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Jiro Ito

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Everything posted by Jiro Ito

  1. First roll: 37-13-11 Defender, Electrical Affinity, Assault Rifle (lolz) Second roll: 93-42-31 Tank, Ice Armor, Energy Melee **Winner!** Third roll: 100-9-13 Tank, Bio Armor, Claws
  2. I'm really looking to torture my players and I can't seem to find a room that will allow me to spawn 8-16 unique bosses within the same room. Does this exist, and if so can you point me to it? Or is this merely wishful thinking on my part?
  3. Nice! Hopefully you find it enjoyable. I listed it at 40+ as it has custom characters that may be difficult at lower levels, although it does have NPC allies for solo artists.
  4. Have you ever wondered what's going on in the rest of the CoUniverse? Are there heroes and villains in other parts of the world? Other parts of the country? Come explore what that might look like with Playa Oeste: Going to California, Arc ID# 48501. Welcome to Playa Oeste, California, home of super powered gangs, an understaffed police force, a young and idealistic Supergroup, and a corrupt bureaucracy . They need a hero who knows what they're doing. This is hopefully written as a standalone story, but opens the door to a larger world of good guys and bad guys in California and I've got lots of ideas. Looking for feedback!
  5. I'd recommend something with a -def component to it such as radiation blast as it's going to be hard to hit anything without some accuracy boost.
  6. It must be something in the AI itself then; I also called Shivans and Snowmen and they all just followed me around until Ukon hit them with an AoE.
  7. Haha I suggested something like this for the ITF mission 3, where you could somehow take over one of those tall robots and stomp around for a bit. You can make an outdoor AE mission and add the Kronos as a Giant Monster ally, and drag mobs to it for stomping fun. Some of the new arcs have a mechanic where your toon is reskinned and given new powersets, I don't remember the name but you're Back Alley Brawler's nemesis and you beat him up - a mechanic similar to that where you're reskinned as Kronos and stomp around would be incredible.
  8. Yeah there's so many times I've thought "if only I could just..." I pulled Ukon back to the base where the other Vanguard could help me, and that made all the difference in my fight.
  9. You did it Zag! Awesome! Some notes on the mission vs Ukon Gra: Do you have allies set to Defensive? It would help if they were set to Aggressive, as they sort of wandered around next to the GM until agroed, when they could have been helping the entire time. I was able to solo him, eventually, but I nearly missed the timer because he was set to "Defeat him and his whole group." Maybe change to just defeat him, as I had to run over to his spawn point and take out the Guardian who came with him. Last mission - there were so many objectives listed, I missed one of the required and had to go back. Maybe eliminate the optional ones? Great job buddy!
  10. It puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose again!
  11. I did an ice melee with shield and used the ice shield visual effect to pair with the ice swords, which you can change to both be the same size via power selections, for another option. I also have a war mace, which is nice for damage plus paired with the knock up and down, but not back, makes for some fun control.
  12. It's too bad that, at the time, the community wasn't able to come together to help the dev team find a solution. The I13 changes killed my SG, all my friends left the game, and I left shortly after as I had no one left to play with.
  13. I saw a suggestion elsewhere in the forum that I thought was great: PvP IOs should be made free to purchase, but only functional in a PvP setting (similar to the PvP versions of Accolade powers), thus lowering the bar for entry to PvP. I ran up against a PvP build in RV while badge collecting and the imbalance was ridiculous, but the time and cost of setting up an alternate PvP build is one I'm not willing to pay to PvP casually. I think this, and more things to do in PvP zones such as new task forces, would help encourage more people to engage in it on a casual level.
  14. I dug through my old screenshots and found a pic of how we did it back on Live.
  15. I was never big into PvP but my SG on Live loved it, and when the I13 changes came around they all quit and killed the game for me. I would join them for zone events when that's what they wanted to do, and back then I was competitive enough to enjoy it. Having other things to do in the zones at the same time helped, like getting Shivans and Nukes. I was recently on a team in RV here on Homecoming, badge collecting, when another player loaded with PVP IOs jumped in by him/herself and crushed our team of 4 repeatedly. We eventually left the zone. The disparity was amazing, so after I looked at doing a second build for casual zone pvp, but PvP IOs costing the same as rare purples on the merit vendor, or spending whatever on the auction house is a pretty steep ask to be marginally (for my own abilities heh) competitive in casual zone pvp. I saw a suggestion in another thread about making the PvP IOs free, but only functioning in PvP (similar to the accolade copies) and thought that would help knock down one of the barriers to creating PvP builds and allow casual players to even the playing field in PvP and make it more enjoyable. Adding in additional content to drive more traffic would also help, perhaps a Task Force and Strike Force located in each PVP zone where all the action also takes place in the zone (and allows for PVP IO builds) would bring teams of players into the zone who may bump into opposing teams running their content. The missions could also have PVE zone objects (as an example, completing a mission in Siren's Call summons the Jade Spider giant monster), as well as adding zone buffs like the PVE mission content in PVP zones do now. People can avoid the content altogether, but for people who may enjoy some casual PVP along with team PVE content, this could help encourage it. More TFs also add more badges, reward merits, etc. It's a huge ask of course, adding 2 task forces per pvp zone makes 8 new ones, but hey, we're all just talking on the internet, right?
  16. Reading through the "What are you guys doing to revive pvp" post, and saw this one linked. We did this a couple times in my SG base on Live and was a lot of fun. UIT on Torchbearer/Homecoming hosted something like this recently in the Coliseum map via the arena, with a 3-team match; 1 team consisted of 1 player "The Ball", and the other 2 teams were 6v6 level 2 /martial blasters using only Ki Punch. It was all kinds of fun.
  17. I agree with those saying Incarnate abilities should just be tied to Incarnate content in general, but that said I wouldn't be opposed to additional Incarnate abilities IF they were also tied to Incarnate encounters, instead of "everybody gets a nuke now" stuff. For example, if a new Incarnate group type does some new exotic damage type, the "Genesis" (or whichever) Incarnate slot offers several different options for team Resist and Defense to this new damage type. Sort of like Ambrosia in the Eden Trial. Useless for steamrolling the ITF (and so on) any further, but necessary for new content, and you'll have to be strategic with your team about who takes which abilities to make sure you have all holes plugged.
  18. Make friends or roll an alt with one of the Confuse powers (Dominator would be best) and the Titan won't bother your team at all. You can even skip the Ambrosia altogether.
  19. Just want to shout-out this guide, I appreciate the work that's gone into it and have found it very helpful in putting together the last 50 or so badges I need. Thank you!
  20. Signed for this. It looks like using the Dev's Choice award just for the current winners pulls them up to the top of the list, which is great, but previous winners all get buried with the farms.
  21. I second the "more wall posters and paintings" requests in this thread, as well as add my own ask for Base Character Items; unlockable posters or decorative items to commemorate specific accomplishments/achievements made in the game. I know some signature characters have in game items already and there are some comic book covers available as posters, but would like to see this expanded as well providing some bragging rights to those who've completed some of the more difficult challenges the game has to offer. Bonus points for making it clickable so you can add text to it like "Toon Name 1 Earned 12/12/21 with Teammate 1, Teammate 2, etc" Examples provided below in the Spoilers section, picked from existing content. EDIT: added more examples. The trading card game has a ton of possibilities.
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