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Super Atom

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Everything posted by Super Atom

  1. Which again brings us to the problem of randomly naming things and it getting weird. "Man, I can't wait to make a boom boom pow melee". If you like the more generic names that you feel suit it better then cool but naming it something flashy for the sake of it being flashy is equally as dumb as naming it Electrical Buffs.
  2. Street Justice is probably the outlier here. I mean, how exciting is Katana? Exciting names are not exclusively why people play anything, Look at any blast set or most control sets. Never said they can't be, but they also don't have to be based on most sets in the game. The concept of this power set is no more exciting than Electric Control or Electric Melee and both of those are have super generic names. I think Affinity is more exciting than being overly literally like the other electric sets because it could just be named Electric Buffs. It's also not a healing set it just has a heal and not a very good one, if it were I'd personally be pulling for Conductive Care. The issue with 99% of the names suggested *see surge protector* is they are ability names or character names, not power set names. The only real power set names have been things like Electrical Conduction or Electric Support and spoilers those are as generic as affinity. I'm also dead convinced they named it street justice because savage melee and super strength were taken and they couldn't legally call it batman melee. Alsoalso a name means nothing for your character concept. I've seen plenty of people make characters out of power sets through the customization that have nothing to do with the name. Off the top of my head, I've seen a lot of neat Egyptian themed characters who use dark armor and make it look like sand instead. The name has absolutely nothing to do with what you use it for, if it did all the alternative models for the melee weapons would be pointless.
  3. Why does everyone think power set names need to be exciting? I mean, i guess they could be but at that rate we have a tremendous amount of things to rename. I'd like to throw out some suggestions for Archery Turbo Speed Pointy Stick. Big ouch rainy hurt Green Arrow's fast paced lightning speed flying poker.
  4. @Troo All i was saying is i think it's unfair to bash one power set as samey or bland when like 95% of them are lol If people can think of a new exciting name that doesn't sound like a power instead of a power set then cool
  5. I think the argument of "bland" or "Samey" kind of falls flat when you look at most primary/secondaries in the game I think literally every controller primary ends with the word control and begins with a literal description of the powers theme.
  6. If the smile is included in the name, it has my vote Let me just get on my Shock and Awwwwwww 🙂 defender right quick
  7. I agree. Some people have suggested interesting things that could even possibly be something later if not this set. Like conductive care. good name.
  8. Asking someone to read the GM's post who @'d you three times is hardly accusing someone of illiteracy.
  9. I never said i didn't, I sure as hell belittled and attacked people who went on insane rants about how people aren't allowed to feel emotion about an extremely touchy subject and who were actively being bullied by people over a stupid name for a power set. Get over yourself, i stopped when the GM asked but some people can't let go and insist on continuing to be disgusting. We're talking about a power set on a private server nobody has any emotional attachment to and has barely had any chance to play and look how people are acting about what its stupid name is.
  10. Jesus the crying and false narratives about the name change are getting absurd. I wish people knew how to read when a GM politely asks people not to attack others or carry on the pointless roundabout drama but nope, if they could read we wouldn't be in the cycle of people ignoring the page after page of people who just didn't like the name because it didn't fit in well with power sets and sounded like a power but nope it was all purely just bullying and fake outrage because people disagreed with you.
  11. @Leogunner Perhaps you should try reading. As for the name; Most of this just doesn't sound like a power set. Flashy names are fun but they don't work. Power sets are intentionally designed to be brief generic descriptions of what a power set is or relates to. Conductive Care IMO would imply more healing. It's a support set, like Electric interface would have been good if not for the interface incarnate stuff. side note, can we get an elec based healing set named Conductive care? or at least rename the heal to it.
  12. Right because "BLOOD BOILING" isn't an overreaction. You and that other person are gigantic eyerolls.
  13. Your exact comments were They were not bullied into anything. They saw the multiple reasons of why people didn't like the name, agreed that 1) Didn't really fit in well with the naming convention 2) Maybe it's best to avoid this topic due to political/personal nature of it 3) Affinity still sounded cool enough to not just be "Electric buffs". If you're unwilling to accept that there was more reason other than "muh offends" then that's your problem.
  14. Claiming ECT at people is just a way to group and belittle because you disagree with their views. Similar to how "Ok boomer" is dismissing someone without providing much effort to argue. Most people in the other thread were very civil and calm about their concerns. Just because one person over reacted be it due to personal experiences causing a trigger or just being an emotional person doesn't give people the right to just try and cancel *see what i did there* their right to have an opinion. I personally was in the camp of the name just not being a good fit because of other sets and not so much the offensive part but it's completely absurd to call ECT or "snowflakes" or even "bullies" for having an opinion on why the old name or new name doesn't fit for them. Also 100x what MonkiLord said. HC has been nothing but professional in handling this.
  15. Well, not understanding why you got called a boomer makes me even more suspicious of you being a boomer tbh. Also yeah i saw that, it's why i removed the other part. I thought you meant the media shit from live servers haha had me going wtf
  16. Nobody is censoring you, what an over reaction. I wasn't even referring to anything you said either so...awkward much? Censoring would be telling people who think the term was better left unused that they're "shouting down" the devs and telling them how wrong they are for finding it offensive. I still find it completely ridiculous the level of people belittling others for expressing an opinion on an actually controversial subject being unfit to be a power set. This is insane. I'm not even in that camp and i find it ridiculous that people would actually bully others by insulting and trying to shame them for it, go outside this is a game. Also @Doomrider this set being DOA due to -end being shit is exactly why i haven't bothered to comment on it much outside of saying -end sucks haha
  17. This is incorrect. Most people didn't like it because it didn't fit naming convention and sounded like a power not a set. Your narrative of it being offensive was 3 or 4 people. Your suggestion is just change for change sake imo and accomplishes nothing. Not everything has to be unique and this sounds like an incarnate ability not a set.
  18. Imagine putting others down because you think others shouldn't think something is in poor taste. Honestly this thread was a mistake, it's showing how ugly people can be just because they want a flashy name.
  19. I've never cared about if it was offensive or not. You just said literally and well... My second comment is more about how they're a crazy villain and...well not much else.
  20. Ah yes, support sets. The thrilling adventures of "Trick Arrow" and "Traps". Lets not forget "Kinetics" or "Force Field" Not generic at all. With names like those maybe this set should just be called "Electric buffs" Also "Chaining" in a game term sense, plus chain lightning is a real thing. Not literal metal chains. also, you haven't played the set if you don't think it literally shows you and another person connected via an electrical chain.
  21. The entire forums is a vocal minority. It's the same 50 people arguing in a circle.
  22. Do you mean Shock Treatment? "Literally". That character is a complete lunatic and a villain.
  23. Ok then we'll do other examples. Every blast set. Every armor set except Bio. Every control set. Generic names used more as a description than a name. With Electrical Affinity you're literally chaining yourself to your allies and most of your abilities rely on another person to even be activated. That sparks Kinship to me.
  24. The generic argument falls flat. Most sets have generic names, which is the point. 'super strength' Do you know how generic putting super in front of something is in the hero world? imagine someone putting super in front of their name? how boring
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