, I disagree with it. I'm an "old school EM player" and while i know many, I'm not gonna pretend i speak for them like you're doing. You absolutely can play how you want, it'll just not be optimal like you said. You're not giving up anything, you're using it elsewhere while maintain pre-issue 27 ET. The delusion that ET was gonna be 100% instant without EF is a baseless assumption and has no place in conversation about the changes because quite literally if you use EF on your AOE increase, EM is now exactly the same as it is now. That's my biggest problem with arguements like yours is you're using imaginary changes to defend why it's bad. You're right, EM doesn't feel the same with EF. It feels better, because i now have the option to have old ET without it being nerfed into the floor because it's proc based instead of a whole change which would require major adjustment to damage to prevent over-preforming. Having your cake and eating it too.
  16. On my tank, between WH/PC/Judgement my AOE capabilities are pretty strong. Easily clear a mob and be on my way. I could see skipping it on tankers though, WH/Judgement is probably fine enough for the purposes of tanking. It's just a stat stick / quick damage output for me. This was more or less a joke about only using ET with EF 😛
  17. Man, idk how the exaggeration of EF being complex is spreading but it's a no go. I'm a person who wants the set to be good again and what i wanted as an overall improvement not just revert ET because that doesn't solve the problems the set had and implying otherwise shows a basic lack of understanding for what the problems even were with Energy Melee. I don't like when people use imaginary "we" or "a lot of people" to strengthen their argument, people can and will speak for themselves. Things Energy Melee needed to be viable in Modern City of Heroes, not a city of heroes that does not exist anymore like the days of Pre-nerf EM. - More Multi-target damage, without being too high to retain set identity of ST focus - Faster Animations - A general damage buff to some weaker early tier powers I think the devs achieved all of this quite well while also giving people the chance to have old ET for insane amounts of ST output, People are gonna complain ET isn't instant 100% of the time, but so far, every time I've used ET it's been instant 100% of the time 😉 It's ok not to like mechanics though, thats a personal flavor choice and nobody can tell you that you can't not like it.
  18. Yeah, imagine having to remember TF = Energy Focus, very hard. Intentionally ignored EF and the set is still better in every way. I can't think of many times in which if i was using TF (On a boss) I wouldn't instantly use ET as a follow which was now instant. The only key different is i know i can buff power crash by using TF real quick to spike down some minions.
  19. This is likely why they didn't. Increasing EF could tip it into over preforming, though on scrappers if you crit with TF you get double EF and it is pretty great.
  20. Some day later thoughts- Extensive +4/x8 testing on multiple AT's, the sets overall performance is crazy. Easily 3x as fast as old EM in mob clearing, the AOE gap has been filled without going too far. I think my favorite pairing right now is probably EM/Ninja scrapper. I think live is dead to me. Stalkers took some getting use to, but once i got into the swing of it I think you can pull off some pretty good stuff. Tanker is my least tested but only because it's so brain dead easy to play that it's pretty hard to mess up, that said the handful of missions i ran i did so with at least 100% more enjoyment than previous EM.
  21. I've asked you before and i do so again, please leave me alone. You disagree with me that's fine we have nothing left to talk about.
  22. I'm unsure whats happening with you, My EM is doing excellent in all areas, tanking/damage wise. The mechanic is 1st grade math level easy and has improved the flow, strengths, and general gameplay of EM in every possible way. Short of people just wanting old ET back in its entirety, this change actually addresses multiple issues EM had has a set. Something many sets will still need, however not every set will need a mechanic or should get a mechanic. It works for EM extremely well however. Super Strength Battle axe Broadsword Katana War Mace Electric Melee Fire Melee Ice Melee Spines Stone Melee Martial Arts Dark Melee(?) Claws We'll stick to just tanker sets to make it easy. Meanwhile, "mechanic" sets. Staff Dual Blades Radiation Energy melee Kinetic Street Justice Psi melee (kind of) Savage melee. Edit- forgot dual blades, but so does everyone so its ok 😉
  23. Tested, loved, and grateful to the devs. 😄
  24. I agree, being able to use a quick version of the old-new animation would be cool.
  25. The high five is it's original animation, you can avoid that animation by not using Energy focus, it'll use the old-new animation if you desire though it'll also take longer to go off
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