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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. Is this going to be kind of like how Hami works? One thing among many I like about Hami (just finished another one, lol) is how the green mitos work. Yeah, you can DPS them to death, but you need a decent amount or it will take awhile. Or you can hold them and they get deleted in 3 seconds once they have been held.
  2. Can you not sell to yourself? I had some lvl 31 lotgs at 6.5 mill, and was trying to buy attuned versions at 6.5 mill, but the order did not fill, and my lvl 31 lotgs remained for sale for awhile.
  3. I'd say yes, but with the caveat that the ceiling height and hallway width remain larger than real life, since we are generally in 3rd person unlike in real life. Some of these offices are crazy.
  4. Faultline arcs and Laura Lockhart's arc. Dunno if I really need to elaborate on Faultline, but one aspect outside of the arc itself is that you get to see these characters "all grown up" as it were. It feels like they're real comrades of yours with parallel careers. Man, Laura's arc had me going through an emotional rollercoaster. Just did it for the first time yesterday. I hated the 5th Column and Leon so much when I got to Laura I killed all of them after that (was ghosting then before). Once I got to Leon, I chose to convince him to help me (I really wanted to kill him at this point) and the "on my mark, one, two, three..." Bit of dialogue just made me think "fuck yeah motherfucker" as we killed everyone in that room together. I still hated that dude but that moment is bad ass. I also like the general atmosphere of Croatoa. Some of the missions kind of sucked to do though. And yeah, I also agree the Nance/Aldair arcs are awesome! RIP my other self. I really wanted to save you.
  5. Whoa bro, it clearly says T for "teen".
  6. I just did last night. That was my first SBB. It was so fun I can't believe I hadn't done it up till now.
  7. Pretty awesome so far. I feel pretty safe in general. I put in the +recharge and depending on how many people I am hitting, I get a nice boost in recharge fairly reliably. I can definitely chain whirling mace and crowd control over and over again with minimal delay.
  8. Then I can finally make my Jackie Chan tribute character.
  9. Damn, my experience with Everlasting's general/help has been pretty positive. I think the worst argument I witnessed was an admittedly ugly free for all over what style of pizza was the best.
  10. Welp, there went all my money. First build I bought winters for, lol. Got a quick question though. Why Sudden Accelerations for Shatter and Crowd control? These are already KD. Is there something I don't know about here? (likely)
  11. Look out guys, I think some freakshow made it into this thread.
  12. Just show up and wing it. You know what they say, you don't RP 100% of the times you don't try.
  13. Have you verified his skills? Sounds like something that is easy to claim, but when he's in the hot seat and shit is going down, you want to make sure he can push things out.
  14. Shit! I meant Saturday! This is why I never try and organize anything!
  15. Running around with sprint and athletic run only. Hardcore parkour!
  16. I'm going to don my imperial robes and ensconce myself on the dragon throne and make an executive decision. Let's meet at Kallisti under Statesman at 2 EST (11 PST for people in my timezone) Saturday on Everlasting unless any Confucian advisors can convince me otherwise (this hopefully doesn't overlap raids?). Be there, or I will be sadly alone weeping bitter tears at my loneliness. And also you will be square. Edited since I am dumb and forgot the day
  17. I want to steal your idea and make Crab Man. Basically the similar but I only move around with A and D.
  18. I switched from ice to mu since I found I hardly bothered to use snowstorm, and I got to ranged softcap anyway from 1 billion artilleries and thunderstrikes. Electric fences is legit good as an attack. Slotting the armor gives me some defense anyway from bonuses.
  19. Munitions pool depending on your AT.
  20. Yeah, that's a good trick to know. Though I always play at x8 anyway. The added xp from the mission complete will help pay down all the debt.
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