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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. It's rare to be sure, but there are enemies that can confuse you. IIRC, the Awakened do. Also, notably the boss of the Underground Trial does as well.
  2. I know I know, AR has some shotgun powers. But there are so many shell types out there, I think it is worthy of a separate powerset. Also, even though AR/Dev was my first character on live, I was never satisfied with the implementation of it. It was less "AR" and more "All vaguely gun-like things duct taped together into the Frankengun". It is as if we had a "melee weapon" set instead of BS/Kat/Mace/Axe and the weapon was all four of those things stuck together in an unholy amalgamation. I won't go into numbers, since I don't know the design guidelines or anything, so this will be an extremely half assed suggestion. Being a new set, with some potentially new animations needing to be done, I know this would be somewhere between pipe dream and someday. T1: Slug (Copy pasted from AR) T2: Rapid Pump (Two quick shots in a row) T3: Buckshot (Copy pasted from AR) T4: Bean Bag (Copy pasted from AR) T5: Taser Shell (Minor energy damage long range hold) T6: Aim T7: Dragons breath (Fire damage cone) T8: Bolo (High or superior damage single target with either slow or immobilize, with -fly) T9: Slamfire (Unload your tube as rapidly as you can pump, 7 shots in quick succession in a cone) I see this as being a high AoE, high utility, meh single target set. Inb4/jranger If not this, then a P2W temp power shotgun, since the Jailbreak one only lasts one day.
  3. Unofficially, it is Everlasting.
  4. Roboko: Taking Purikura Vampire Bro: Admiring self in mirror Mutsuki: Ikebana A Cat: Playing with string Seer 8101: Hunting down Sarah Conner
  5. Sorry for taking so long. What should be obvious to people that have a brain unlike me, having triple the people means triple the time, lol.
  6. Iirc they never did this because areas under overhangs had no way to be defined to exclude the rain effect.
  7. Little of everything. Character concept, looks, and at/powerset. The last thing varying based on what I'm doing a bit. I mainly enjoy playing a tank or brute on MSRs since i they have a more active role. Solo, I like scrappers/stalkers. I know blasters are considered OP now but IMO that's only true with a pretty mature build. It's just easier to level as a scrapper IMO. Teams, they're all pretty fun. As far as character concept, I do (a possibly cringey) thing where I have in my head my character's personality, and play out the missions or whatever with that in mind. Like solo RP I guess, lol. It's not always easy to form a concrete personality though. I definitely enjoy playing the characters that I manage this with though. Being just in my head, I don't have to inflict any possibly half baked ideas on other people, which I am always trying to avoid.
  8. It would negatively affect my productivity at work.
  9. Don't they have a chance of giving you an inspiration? Also, if your character has kb, that's its own reward.
  10. Don't you mean "non-legally actionable flying rodent signal"?
  11. Yeah, I've only been there once just to see what it was like. The answer was "basically nothing" so I never went back. Even Pandora's Box sends you to an instanced version iirc of Fort Trident.
  12. When did that happen? I've definitely been there in i27 p2 before.
  13. Other than ATO's or FF + recharge, I only ever use damage procs in attacks. The big orange numbers really activates my monkey brain. If I can help it, I like to have my most damaging attack loaded with procs and damage enhancements. It's very satisfying to just chunk off huge amounts of hp. I do use the -res procs in my farm build though. I was just copying someone else's build and have no idea if it would be worth it or not. I typically afk farm so clear speed is not very important to me since I usually don't check/reset often enough for continuous farming.
  14. Other than Hami, the only other solution is to play as a 5th Column/Council infiltrator of Praetoria so you can be both a criminal and a fascist.
  15. There does seem to be a pretty tall average height. Little did we know our city was founded by Scandinavian settlers back in the day.
  16. O_O It just seems so unnecessary. Do they think they're Freakshow? They totally could have fit a whole non chopped in half human in there.
  17. I don't think they cut you in half. They do give you extra eyes for some reason though. You're also stuck in an extremely unergonomic position just to satisfy someone's obsessive devotion to the spider aesthetic.
  18. Well, my line art isn't that good. I'd say it is vastly improved now, lol. Pretty amazing stuff.
  19. I still consider it on high damage AT's as long as I don't have to sacrifice any or much actual damage enhancement. You'll hit ED on damage easy pretty much, so the only thing you save by not making the 6th slot a damage proc is something that matters less if you are all IO'd out (little extra accuracy, end reduction, or recharge). This is especially true with purples, which WAY overenhances damage generally. You are better served by skipping the plain damage IO in those sets, eliminating the 6th slot, or putting in some sort of proc, whether damage or otherwise, and just boosting to +5 the Dam/End or something to get to ED (even without boosting, you are still enhancing it to like, 89% or something). TL;DR, it's just a way to break past the ED damage limit. Or have some other utility like -res or FF+recharge etc. Obviously this pays off way less on high recharge attacks, so usually I 5 slot those (or just use the ATO there, since the set bonuses are good, but they don't necessarily have a proc).
  20. Huh, does it auto resize or something? It seems to be half the size it should have been. Anyone know? Well, here's one a slight bit bigger. Still not as big as it's supposed to be. https://www.deviantart.com/acat1234/art/Tahlia4-899051833
  21. Xbox huge file size alert, lol. I'm going to have to roll back on my ambition I think for future pics.
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